Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1391. School Festival Day 2 / Trust Problem

Chapter 1391. School Festival Day 2 / Trust Problem

Chapter 1391. School Festival Day 2 / Trust Problem

For now, we took two pastries each and ate them.

I see, Maki-sans great at piano

Margo-san pulls information about the Matsumoto sisters from Marika.

Yes, Matsumoto-sans the best in our cla.s.s

Marika replies with a shamed tone.

No, Takahata-sans good at it too

Matsumoto Maki-san says bashfully.

Shes also the same docile type, just like Marika.

They have the same personality, that must be why theyre getting along.

I cant catch up to Matsumoto-san when it comes to piano. Matsumoto-sans much better than me, that


To be honest, I dont know much about piano performances.

However, when Minaho-neesan heard Marikas play for the first time

Minaho-neesan mentioned that if Marika wanted to become a professional, then she will support her.

Minaho-neesan sees Marika as a little sister born from the Black Forest brothel, thats why she treats her with care.

But, Minaho-neesans a strict person.

She always gives us a trial, and she doesnt a.s.sist us until we overcome it.

With that said.

Minaho-neesan sensed that Marikas talent in piano is certain after hearing her performance.

If not, Minaho-neesan wont say Ill support you if you want to become a professional.


Marika cut off that talk with Minaho-neesan.

Saying that she doesnt have the skills of a professional.

Marika said that she wants to become a music teacher, which we dont mind, but

I feel like Marikas stuck on something back then.

And Miki-san plays violin, right?

Margo-san talks to the little sister, Matsumoto Miki-san this time.


Miki-san, wearing her sailor uniform holds her violin case with such care.

If I recall, violins are expensive, and thats from a good brand, isnt it?

Margo-san said, Miki-san;

No, its not really that expensive. Ah, but of course, violins are inherently expensive, but this isnt the most expensive, not the cheapest either, err, but, for ordinary people, this would be something expensive

She speaks clearly, but I can tell that shes nervous.

Sorry, the price doesnt really matter, still, that violins precious to Miki-san, right?

Margo-san smiled and speak to the bob-cut hair middle school girl.

Y-Yes, its my treasure. Father, bought this violin for me

Matsumoto Miki-san pats her violin case.

Can you play us a sample?

Mariko joins the conversation.

Ah, o-okay. I can

Miki-san blushed and replied with a small voice.

And you, you dont want to sing, right?

Marika asks Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi whos wearing a black leather jacket over her music school uniform.

I told you earlier, I wont sing

Igaras.h.i.+-san, with her oddly heavy makeup and red lipstick, glares at Mariko.

Im going to ask just in case, but that means that youre in vocal music?

Isnt that obvious? Our school doesnt have a rock vocalist training course or anything like that

Mariko asks. Igaras.h.i.+-san answers standoffishly.


Vocal music?

I dont get it, but Ill just continue listening.

Oh? I see, I get the gist of it now

Mariko smiled.


But I dont get it.

I mean, should I ask what that is while I still have time?

Vocal music in terms of the music world mainly pertains to cla.s.sical music, music of the human voice. You surely have heard of Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone, Kou-sama?

Tsukiko read my thoughts and taught me.

Oh, I see, Marikas singing in the music department means that shes singing cla.s.sical music. Its that kind of school after all.


Why is someone majoring in cla.s.sical music dressed like a gnarly rock singer who just got it wrong from the entrance?

So, are you good at the vocal music department?

Mariko asks Igaras.h.i.+-san, but

Matsumoto, the elder, replied for her.

Yes, Igaras.h.i.+-sans always in the top three of the school year in her vocal music department

Shes good at singing.

Top three, but I dont always get the top. Its usually top 2 or 3

Igaras.h.i.+-san gets standoffish again.

Hmmm, does it mean that the ranking in the cla.s.ses is put up?

Margo-san asks.

Yes, the top five are placed on the wall of the school every month. Uhm, its because the students with good grades can be recommended for admission to music colleges

I see. It must be hard inside music schools.

And so, Jasmine-chan and Matsumoto-san, the elder, are always in the top five in the piano cla.s.s?

Uhm, yes. Matsumoto-sans been the top one since enrollment. Im always in the top five at least

Thats not true, Takahata-sans growing further recently. You just climbed to third during this months recital, right?

Margo-san asks, and Marika and Matsumoto Maki-san replied.

Marikas mother had been sick, confined in a hospital, and had a hard time mentally until the other day.

Now, her mothers getting better, and she met her little sister separated from birth.

She started coming to the mansion every week and cheered up considerably.

That also shows up in her piano performance that her teachers are praising her for it.

Takahata-san will surely become better than me

I cant play like Matsumoto-san

Thats not true. I like how Takahata-san plays piano

I like Matsumoto-sans piano more

These cla.s.smates tell each other.

Then, Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi-san is staring at the two girls from the same school but different cla.s.ses, with a displeased look.

Hmm, I see, I get it now.

Mariko laughs and drinks her lemon tea.

As usual, I dont get it.

Well, youre all in high school so you could eat a couple more pastries in a single sitting. Eat it, then were moving to the next place

Margo-san smiled and stuffed the bread into her cheeks.

Yos.h.i.+n.o.bu-kuns pastry has gotten better once more


I thanked her.

Girls, dont pocket it and eat it, you should eat at times like this so youre ready to move at any moment, right?

Mariko looks at Kurose Anju-san whos watching us with a confused look.

Ah, yes, youre right

Kurose Anju puts the bread in her mouth in a hurry.

Geez, youre devouring them now. Eat with elegance. Youre embarra.s.sing us



Mariko had Haiji as her bodyguard before, but

Haijis still thirteen yet shes strangely mature, so she lets Marikos light talk slide and doesnt engage in the conversation.

Meanwhile, Kurose Anjus got a good personality, but shes timid and shes easy to get dragged by the mood, I think shes suited to Mariko who moves at her own pace.

Kou-sama, you should eat yours too

Tsukiko whispers to me.

Yeah, If I dont eat it, itll be hard for our guests to do the same.

Miki-san, try them, I always eat them and theyre delicious

Erica who had been quiet all this time urges the younger of the Matsumoto siblings to eat bread.

Okay, Ill take it

Miki-san, the violin girl finally ate the bread

How is it?

Its delicious

The middle school girls smiled at each other.


Students are still watching around us in the school cafeteria.

Their faces say Who are these people?

Margo-sans the focus since shes a graduate that they fear, so theyre leaving us alone, but

Dont mind them, its nothing much

Tsukiko whispered to me.

Its nothing much, wait, Tsukiko?

Did you use your Miko power to everyone around?

No, Im not using my power

Tsukiko smiled.

Theyre all accustomed to seeing Kou-sama surrounded by strange people


Everyone thinks that Look, the Baker is involved with something strange again

I-Is that so?

Tsukiko smiles.

They all seem to have realized that Kou-samas the center of most things

Oh, Im not the perpetrator of the incidents, but

They see that Im always involved with someone thats involved with an event?

Kou-sama too


Kou-sama, you need to be aware of it, youre always the center. Well do anything that Kou-sama wishes, and well follow you always. Please dont forget that


Ive been a little pa.s.sive since Margo-san came over.

Normally, Im the one talking to Marika and Matsumoto-san and the girls.

No, thats not it. As of now, you can leave it to Margo-oneesama. What I would like to say is that I wish for Kou-sama to be aware that you can entrust things too. Youll feel more leeway if you do

Tsukiko whispers to me.


Margo-sans leading the conversation asking along with the flow.

Thinking that Margo-sans just doing her role, and I start asking around myself, then the end result is different.

I have to become self-aware.

That Im the center of the family.

I have to stand strong and take the situation as it comes.

Thanks, Tsukiko

I thanked her and reconsidered.

Marika, whos usually so quiet, brings three girls from her school, what is the reason for that?

No, Marika did say that they want to meet me.

The reason why the three want to meet me

Marika, what does she want with the three?

I look at Marika again.

Yes, I went to the Bayreuth festival last year and it was the first time I was taken there, my grandfather is a music lover.

Mariko pitched music to Marika and the Matsumoto sisters.

The Matsumoto sisters who were talking to Erica focused on Mariko.

Is that true? Good job on getting the ticket

Oh, Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi-sans also hooked.

I hear that getting tickets for the Bayreuth Festival is getting harder every year. Even if you apply for a ticket, it takes years before you could get one

Oh? My family gets an invitation every year

Mariko smiles.

Huh? Why? Is your family famous for music?

Igaras.h.i.+-sans surprised.

No, didnt I name myself earlier? Im Torii Mariko


My familys the owner of Torii electronics. My grandfather was the founder, and my fathers the current chairman, and I mentioned earlier that my grandfather was a music lover, right?

Oh, if I recall, Torii-sans grandfather was the first to build and market record players and speakers

Margo-san joined the conversation.

Thats right. Today, Torii electronics makes all kinds of electrical products, but it started out as a company making music equipment. Thats why we continue to make audio and recording equipment, and Torii electronics audio equipment has a good reputation in Europe. Many of the famous large theaters have been using the equipment we made for about thirty years now

Torii electronics is one of the worldwide electronic enterprises after all.

We dont ask them to use it but Torii electronics donates also equipment to music theaters and schools around the world. We dont just donate money, which as usual, but we also give away various electronics from our company. We donated a state-of-the-art washer and dryer to the opera theatre in New York just recently. Weve been doing that for so long that Grandfather receives invitations from music festivals all over the world every year

Then, Mariko brings out her ace.

Oh, we also offer scholars.h.i.+ps for young musicians as part of the Torii electronics cultural contribution program. Like, your expenses when studying abroad


Miki-san, the younger of the Matsumoto siblings has her eyes sparkling.

Uhm, how do you apply for that?

Miki, stop it. Youre being rude

The elder, Maki-san tries to stop her sister.

Oh, the Torii electronics scholars.h.i.+p is for students at the music college. They dont accept middle and high school students

I-Is that so?

Mariko said, then the little sister gets gloomy.

But if I ask Grandfather, we can manage


Then, her expression changed again.

I get it now.

The Matsumoto siblings seem to have money troubles.

And so, these sisters probably are in a situation where they dont know if they can continue their music in the future.

Thats why Marikas trying to meet these girls to me.

Thinking that I would ask Minaho-neesan, to give these girls some school expenses.

But, you girls came here because you want Kou to hear you play, right? Well, I want to hear it too, so maybe it all comes down to the same thing

Mariko told the siblings with a smile.

Hmm, well, scholars.h.i.+ps are none of my business

On the other hand, Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi-san shows another displeased face and turned around.

I wonder whats her reason for coming here?

If shes not hooked on the word scholars.h.i.+p then she probably doesnt have financial problems.

But, well, isnt it great that you followed Takahata-san? Matsumoto-san. I was sure that Takahata-san was lying to Matsumoto-san so I followed out of concern

Igaras.h.i.+-san thinks that Marikas trying to deceive the Matsumoto siblings?

I mean, isnt that the case? How can a high school student save another student from a financial problem? Especially Takahata-san, you dont look like you have wealthy acquaintances

Stop, Igaras.h.i.+-san, youre being rude to Takahata-san

Matsumoto, the elder, scolds Igaras.h.i.+-san.

But, Igaras.h.i.+-san.

Oh, still, you dont know, this girl might not even be the actual daughter of the president of the Torii electronics. Matsumoto-san, you might be in the middle of a huge scam right now

She speaks loudly.

Show me proof that youre not lying

What proof?

Marikos also annoyed, she glares at Igaras.h.i.+-san head-on.

What I mean is that if youre the daughter of the president of Torii electronics, then you should show us proof! Right now!

Right now?! Youre

You have something, dont you? Like, if I go online and search for the daughter of the president of Torii electronics or something, your face will show up?

No way!! Im not stupid enough to expose my personal information!

Theres a risk of kidnapping, so Mariko and the girls at the school for the young ladies dont post any photos over the net.

Then, youre just lying! Its obvious that you are!

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi continued.

Geez, wait a second, I have my grandfather and fathers image on the site. And I have a photo of my family on the phone so you can compare it

Mariko takes out her phone,


You can easily photoshop those! Thats no proof!

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis not convinced.

Geez, whats wrong with you!!

Mariko snaps, but

Thats enough, Mariko

I stopped Mariko.

But, Kou?

No need, you dont need to prove anything Mariko

I said, then I looked at Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi.

Does that mean that you admit that its a lie

She glares.

Thats not the case. Rather, its got nothing to do with you

I said clearly.

Then, to the Matsumoto siblings.

Mariko just told you girls that shes the daughter of the president of Torii electronics and she might be able to ask her grandfather to grant you a scholars.h.i.+p

Matsumoto Maki-san and Miki-san looked into my face.

Whether you believe that or not depends on you. Mariko wants to see how you would react to her actions. After all, were also still in the process of trying to determine if we can trust you

Anyone who one-sidedly asks for proof is an idiot.

I want to give you the benefit of the doubt since Marika brought you here. But, I also have my duty to protect my family. We cant open our hands on someone until we can see that youre someone we can trust. Were also considering the possibility that youre just deceiving Marika after all

I speak honestly.

I wont tell you to trust us. I wont even try to gain your trust. Why would I? At this point, we dont know what you need from us, and youre the ones who came here looking for something, arent you?

It might be the scholars.h.i.+p for real, the power of the Black Forest, the authority of the Kouzuki house, or even the Miko power of the Takakura shrine maidens.

Its the Matsumoto siblings who want something from us.

If so, its you who need to be desperate, desperate to show us that youre trustworthy. Then we can talk

People who are in trouble should ask for help with desperation.

Those who dont have problems, wont do anything.

But of course, if you dont find us as trustworthy, then you can go just leave now. Were not stopping you. We dont regret that we didnt gain your trust

If theyre not worth helping, then forget about them.

If not, I cant keep myself safe.

But, that doesnt remain that youll get what you want because you remained. Once we figure out that we cant trust you, then well end the talk and ask you to leave. Remember that were in a better position than you

I said, then the school cafeteria turned quiet.

You can decide by yourselves later, its your life after all

I said.

Were very sorry. Weno, Ill tell you the truth. Im still not sure if I can trust you all or not. I trust Takahata-san sincerely, but Im concerned that youre just deceiving Takahata-san

The elder, Matsumoto Maki-san replied calmly.

But, for now, Id say that I want to bet my trust. Or should I say that this is the last chance we sisters have, so I want to believe. Thats why we cant just choose to cut this off and leave

Yeah, shes timid, but the heart is there.

Well probably find if we can trust you in just a bit more time, but, more than that, we want to show our best that were trustworthy

And the little sister is okay with that too?

I looked at Matsumoto Miki-san.

Yes, Im with Onee-chan

Okay, good

I sighed and sipped my drink.

H-Hey, whats going on?

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi seems confused, but

Youre not part of this

I said clearly.

n.o.body trusts you

W-What part of me isnt trustworthy?!

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi complains with her head shaking in denial.

That hair! That poor makeup! That sense of fas.h.i.+on where you put on a leather jacket over your uniform! Whats there to trust?

As soon as I shouted.

The cafeteria burst into laughter.


You said it! Baker!

Everyones thinking the same, shes got such a bad sense

Yeah, whats with that weird look

Shes wearing a leather jacket, yet her socks are white and three folds, whats the point?

Err, it seems like everyone felt that Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi was out of place.