Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1390. School Festival Day 2 / Marika's friend.

Chapter 1390. School Festival Day 2 / Marika's friend.

Chapter 1390. School Festival Day 2 / Marikas friend.

Ill accompany you

After everyone finished their lunch, Tsukiko comes to me.

I agree, we should have Tsukiko-san come with us, Kou

Mariko looked at me.

Were just meeting Marika in school, do we really need the Miko power?

Let her accompany you, Tsukiko-sans been holed up in the break room this whole morning, right?

Katsuko-nees right.

Im sorry, I cant help out with baking

I know that Tsukikos lying about that.

The Takakura shrine maidens can read memories from other people.

In fact, shes been reading and practicing Katsuko-nees s.e.x techniques more and more so it should be easy for her to read Katsuko-nees baking techniques as well.

I guess Tsukiko doesnt do that because she doesnt want to interfere with her sisters, or with other family members when baking.

Luna, Koyomi-chan, Agnes, then Yomi, and Ruriko are girls of the same age learning how to bake bread.

If the eldest of the shrine maidens enters the group, then the younger sisters would be conscious.

Thats not it, my little sisters will be in Kou-samas care, but I will have to return to the shrine in Kyoto

Tsukiko replied after reading my thoughts.

The Takakura shrine in Kyotos a historic one so someone has to take over.

The Takakura shrine had been in Kyoto since before the shrine maidens with their mysterious power gathered there.

Tsukiko and the girls inherited the lineage.

Right now, they still cant return to Kyoto since the war with the Kansai Yakuza isnt over yet, but one of the sisters will officially become the shrine maiden to keep the shrine.

Oh? I dont mind opening a branch of my bakery in front of your shrine in Kyoto

Katsuko-nee smiled gently at Tsukiko

Yes. Right now, were in the process of constructing a building for the Kansai branch of Kouzuki SS in front of the Takakura shrine

Jii-chan decided that the Takakura shrine and its shrine maidens will be under Kouzuki houses control, and the Yakuza can never toy with them anymore.

To show that intent, the Kansai branch of Kouzuki SS will stand guard at the Takakura shrine.

The first floor of the Kansai branch building could be used as a bakery, and Tsukiko could be the owner.

Anyway, we dont have to consider that yet. Tsukikos still a student here until spring next year, so you should have fun with your school life

Tsukiko still has a few months before she graduates from high school.

Yes, thank you, Kou-sama

Tsukiko bows to me.

Tsukiko sure is serious, also beautiful. You couldve helped out in the cafe together with Misato-san and the girls. Tsukiko-sans also from the Nades.h.i.+ko department, right?

Kana-senpai doesnt know that Misato and the girls are prost.i.tute cadets.

Those girls are in the same department, but were on a different course

Yeah, Tsukiko and Mitama are in the same course

I explained in a hurry.

Today, we want Misato and her group to get along in the same group. Apart from Misato, the three girls came from the province

Sumitomo Momoka, s.h.i.+rahata Setsuna, and Asahina Nozomi accepted to become prost.i.tutes to pay off the debts of their fathers who owned a business in the provincial city.

Oh, is that so?

Misato-sans lunch is in here

Mariko points at the pad containing lunchboxes brought from the mansion.


Motoko wont forget Misato, whos a daughter of n.o.bility.

Misato also went to that school from an early age.

Oh, theyll have their lunch break after hours so Ill tell them to come when I come back

Indeed, theyll eat together with Nei-chan

Kana-senpai and Katsuko-nee said.

So, Kou will have Tsukiko and I come with you, and youre our bodyguard

Mariko tells Kurose Anju whos already shrunk after eating her meal.


Yes, you. Youre going to be Kous personal bodyguard, right? Then you should go with him now

Shes not a daughter of n.o.bility, but Marikos a daughter of the president of the Torii house.

There should be a bodyguard near her.

Were safe here, Mitama-chan, Kinuka-chan, and Haiji-chan are outside, and were going to lock the door while youre not here

Katsuko-nee told me.

The bakery can only be opened from the inside and theres a camera watching outside.

The doors unlocked since the tennis girls are coming and going, but were going to return it to its usual state.

Also, you should go check on Edie-chan too

I agree, Im curious about how its going

Katsuko-nee suggested. Mariko agreed.

Right now, Edies preparing for the school swimsuit judo tournament in the schoolyard.

I know that youre tied up to the bakery all day, but youre everyones husband so you should check on Edie-chan

Oh, Katsuko-nees right.

Right. Edie mentioned that the event starts at 3, but from the looks of the cafe today, I think Ill be here baking

But, the match will be televised, so well be able to watch it while working at the bakery

Yes, thats why you should take a look at them now

Hey, I brought these girls

After leaving the bakery at two oclock.

Margo-san brought Marika and the girls.

Oh, Margo-san picked up Marika and her friend from the train station.

I parked the car at the faculty parking lot so we walked here

Thanks, Margo-san

I thanked her and looked at the girl that she brought with her

Err, Marika, and Erica.

Then, three other girls.

Ericas wearing a pink cardigan over a waka piece with a pretty print fabric.

Marikas wearing her high-school blue blazer uniform.

Among the three girls, two are wearing the same uniform as Marikas.

However, the last one is a mature-looking girl with slit eyes, wearing a neat uniform, and hair tied up in a bun.

The other girls wearing a mens black leather jacket over her uniform and her skirt is pulled up short. Her hair is in wild style, her face is flashy, and her red lipstick stands out. Shes got a bad eye expression, she looks like shes already grumpy.

The last one is wearing a navy blue sailor uniform, making me think that shes a middle school girl. Only one of them looks young. Her eyes are moist as if shes nervous. I think shes carrying a violin case. Her hair is, well, its bob cut.

The three of them are beautiful, but, anyway, the one wearing a leather jacket seems very grumpy.

Also, Im curious as to why Marika and Erica look gloomy.

You have a rare group with you, Yos.h.i.+n.o.bu-kun

Margo-san looked at Mariko, Tsukiko, and Kurose Anju who came to meet with them, and smiled.

Its the school festival so everyones busy

I replied.

Yeah, Im feeling nostalgic too

Right, Margo-san also went to our school until last year

Unlike Nei, whose school registration is fake, Margo-sans supposed to be an exchange student from the US, so she could properly graduate from high school.

Now shes registered at a college or university. It doesnt seem that shes going to it at all.

In the meantime, its awkward to just stand outside, so why dont we get inside the cafeteria and have a cup of tea?

Margo-san said.

Our cafe is fine but its outside. It would also be hard to explain to the tennis club girls if they see me drinking tea with stranger girls.

Oh well.

Then, lets go to the cafeteria

I led everyone to the school cafeteria.

Not as much as our cafe, but

The school cafeteria is moderately crowded.

It should be crowded, and yet

Whats going on?

I wonder?

Marog-san laughs.

The students who were near the table were sitting all got out of their seats in a hurry.

For those who escaped late

Idiot! Come here already!

A senior schoolboy called out to them.

Remember? Im famous in this school

Oh, Margo-sans a legendary delinquent, who was with Nei until last May, taking out delinquent students and other thugs in the streets.

Nei dyed her hair back from blonde to black to show that shes reformed, but I have blonde hair from the start

Even now, the seniors consider Margo-san as someone they should fear.

Those who saw Margo-san turn the teacher, whos a follower of s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke, who attacked Nei, into someone beyond recovery, still havent graduated.

Oh, welcome Margo-oneechan, you can eat this with everyone

Nei who came through the bakery door brought us some freshly baked bread.

Jasmine and Erica-chan, have you eaten lunch already?

Ah, yes, Motoko-oneesama gave us a lunch box from the mansion.

Nei asks. Erica answered, as expected, she doesnt seem to have the energy.

Its delicious, right?! Im going to eat now so I cant stay and talk to you girls! So, listen to them for me, Yo-chan

Nei speaks loud enough to make the surrounding student hear it.

Oh, I forgot to bring some drinks, Yo-chan, sorry but can you buy them drinks from the vending machine

Yeah, I dont mind, but

I stood up.

What do you girls want?

Since were eating bread, Im okay with tea. Cold. Lemon Tea. What about Tsukiko-san?

Ill take tea without sugar, I dont mind if its cold

Mariko and Tsukiko replied immediately.

I want coffee, hot. Low sugar. Jasmine-chan?

Margo-san asks Marika.

Ill take cold tea too. Lemon tea please

I want a warm milk tea, oh, Ill help carry them

Erica stood up, but

No need, Erica-sans a guest here. I mean, this is the part where you stand up and say I shall help!

Mariko looked at Kurose Anju

Ah, yes, right!

The students watching us laughed, probably because of Kurose Anju standing up in a hurry was funny.

What do you girls want?

Marikos acting like the host already.

Its like Kurose Anju and I are servants.

Matsumoto-san, its okay

Marika told the girl with long slit eyes.

I-Ill take a warm tea, no sugar please

What about Miki-san?

Ericas eyes look at the girl in her sailor uniform.

Ericas in her second year in middle school, so this girl might be the same age as her.

Ill take cafe au lait.


I dont drink anything but black coffee. Lets see, the S-coffee in the vending machine there will do. Warm black coffee, you hear?

The girl who wears a leather jacket says without being asked.

However, its all over the place.

Lets go


I took Kurose Anju and went to the vending machine.

Minaho-neesan gives us a train card with a bit of money in it just in case of emergencies.

Oh, Baker, whats with those people?

A senior called me out, but

Sorry, I dont know either.

I replied honestly.

For now, I just ordered the drinks they wanted.

What do you want?

I asked Kurose Anju.

I can get a drink too?

Why do you think not?

This girls too earnest, and shes a little timid too.

Then, uhm, orange juice please

Despite that, she picks a drink different from everyone else, what an amusing girl.

Okay, Ill buy that then


Kurose Anju carry the drinks and returned to the table.

Here you go

Thank you

Thank you

The bun high school girl and bob cut middle school girl thanked me, but

The leather jacket girl ignored me and took her drinks.

Then, sit down. Why dont we talk while eating bread?

Margo-san said, Kurose Anju and I took our seats.

Oh, Neis no longer here, shes back at the bakery.

Then, Ill introduce them first. This is my cla.s.smate, Matsumoto Maki-san

Marika introduces the girl with the bun hairstyle sitting next to her.

Names Matsumoto

Matsumoto-san bows slightly.

Marikas cla.s.smate, meaning shes in her first year.

Then, next to her is Masaki-sans little sister. Miki-san


The bob-cut hair girl bows her head.

Oh, so theyre sisters.

The big sister is in her first year, so the little sister must be in middle school.

Also next to her is

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi

The girl in the leather jacket names herself with a displeased att.i.tude.

Whats with this girl?

Igaras.h.i.+-san is from the neighboring cla.s.s

Neighboring cla.s.s?

Shes wearing the same uniform as Marika under her leather jacket since they go to the same school, but theyre from different cla.s.ses.

Hmmm, Marika and the Matsumoto siblings seem to be friendly, but

Also, why does she have such a bad att.i.tude?

Err, I told you about him in the car, so you know already, right?

Margo-san points at me as she said.

She already told me about me to Marikas friends?

Im Torii Mariko

Takakura Tsukiko

K-Kurose Anju

Mariko gave her a glare so Kurose-san named herself.

And Im Margo Starkweather Kuromori. Right, Jasmine-chan, we talked about this in the car, but can you elaborate once again for them?

Margo-san urged Marika.

Ah, yes, well

Margo-san is pointing at us.

Marika looked at me and started talking.

Uhm, can youwell, listen to our musical performance?

Musical performance? Marika goes to a music school, so the three girls she brought must also be playing some instrument.

Err, what about it?

But, I dont get music.

Its got to be Minaho-neesan, Katsuko-nee, or Nagisa.

Im about to tell you later

Marikas face shows that shes serious.

Erica looks at her sister worriedly.

Wait a second! I dont like this! I never heard about this so Im not doing this!

Igaras.h.i.+-san shouts angrily.

I only came here because I heard that I could meet Fujimiya Reika

Huh, Rei-chan?

Also, whats this? Isnt this just an ordinary high school festival? Whats going on Takahata-san?

Igaras.h.i.+-san asks Marika.

Oh, Fujimiya-san, shes coming soon

Margo-san said with a smile.

Right, Yos.h.i.+n.o.bu-kun?

Err, right. Its about time for Rei-chan to come again from the mansion to deliver bread in the van.

Y-Yeah, I think shes coming soon

But, is that okay to talk about Rei-chan coming here?

Huh, Fujimiya Reikas coming over?

I havent seen her come here last time

Wait! Let us in too!

Look, now the students are making a fuss.

Fujimiya Reika often comes to this school, right, everyone?

Margo-san stirs the students even further.

Yeah, Ive seen her! But from a distance

I got a selfie with her

The first years who dont know Margo-san immediately react.

There you go, Jasmine-chan wasnt lying

Margo-san smiled at Igaras.h.i.+-san.

T-Thats good, but, Ill never sing!


Igaras.h.i.+-san isnt playing but singing instead?

But, Igaras.h.i.+-san didnt come to meet Fujimiya-san as a meek person, right? You want to get to know Fujimiya-san and have her introduce you to the entertainment industry, dont you?


Entertainment industry?

Oh right, the public thinks that Rei-chan and Kyouko-sans fight is just a promotional show for the Kouzuki SS.

Thats why they think that Rei-chans an entertainer.

Well, its not just Fujimiya Reika, our schools got a lot of people who appear on TV. Isnt that right?

Margo-san continues to stir up the students.

Yeah, you can find the twins from s.h.i.+rasaka Yukinos show doing a talk show right outside

Anjou Mitamas also doing some plate spinning tricks and things

I mean, I havent seen her today but s.h.i.+rasaka Yukino herself is a student in this school

The students speak out.

I didnt tell you before but Im a professional martial artist. My matches are televised, and today, Edies

Oh, shes setting up a ring in the schoolyard

Margo-san said another schoolboy continued.

Theres also a TV crew setting up

Wasnt that just the national TV crew from earlier?

No, its a different one. They have a different logo!

The TV crew thatll broadcast Edies school swimsuit judo tournament has arrived already.

Indeed, Edie and her friends will have their martial arts tournament at the school festival and it will be broadcasted live

Margo-san told the students calmly.

Uhm, shouldnt you be there with Edie, Margo-san?

I asked.

Im just a spectator for today. Ill show myself later. Edie planned all this today


You know, I just got the champions.h.i.+p last time. Its better if I dont show up today

Well, apart from Grace Marinka-san, it would be a tournament between Edie and high school students, right?

I heard that the other partic.i.p.ants would be Kudou Haruka, Kendou Maria, and Line Haruko-san.

I went to the Golden Balm Gym and picked up Line Haruko this morning

Oh yeah, that was this morning.

Picking up Marika and Erica, and then picking up Line Haruko-san as well.

Then, Rodulfo Seiko-san, the owner of the gym, said that if there would be a live TV broadcast, she would go too


But, Edies plan is a school swimsuit judo tournament, right?

Rodulfo-sans already past her 20s.

Grace Marinka-san is someone who doesnt care as long as she gets to fight with her all, so she would come even if shes dressed in a school swimsuit.

Rodulfo Seiko-sans a woman whos fussy about her sense of beauty, right?

Well, thats because opportunities for womens martial arts aired on TV are hard to come by nowadays. Even the tournament I won last time was at a late-night slot. Well, it was on a key station even if it was on late night, so it went well on air

Margo-san said with a smile.

But today, theyre airing it live on at Sunday 3 oclock, right? Its rare to find an opportunity for publicity like this so she wanted to go


Ill just let take care of the minor details, Im not touching that. Im not even partic.i.p.ating

Margo-san wont do the school swimsuit judo.

Well, Ill go check on them after eating this bread

Margo-san took one bread and ate it.

Yeah, delicious, you should try it too


Marika looks confused.

Oh right, she was in the middle of talking.

Jasmine-chans friends would need a place to perform later, right?


It has to be somewhere with a piano, right?

Marika specializes in piano in her school.

Thats why Matsumoto Maki-san must be playing piano too.

Is there anyone from the choir or bra.s.s club?

Margo-san asks the students in the cafeteria.

M-me, Im in the choir club

One student raised her hand.

Whats going on with the music room right now? Most of the choir and music bands are in the auditorium today, right? The music room should be used as a waiting room

You cant get people to come and listen to your performance or choir in a small music room.

Y-Yes, the choir club already finished their recital. The bra.s.s bands are playing outside so theyre not there

I see, is Otani-sensei still in charge of the music room?

Yes, its Otani-sensei

Then, tell him this, Margos going to borrow the music room later


Dont worry about it, Otani-sensei knows me. Im the one who made him get a false front tooth after all

Margo-san smiled.

Then, why dont we go with our schedules?

From the school cafeteria, the schoolyard where Edie and everyone are setting up the ring, and to the music room.

Thats one route.

Then, why dont we eat the pastry while we have the chance, Marika-san, eat yours too. Ai and Kou baked this

Mariko recommends the pastry to Marika and the girls.