ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 591

Chapter 591

Published at 17th of October 2022 07:20:35 AM

I'm from Harken, but I've been studying in Yarra for ten years. I feel like I've made some progress in my career and that it's time for me to return to serve my country, Mason said in all seriousness.

Jeanne could not help but laugh at that moment.

'Serve my country? Harken is lucky that he hasn't killed a few of its people.'

The interviewer wanted to ask more questions, but when he heard Jeanne's laughter, he quickly shut his mouth.

Jeanne also realized that she seemed to have forgotten herself, but she coughed a few times and composed herself. Sorry for being rude, but I didn't mean any harm. I'm just very pleased with what Mr. Locke said. After all, a lot of people use the resources of their motherland to make a living overseas and then never think of coming back.

Thank you, Director Lawrence, for your recognition. Mason was neither haughty nor humble.

With that, the interview continued.

The morning went by, and the interview was halfway through.

During the break, Jeanne came out of the toilet, and her footsteps halted.

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At that moment, Mason, the interviewee in the morning, had also come out of the toilet and was washing his hands.

Jeanne's gaze fell on the man's fingers in front of her. Who would have thought that such a beautiful pair of hands would be so good at killing people?

She averted her gaze and turned on the tap. She said, Kingsley sent you here.

I volunteered, Mason replied.

Both of them were washing their hands seriously, and neither of them looked at the other.

From afar, they did look like they were interacting.

Are you not satisfied? Mason asked. Am I a burden to you?

Your resume is perfect. Jeanne changed the topic.

Mr. Thorn did it.

I guessed so too. Jeanne nodded.

After the interview with him, all the interviewers were extremely satisfied with Mason. The position of the marketing department's senior manager was almost decided.

Kingsley really knew how to cause trouble for her.

She was hiring people to help her manage the company so that she did not have to worry about its business. However, Kingsley loved to ruin her plans every time.

Both their eyes moved because someone came over.

Jeanne washed her hands and turned off the tap.

Mason also turned off the tap and took the initiative to pass Jeanne a tissue.

Jeanne nodded. Thank you.

She behaved as if she was unfamiliar with him.

Take care, Director Lawrence, Mason said respectfully.

Jeanne smiled.

It was not necessarily a bad thing to have the world's number one assassin, K01, treat her so respectfully.

She could still remember when Kingsley was too busy to train her for a period of time, he had that person train her for a month. In her memory, that one month was worse than death. However, she had to say that she improved more in a month than in the one year Kingsley trained her.

It made Kingsley reflect on himself for a long time, whether he was being too merciful to her.

Jeanne returned to the interview room, and the second half of the interview continued.

However, Jeanne was stunned, and the other interviewers were also shell-shocked.

Jeanne had never thought Lawrence Enterprise, which was ranked last of the twelve families, would attract so many big shots.

The talents who came to apply today for the senior management roles today were all giants among men. However, this person was the goddess among men.

She lowered her head and looked at the resume of the 'goddess' resume.

It was Quinn Sanders, the Sanders' second princess.

She really got what she wanted.

A few days ago, she was still thinking about Michael and the Sanders' princesses, and now, here she was.

Jeanne was surprised. For a 24-year-old, Quinn's resume was shocking.

Apparently, the president, Warren, favored the third princess the most, but he spoiled the third princess to be unruly and willful. However, the second princess, whom he disliked the most, had grown into a person he was most proud of.

At that moment, Jeanne looked at Quinn. Although her dress-up was a little more formal, compared to Melody, she looked much better and her temperament was much classier.

It made Jeanne a little curious. Quinn was more outstanding than Melody in every aspect, so why did he not like Quinn?

Perhaps Melody was the cannon fodder that the Sanders had purposely raised.

It was used to hide the truth. After all, the real trump cards were always understated. Take Quinn in front of her, for example.

In the interview, since Jeanne did not speak, the others did not dare to speak either.

On the contrary, Quinn said in neither an arrogant nor servile manner, I'm very sorry. Due to my identity, I used my assistant's name and information when I registered. I hope the interviewer can understand why I did it.