ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 590

Chapter 590

Published at 17th of October 2022 07:20:37 AM

Kingsley was a little surprised.

My mother doesn't want me to follow in her footsteps because she wants me to lead an ordinary life and because of her motherly love for me. However, the reason I followed in my mother's footsteps is because of my love for my son. I don't want George to follow in my footsteps. I want to give George an ordinary life, Jeanne said calmly. So, my mother won't blame you.

Now that you've said it, I don't feel so bad anymore.

Jeanne was a little speechless.

He was clearly putting on an act.

She had never seen him really feel bad before. In fact, he wished she would work for him.

She said, Kingsley, there's something I need your help with.

Go on. Kingsley was acting graciously, probably because she had just comforted him.

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Investigate the relationship between Michael and the Sanders for me!

Kingsley frowned. Are you interested in Michael?

He's related to Monica, Jeanne said straightforwardly.

Michael is an important talent nurtured by the Sanders. Kingsley could answer her directly without investigating Michael. The Sanders highly values Michael, especially Warren. He is bent on supporting Michael.

Isn't the easiest way to support Michael to get him to marry one of the princesses? Let's not talk about Melody. After all, she was obsessed with Edward. But what about the other two princesses of the Sanders? If the Sanders wanted to nurture Michael, wouldn't it be best for him to become the son-in-law?

There are three reasons. Firstly, Michael truly likes Monica and none of the princesses. That was why he rejected a marriage alliance with the Sanders. Secondly, the Sanders want Michael to get to the top through legitimate ways since they don't want others to think the Sanders favor him. Thirdly, Michael and the Sanders are conspiring. They might have other things going on and are colluding with each other.

Can you help me investigate the third reason?

I'll try my best. Kingsley nodded. But I have to remind you that your focus is not on Monica. Your focus is on the Lawrences.

Jeanne pursed her lips.

After the matter with the Lawrences, you still have a lot of focus on. I know you and Monica are great friends, but there are some things that you need to consider whether it's within your capabilities. Kingsley's tone was a little stern.

Jeanne chose to remain silent.

Jeanne, you have to be clear about your purpose.. Kingsley enunciated each word.

I know.

That's good.

After that, Kingsley hung up the call.

Jeanne also put down her phone.

In her mind, she kept thinking about the purpose that Kingsley mentioned.

Actually, Kingsley was right. In order to achieve her purpose, she had to do it by any means necessary!

Three days later, at Lawrence Enterprise's recruitment room, there were seven interviewers.

Jeanne sat in the middle. After all, she was the person in charge of the employee transfer.

Alexander was not included, probably because he could not stand to see Jeanne's power in Lawrence Enterprise. Therefore, he might as well not see it.

Moreover, in a formal setting, he had no authority to have the final say.

Lawrence Enterprise was recruiting five senior managers this time, and nearly 100 people signed up, surpassing everyone's expectations.

Logically speaking, the higher the position in a company, the fewer talents there would be. After all, the requirements were very high, so 100 people signing up for five people's positions was a very shocking phenomenon.

Many people said it was because Jeanne was part of Lawrence Enterprise, and she was the one who attracted all the talents.

Jeanne was really popular in the business world. She was like the black horse of the bunch and had taken off into the world.

With her career and love both fruitful, she was so perfect that people wondered if she was the favored one by the Gods.

In short, Jeanne was now the symbol of perfection in Harken.

At that moment, they had already interviewed 20 people, and the 21st person had arrived.

Jeanne looked at his resume and saw the name Mason Locke.

Her eyes paused for a moment before she raised her head and looked at the man sitting upright in front of her.

The man was also looking at her calmly.

The moment their eyes met, one of the other interviewers said, Please introduce yourself.

My name is Mason Locke. I'm 28 years old this year. I graduated from the International University of Science and Technology with a master's degree in business administration. I was signed to Jamerson Group when I was in school, so I've been working in Yarra until now. I heard Lawrence Enterprise was recruiting, so I chose to resign and return home.

You resigned? The interviewers continued to ask.

I resigned.

Your resume said you were the general manager of the sales department of Jamerson Group's head office. This position far exceeds the position ofthe marketing department's senior manager in Lawrence Enterprise. The interviewer seemed to be somewhat unconvinced.