ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 1165

Chapter 1165

Published at 23rd of March 2023 06:43:53 AM

1165 The War Has Started: Igniting the War

You mean... Warren could not help but shudder. This person is in our circle?

Its just my suspicion.

No, I think that after what youve said, the possibility is actually very high. Warrens expression changed.

If that person was really in his circle, was their every move now being watched? If he was being watched, all of their plans were simply useless.

Father, why dont you check the people around you? Jeanne suggested.

Yes, we shouldve done this long ago! Weve been searching for the Duncans descendant for so long, but it didnt cross our minds that we would have to first investigate the people around us. Warren was a little angry.

Moreover, he did not think of that.

At that moment, he was naturally not in the mood to play chess.

Other than five of us, everyone around us is a suspect. That includes... Jeanne looked at Warren and said clearly, William.

Warren was shocked to hear Williams name because he had never considered that there would be any problems with this person.

If theres no problem, forget it. But if there is, itll be a problem. Thats why I think you should put down your pride and verify Williams DNA on the spot!

But Still, I need to rely on Williams manpower and financial resources now. If we do that, Im afraid Ill offend him. Warren still had his concerns.

Its simple. During the verification, let Chester, Justin, and Edward do it together with William. As long as everyone is treated equally, William will have nothing to say.

Warren was overjoyed to hear Jeannes suggestion.

He said, Jeannie, Im very pleased with you. To think you can think of things that I cant.

Im just trying my best to help you and share your burdens, Jeanne said with a smile.

Warren patted Jeannes shoulder in relief and asked, When do you want to verify them?

The sooner the better.

Tonight, Warren insisted.

Jeanne nodded in agreement. Let me remind you to not tell anyone about what were going to do tonight.

Warren frowned.

What I mean is, dont tell Chester and Justin either. The fewer people who know about this, the better.

Alright. Warren nodded. theres no harm in being cautious.

Prepare for the worst, Jeanne reminded him again.

Warren looked at her.

That is to say, if William is really the Duncans descendant, we cant make any mistakes and must take him down in one fell swoop!

Warren nodded silently, thinking about what he should do next!

Father, have you thought of a comprehensive plan? Jeanne asked him.

Ill send more people to our residence tonight.

No. Jeanne objected. If thats the case, people will be suspicious and know that you will definitely make a big move tonight. The descendant of the Duncans has been in hiding for so many years! Even the slightest clue could be discovered.

So, do you have any good ideas as to how we can go about it?

Are the assassins of the Hills still with you? Jeanne raised her eyebrows.

When it came to the assassins of the Hills. Warren still felt a little ashamed. After all, he did not get his hands on them legitimately.

He explained, If I had known that Kingsley was in such great danger, I wouldnt have detained his assassin. The main thing was that I didnt get any news that night. Moreover, I did have selfish motives. I was afraid that Kingsley would not listen to my arrangements, but I didnt expect

Lets forget about the past. Jeanne did not seem to want to talk about it. Besides, the person who killed Kingsley was Edward.

As long as you dont hate me.

I dont hate you. Kingsley made it clear to me that the Hills mission was to help you stabilize your power. Moreover, if you dont stabilize your power and the country is taken over by the Duncans, the Hills will be the first to be killed by the Duncans as we are the greatest contributors to your power. So, the only thing I can do now is to help you eliminate the remaining members of the Duncans.

Jeannie, Im glad you understand, Warren said with relief.

Jeanne was not used to being emotional, so she suggested, If you believe me, you can hand over the Hills assassins to me.

Warren was obviously hesitant.