ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 1164

Chapter 1164

Published at 23rd of March 2023 06:43:53 AM

1164 The War Has Started: Igniting the War

He was telling him not to doubt him. So he kept his cool and continued smoking.

William was about to say something when Edwards eyes moved.

William instantly changed his composure. Next time, Ill give you an antique from Sozin. You can go back and show it to the old man. If he likes it, its his.

Let me thank you on behalf of my dad, then.

Dont mention it. William was warm and polite.

At this moment, Stacey appeared by Williams side, intimately holding onto his arm. William, what are you talking about with Edward? Youve been out for such a long time.

Fourth Master asked me about an antique, saying that Old Master Swan would like it. Im helping him get ahold of it.

Sorry to have to trouble you, William. Edward expressed his gratitude.

Its no trouble at all. William smiled.

He extinguished his cigarette and said, Ill let you know when I have news on them.


Lets go in, then.

When the few returned to the tea room, it just so happened that a game of chess had ended.

As it was getting late, everyone said their goodbyes and returned to their own quarters.

Just as Edward and Jeanne were about to enter their bedroom, Jeanne rushed into the bathroom and headed for the toilet face down. She could not help but vomit.

Edward hurriedly followed behind her. Whats wrong?

Jeanne endured the discomfort in her stomach and vomited a few more times.

Are you okay? Edward gently patted her back.

Jeanne suddenly paused.

After she vomited, she gargled some cold water to wash her mouth. However, the moment she opened her mouth, she could not help but feel nauseated and retched a few times.

A long time passed before she calmed down. She turned to look at Edward, who had a worried expression on his face.

She said, Normal morning sickness.

Edward frowned. He did not seem to believe her.

I cant smell smoke, Jeanne explained.

Edward was stunned for a second. He lowered his head and sniffed his body.

There was almost no smell on him. He had been smoking in the open air and had only one cigarette.

During pregnancy, my nose becomes especially sensitive, Jeanne said helplessly.

Ill take a shower immediately, Edward said hurriedly.

Jeanne smiled and said, Alright. You go first.

Why dont we shower together? Edward raised his eyebrows.

Jeanne refused. What if you cant control yourself? Its not good for the baby.

Edwards smile was obvious. Under such circumstances, he could laugh.

Jeannie. Edward suddenly grabbed her just as she was leaving.

Jeanne was stunned.

Edward pressed a light kiss against hers.

Thank you, he said.

For what? Jeanne was speechless.

The product of our love, Edward said bluntly.

Jeanne did not know what to say. He suddenly felt a little mushy.

Thank you for staying. Edward was very clear and affectionate.

Was this moment suitable for a confession? The great Fourth Master Swan was too unprincipled. He was so easily blinded by love.

Hurry and take a shower. Jeanne nudged Edward lightly.

Edward let go of her, not forgetting to remind her, Be careful when you walk.

When had she ever been careless?

Jeanne walked out of the bathroom with a smile. However, under Masons gaze, the corner of her mouth stiffened. It made her think of Kingsley and Lucy.

It seemed she had also been blinded by love.

Half a month passed.

No one had ever thought that this period would be so peaceful. It was unrealistically calm.

After such a long time, the Duncans had not taken any action. Logically speaking, it was unlikely. However, nothing happened.

The Duncans did not seem to be threatened because of Edward.

Jeanne was currently in Warrens study, and the two were playing chess in the study.

During this period, Jeanne had been playing chess with Warren almost every day. Sometimes, Justin would accompany him. After all, Chester was busy with work and rarely had time to spare.

Jeanne made her next move.

Youre getting better, Warren complimented.

Its because you taught me well.

Warren looked at the game, contemplating. After some thought, he said casually, Its been peaceful for far too long.

Jeanne nodded. I do feel that something is amiss.

It means that the Duncans were not affected by Edward.

Thats why Im suspicious. Jeanne looked at Warrens next move and said bluntly, Maybe a Duncan is among us.

Warrens hand that was playing chess paused.

How else could they be so calm and not react if they did not already know about Edwards relationship with me? Jeanne speculated.