On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Chapter 99 Boss Liu, stay safe

"Momo, the taxi is here."

A taxi slowly stopped in front of the two of them, Ling Chuan reminded him, and prepared to help her pull the car door.

Yun Mo grabbed the man's hand with her backhand, "There's no rush, we'll leave later."

Ling Chuan was a little surprised, but he immediately made an apology gesture to the taxi.

After the Qing car drove away, Ling Chuan looked down at the hands held by the two, and the corners of his lips rose indistinctly.

Yunmo's attention was all on the two people on the opposite side, and she didn't notice that her hand was still tightly grasping the man's.


Yun Yao looked around and asked, "Where's the thing?"

Liu Laowu took out a palm-sized black velvet jewelry box from his body and handed it over, "It's inside."

Yunyao took the jewelry box, opened it for a look, quickly closed it again, put it in her carry-on bag, and then took out the money she had prepared in advance and handed it to Liu Laowu.

Liu Laowu took the money and counted it, and smiled with satisfaction: "Okay, 100 is just right."

At this end, Yunmo could only see that the two were trading, but she couldn't see what was being traded.

After the two separated, Yun Mo immediately pulled Ling Chuan to follow Liu Laowu.

At first Ling Chuan thought that his wife was going to buy something, but after walking for two streets without stopping, Ling Chuan finally found out.

My daughter-in-law seems to be following the middle-aged old man opposite.

"Momo, do you know the person opposite?"

"It's not counted as acquaintance, but we have dealt with each other."

Seeing that Liu Lao Wu was about to turn into an alley, Yun Mo quickly patted the man, "Ling Chuan, hurry up, help me keep up with him, I can't walk anymore."

Hearing this, Ling Chuan bent down and picked her up without saying a word, let her sit on his arm, then quickly rushed across the road and entered the alley where Liu Laowu walked.

Ling Chuan's movements were quick and sudden, and Yun Mo was stunned for a long time before recovering.

Looking sideways at the man's stern and distinct profile, Yunmo subconsciously put her arms around his neck.

Ling Chuan was still carrying a lot of things in his left hand, and holding her in his right hand, but he didn't seem to be struggling at all, walking quickly and steadily

The alley got darker and darker as you walked in, and Yun Mo soon couldn't even see Liu Laowu's back clearly. Fortunately, Ling Chuan had good eyesight and followed closely.

Soon, there is a light in front of it, and it is a small restaurant.

Seeing Liu Lao Wu get into the restaurant with her own eyes, Yun Mo hurriedly asked Ling Chuan to put herself down.

"Boss Liu, please stay safe."

When he saw Yunmo, Liu Laowu couldn't help being surprised, "Girl, it's you, what a coincidence..."

Liu Laowu smiled and stood up to say hello, but in the next second, he turned around and ran away like a rabbit.

But when he ran to the kitchen and found that the back door couldn't be opened, he knew that he couldn't fly today.

"Hey, girl, we can meet here, we are really destined."

Yun Mo sat opposite him with a smile, "Boss Liu, I've been looking for you."

The smile on Liu Laowu's face froze, thinking that Yunmo came to settle accounts with him, he hurriedly said: "I was not honest last time, can this work, I will refund the money..."

"Okay, I'll go back and make up 388 for you. How did you leave that day?"

Um? Didn't you come to ask him to refund the money?

Liu Laowu was a little uncertain about Yunmo's meaning for a while, "Girl, you are looking for me..."

"I didn't bring any money with me today, please leave me your contact information, and I will give you the money next time."

Liu Laowu was stunned. He couldn't believe it. There are such stupid people these days. They don't ask him to refund the money after being cheated, but rush to give him the money instead?

"Boss Liu, I'm a man of my word. If I say I want to make up your 388, then I must give it to you."

"Huh? Oh, good!"

Liu Laowu wanted to laugh but didn't dare to, his face twitched from holding back.

"Girl, the emeralds you bought from me before, do you still like them?"

"Of course. Boss Liu, what you have in your hand must be good stuff, otherwise, no one would come here to buy your stuff, right?"

Liu Laowu is also a good person, and he immediately heard that there was something in Yunmo's words.

He hasn't opened for the past few days, but someone ordered him a jade bracelet, could it be...

No wonder I rushed to give him money, it turned out to be for this.

Liu Laowu's heart stopped instantly, "Girl, if you have something to ask, just ask directly. I, Liu Laowu, will know everything and say everything."

Yunmo admired Liu Laowu's transparency, and immediately asked about the deal between him and Yunyao.

It turned out that Yunyao asked Liu Laowu to order a fake imperial green jadeite bracelet, and today is the delivery date agreed by the two of them.

"Girl, that's all I know. I've only met her twice."

Yun Mo asked Liu Laowu for the address, "I will definitely pay you the money, but not now, Boss Liu, I may need your help for something later."

For 388's sake, Liu Lao Wu readily agreed.

Walking out of the restaurant, looking at the dark alley ahead, Yunmo instinctively stood still.

The next second, the hand was suddenly held by the big hand of the man beside him, "Momo, follow me closely."


It was a little late, and the alley was very quiet, only the subtle and rhythmic footsteps of the two could be heard.

In the darkness, her hand was tightly held by the man, and the warmth of their palms intertwined. The atmosphere was inexplicably charming, but it made her feel at ease.

Back home, Yunmo briefly explained what she saw Yunyao and Liu Laowu deal with.

"Although I don't know why Yunyao bought a fake bracelet, I always feel that she is holding back some bad tricks."

Even Yun Mo couldn't help sighing, Yun Yao's aura of heroine was really strong, she had skinned Yun Yao like that at the last banquet, and she was still able to jump.

On Monday, after the second class ended, Yun Yao went to the class teacher to ask for leave with a red face. The reason was that the menstruation came, and the pants were stained and dirty, and she had to go home and change.

The homeroom teacher is also a woman, so she can understand the shame of a girl of this age, and happily gave her two classes off.

When she got home, Yunyao used the excuse that she ran out of sanitary napkins, and paid her servants to buy them. She took the opportunity to enter Jiang Yu's bedroom, and opened Jiang Yu's safe with the password she secretly wrote down. The fake jade bracelet from the store replaced the real one in the safe.

Backing to her room, Yun Yao hid the jade bracelet in the coat pocket of the closet, and then took a bath and changed clothes in a leisurely manner.

During dinner at night, Yun Yao intentionally or unintentionally mentioned that Yun Mo spends a lot of money in front of Jiang Yu.

"On the way back from cram school on Saturday, I saw Xiao Mo and Zeng Fang shopping. They bought a lot of things and visited a high-end men's clothing store. I don't know where she got the money from."

Yun Huan: "Did she do something shameful?"

Yun Cong didn't understand, so he asked, "Will you get rich if you do shameless things?"

Jiang Yu is so disgusted with Yunmo, the adopted daughter, that she doesn't even feel comfortable hearing this name.

"She has nothing to do with our family, so don't mention her at home in the future."

Good night~

The little fairies who read the article remember to vote, okay~

(end of this chapter)