On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Chapter 100 Stealing

Yun Yao said in a low voice: "Xiaomo's household registration hasn't been moved yet. From outsiders' point of view, she is still a member of our Yun family. I'm just worried that she may go astray and cause trouble for the family."

Since she lost face at the birthday party last time, Jiang Yu doesn't treat Yunyao, a pro-girl, very much now.

Hearing Yunyao's bad words about her adopted daughter here, she scolded her angrily: "If you have time to worry about others, you might as well do two more papers!

The family put so much effort into sending you to the third middle school, if you still can't learn well, you might as well go home as soon as possible, so as not to embarrass your father. "

Yun Huan on the side gloated, "Sister, I heard that your No. 3 Middle School will take the unified exam with Nanming. It would be funny if you don't even fail Yunmo in the exam."

Jiang Yu frowned, "Is there such a thing? When is the unified examination?"

Yunyao replied: "At the end of the month."

Jiang Yu immediately became serious, "Xiaoyao, let me tell you, you must pass Yunmo in this unified examination. Starting today, you will study for an extra hour every night, do you hear me?"

Yun Yao's face darkened.

Now she basically has to study until 11:30 every night before going to bed, and she has to get up at 6:00 in the morning. She doesn't have enough sleep. If she adds another hour, won't it kill her?

"Xiao Yao, did you hear what I told you?"

Yun Yao suppressed the boredom in her heart, and answered obediently: "I heard, Mom, I will work hard, and I won't be inferior to Xiao Mo."

Hearing this, Jiang Yu felt better, but when she turned her head and saw her second daughter holding back her laughter, she suddenly lost her temper.

"You're embarrassed to laugh. Your class teacher called me two days ago and said that your grades have dropped drastically. You are like your sister, and you will have to add an hour of homework every night from now on."

"Ah, don't! I'm only in the second year of junior high school, and I'm still far away from the college entrance examination."

"If you don't have a solid foundation, do you think it will be easy to go to high school? You can't help but say no, I will personally supervise you in the future, and you are not allowed to sleep if you are not finished."

Yun Huan wailed in dissatisfaction, "Ah, what about Xiao Cong? Why didn't he join?"

"Xiao Cong was ranked fifth in the class at the end of last semester, what do you compare him to?"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yu said to his son in a gentle tone: "Xiao Cong, you are now growing up. Go to bed early after finishing your homework at night. Remember to drink milk before going to bed to grow taller."

Yun Cong nodded happily, "Understood, Mom."

Yun Huan on the side was both depressed and envious.

Although Yunyao ate quietly with her head down, her eyes were full of gloom.

In the past few days, Yunmo has been thinking about Yunyao buying fake jade bracelets.

Exquisite emeralds like emeralds are irresistible to young girls, and they are usually worn by middle-aged women or elders.

Yunyao is not so stupid as to send fake products to her elders, and thinking about Yunyao's lack of money, Yunmo has a certain guess in her heart.

After school that day, she bought a good pack of cigarettes, approached Liu Lao Wu, and asked him to help him inquire about emerald bracelets at the jade market.

Within a few days, Liu Laowu sent her a message.

Old Hei from the underground black market bought an emerald jadeite bracelet for 12,000 the day before yesterday, and then sold it to a rich lady for 30,000.

After hearing the news, Yunmo asked Liu Laowu to continue to help find out the identity of the person who bought the bracelet.

People like Liu Laowu know everyone from all walks of life, and are very well-informed. It didn't take much effort to find out the identity of Mrs. Fu.

The buyer is Mrs. Yuan.

The Yuan family is in the coal mining business, and their family property is very strong, and they are considered among the top rich men in Jiang City.

After hearing the news, Yunmo faintly guessed that Yunyao must be short of money, so she came up with such a trick.

If her guess is correct, the person who was stolen this time should be Jiang Yu. After all, Jiang Yu is the only rich older woman around Yunyao who can do things so easily.

Thinking of this, Yunmo suddenly looked forward to what Jiang Yu's reaction would be when she found out that her own daughter had been stolen from her.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions.

Li Li is in such a good mood recently that she even walks with the wind, which makes the neighbors tease her.

"Hey, Li Li, have you picked up money recently? You can't keep your mouth shut from smiling every day."

"It's okay, it's just a small profit."

Old Street said it was big or small, and news of any disturbance would spread quickly. Everyone has heard about the fact that the Lingchuan brothers quit the construction site and went to do business, but the two brothers were tight-lipped. We don't know exactly what the two brothers are doing.

When Li Li said that she had earned money, the neighbors became interested.

"Li Li, did your guy make a fortune doing business with Chuanzi?"

"That's right, I earned this amount in a few days."

Seeing Li Li making a gesture of three, the neighbor asked in surprise, "30?"

Li Li rolled her eyes contemptuously, "What are you thinking, what's so strange about 30 yuan, it's as if I've never seen money before."

"That's how much you earn, you can't earn 300, right?"

Li Li was overjoyed, "It's true, when Chuanzi came back that day, he specially gave away money, a total of 300 yuan."


"My mother, earned 300 in a few days!?"

The expressions of the neighbors changed from surprise to stunned, and they looked at Li Li with envy and enthusiasm.

Li Li's vanity was greatly satisfied, and she even straightened her waist.

"Li, what kind of business do your old Ling and Chuanzi do? How do you make so much money?"

"I don't know much about this. I'm a woman, and I don't care about their men's affairs outside."

Li Li's refusal to tell the truth is not because she is cautious, but because she is worried that everyone will come to do it after they know this way of making money.

With such a good way to get rich, she won't take advantage of others.

Soon, the news that the Ling brothers made a fortune in business spread in the alley, causing many people to come to Ling Jiang to inquire about what business they were doing.

After sending the inquirer away, Ling Jiang turned around and lost his temper at his wife.

"You, you, it's okay to go blind outside, you are afraid that people will not know that we are doing speculative things, you don't want to live a good life, right?"

After being scolded by her husband, Li Li still felt guilty, but she refused to admit defeat.

"What's wrong with me, did I say you made money wrong? I didn't tell you about reselling electronic watches. What's there to be afraid of!?"

Ling Jiang pointed at her, so angry that he didn't know what to say.

"You just have to piss, and you will be satisfied when Chuanzi and I get unlucky!"

Li Li curled her lips impatiently, "Okay, I won't go out and talk about the head office anymore, I really don't know what you are afraid of, we didn't do anything illegal, even if others find out, so what, now outside There are too many people doing this, can the government manage it?"

(end of this chapter)