On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 742

Chapter 742

Chapter 742 Mother Yang is so regretful that her intestines are green

Someone lamented, "Qinghe, you and Yang Jiayong got divorced. It's hard work. You earn money and spend it yourself. You can buy whatever you want. It's not like our life is so hard. We spend all day around our husband and children. Earn a penny. I can't wait to break it in half and spend it."

Huang Qinghe smiled and said nothing.

Everyone talked about gossip about the Yang family again, "Yang Jiayong's new wife has been away for more than a month, and she hasn't come back yet."

After negotiating with Hu Wenqin, Yang Jiayong happily ran back to Zhejiang Province to continue working to earn money, leaving Hu Wenqin at home alone to raise the baby.

Hu Wenqin asked the Yang family for a wedding and dowry, but Yang's mother felt that Hu Wenqin was pregnant with Yang Jiayong's child, and she pulled the marriage certificate.

Hu Wenqin quarreled with the Yang family for two months to no avail, and ran back to his hometown in Xiangxi in a fit of anger.

"The surname Hu said that he wants the Yang family to come up with a 500 yuan gift, otherwise there will be no discussion. After the son is born, he will be raised by the Hu family. This makes the Yang family very anxious, and they are discussing to bring Hu Wenqin back. .

"My God, why doesn't she grab the 500 yuan bride price?"

"Isn't he just robbing? The seed in his belly is Yang Jiayong's seed. I heard that I have seen Wen Po, and it is likely to be a boy. This is Yang Jiayong's first son. It is not precious. Besides, Yang Jiayong earns a year. Seven or eight hundred yuan, and 500 yuan is not much."

"That's true."

After talking about Hu Wenqin and the Yang family, everyone couldn't help but care about Huang Qinghe's body.

After all, everyone in the village knew that Huang Qinghe and Yang Jiayong divorced because they could not have children.

Huang Qinghe took the opportunity to tell the story of her going to the capital for medical treatment, "I had some physical problems before, and I went to the hospital to see it, and now I'm fine."

"Really? That's great, Qinghe, do you want to introduce someone to you?"

"My brother is 25 years old, 3 years younger than you, and a third-year female junior holding a golden brick. I think you are quite right."

"My natal family has a cousin, who is 27 years old and about the same age as you. Now he works in a leather shoe factory and earns three or four hundred yuan a year. Would you like to meet?"

The family background of the Huang family is extremely rich. Huang Qinghe is beautiful, capable and virtuous. To be able to marry Huang Qinghe back home as a sister-in-law is a good thing that can't be found even if you are looking for a lantern.

Huang Qinghe smiled and politely declined everyone's matchmaking, "No, I have to go to the capital to work next year, so I won't think about it for the time being."

"Oh, part-time work doesn't prevent you from doing lifelong affairs, Qinghe, don't blame me for speaking harshly, you are not young anymore, you have to hurry up and have a baby to be serious."

Huang Qinghe smiled, "I'm not young anymore, but if this woman wants to have a baby, she can have it at the age of forty. I'm only 28, so don't worry."

That's right.

Rural women like them are not as delicate as urban women. There are many who give birth at the age of forty, and some even give birth on the stove or on the ridge.

Different from the envy and jealousy of the villagers towards Huang Qinghe, Yang's mother felt as uncomfortable as a cat scratching at Huang Qinghe when she saw Huang Qinghe came back from working in the capital, looking radiant as if she had been reborn.

Especially when everyone said that Huang Qinghe went to the capital to cure her incapacitated illness, Mother Yang felt even worse.

In the past, when Huang Qinghe was her daughter-in-law, Huang Qinghe was in charge of all the family interactions during the New Year and holidays. She just had to sit with her hands in her hands and wait for food, and she could still enjoy Huang Qinghe's filial piety.

It's good now, the new daughter-in-law ran back to her mother's house, but the youngest son didn't come back. She had to do all the work by herself, and she was so tired that she couldn't straighten up.

It doesn't matter if you are tired, the key is to spend money.

In the past, she and her son had saved their money, and Huang Qinghe had to figure out a way for the expenses of the family, as well as the favors during the holidays. It didn't matter if she borrowed it or asked her natal family to get it. Anyway, her Yang family didn't need to spend a penny. .

Now I have a new daughter-in-law, raised a baby at home for three months, and ate her eight old hens, twenty catties of pork, and more than a hundred eggs. These are all money.

If Hu Wenqin really gave birth to a grandson for her, she would eat these things as soon as she ate them. After all, she had raised a grandson.

But Hu Wenqin ran away before unloading her stomach, and they had to get a gift of 500 yuan to invite them back. Hu Wenqin was such a prodigal daughter-in-law who spent the money like water but didn't get a good one. How could Yang's mother not resentment.

As New Year's Eve approached, Mother Yang's New Year's goods were ready, and she was waiting for her youngest son, Yang Jiayong, to bring home his new daughter-in-law, Hu Wenqin, so that the family could have a happy New Year.

As a result, Mother Yang waited and waited until the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, when Yang Jiayong called back, saying that she would not come back for the New Year this year, and that she would spend the holidays with Hu Wenqin at her mother's house.

Mother Yang was so angry that she ran to the home of her eldest son and second son that night, crying and complaining that Yang Jiayong was unfilial and scolding Hu Wenqin for being a prodigal.

But no matter how much weeping and cursing, it was useless. Hu Wenqin's hometown was hundreds of kilometers away from Anshi, and it was impossible for the Yang family brothers to call the young couple back.

During the New Year's Eve dinner, every family gathered happily to have a lively reunion dinner, but the Yang family was particularly deserted.

Mother Yang held her chopsticks and looked at the dishes on the table, but she didn't have the intention to move them.

Father Yang was holding an old white porcelain wine glass, drinking one cup after another.

After a long time, Mother Yang put down her chopsticks, covered her face and sobbed softly.

Father Yang threw the wine glass on the dining table angrily, "Crying, what's the point of crying, blame yourself, live a good life, but you have to drive people away in a natural way, this time Are you at ease?"

Mother Yang was very aggrieved, "How can you blame me? She couldn't give birth by herself. Do you want me to watch Jiayong die?"

"You want a grandson, but you don't want to pay for her medical treatment. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world!? You go out and ask, how many people laugh at us behind our backs, Ren Qinghe now earns 60 yuan a month , the body has also healed, and the matchmaker is almost breaking the threshold of others, look at what our family is living now! You know how to call others prodigal every day, I think you are the most prodigal Prodigal girls, with such a loser, it's no wonder that life can be better!"

It's okay not to mention it, but when it was mentioned, Yang's mother was so regretful that her intestines turned green.


Yang's father didn't want to hear this, so he gave Yang's mother a hard look, threw away the chopsticks, picked up the cigarette bag, got up and went out.

Different from the quietness of the Yang family, the Huang family had a particularly lively life this year.

Not only did Guo Xuezhen, the new granddaughter-in-law, but also Huang Qinghe, the elder sister-in-law, and Guo Xuezhen was pregnant for more than three months, it was a joy for the Huang family.

Huang Kailin, who has always been diligent and frugal, bought a 200 yuan salute for the first time, and set it off for half an hour in front of his house, causing the children in the village to run towards Huang's house, laughing and laughing.

Second update~

(end of this chapter)