On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 741

Chapter 741

Chapter 741 I haven't written a word yet

After a while, a cold and slender hand gently landed on her head.

"If you don't say anything, I will take it as your agreement. It's getting late, and I'll take you in."

Zeng Fang opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't refuse.

The two walked forward side by side in silence. Seeing that they were approaching the gate of the small courtyard, Zeng Fang finally couldn't help asking out the doubts in her heart.

"Why wait two years?"

"I mean, why can't it be now? Shen Zhen, if you don't even try it, how do you know it can't work now?"

Looking at the girl's blushing but resolute face, Shen Zhen's heart was as hot as a fire.

"Little chubby girl, I don't want to wrong you. You give me two years, and I will definitely reform myself and live like a human being so that you won't lose face in front of your classmates."

"I don't care what other people say."

"But brother cares."

Zeng Fang looked at him, her eyes slowly turning red, "Shen Zhen, there is something I have to tell you, I used to, I, I..."

Seeing the two lines of crystal tears rolling down from the chubby girl's eye sockets, Shen Zhen's forehead felt hot, and he lowered his head and kissed her.

After the kiss, seeing the little chubby girl crying even harder, Shen Zhen stretched out his hand to wipe her tears in a panic, while coaxing in a hoarse voice: "Don't cry, brother is wrong."

Zeng Fang shook her head while wiping her tears, sobbing, "I, I don't want to cry, but I, I can't help it."

Shen Zhen reached out and hugged her into his arms to comfort her.

Shao Mo came out of the flower room and was about to go back to the room to rest when she vaguely heard voices outside the door and walked over to check.

Through the crack of the door, she saw the two people embracing outside the door. She was taken aback for a moment, and then she smiled like an aunt on her face.

After an unknown amount of time, Zeng Fang withdrew from Shen Zhen's arms.

"Shen Zhen, bad things happened to me before."

Shen Zhen looked at her for a moment, then coaxed softly: "It's all over, brother will protect you in the future, I have already explained to Zhou Ye and the others, and they will take care of you when I am away."

"But, I have been bullied by bad guys, don't you mind?"

When she asked this question, Zeng Fang stared at him without blinking.

This is the deepest and most painful pain in her heart. She never wants to mention it in front of anyone. Today, she mustered all the courage in her life.

If there is even the slightest bit of disdain or contempt on Shen Zhen's face, she will immediately take back all her trust and dependence without hesitation.

Shen Zhen also looked back at her without blinking, his face was extremely cold, but his tone was unexpectedly gentle.

"Little fat girl, stop talking, I'm afraid I won't be able to help but kill the person who bullied you."

Zeng Fang lowered her eyes, tears falling down patter.

Sighing softly, Shen Zhen stepped forward to embrace her in his arms, clasped the back of her head with her long and slender hands, so that her face could be pressed against his chest.

"Don't cry, I don't mind what happened to you in the past, I just regret not meeting you earlier and not protecting you earlier."

Hearing these words, Zeng Fang finally couldn't help crying.

When Zeng Fang returned to her room, it was almost 11 o'clock. Seeing Shao Mo sitting on the sofa in the room, she hurriedly shaved her hair uncomfortably.

"Momo, what do you need from me?"

Shao Mo looked at her friend carefully for a moment, stepped forward and gently hugged him, and patted the other person's back comfortingly.

"Fangfang, are you okay?"

Zeng Fang also instantly understood something, "Did you see it all?"

"Well, but I didn't do it on purpose, I think you didn't come in for a long time, and I was worried about what happened to you."

"Shenzhen is leaving tomorrow, he asked me to wait for him..."

After listening to the ins and outs of the two, Shao Mo suddenly smiled and said: "I've been thinking that when you graduate and return to Jiangshi, we will have fewer chances to meet in the future, but if you marry and come to the capital, we will be able to meet each other from time to time. We met."

Zeng Fang blushed from being teased, "Oh, don't talk nonsense, you haven't even written your horoscope yet."

Shao Mo teased, "It's not easy to draw a horoscope."

Zeng Fang hugged the doll and kneaded vigorously, "Even if, even if I wanted to, my parents might not be willing to let me marry so far."

Shao Mo thought it was true, "Well, that's true."

Zeng Fang became anxious immediately, "Momo, what should I do, you have so many ideas, you must help me."

Shao Mo thought for a while, "It's not impossible to help you, but you also have to do me a favor."

"Tell me, don't say one, ten or eight are fine."

Shao Mo briefly explained her idea of using Shen Chen as an experiment, "I mentioned it to Shen Zhen, but he didn't agree, why don't you talk about it for me?"

"Oh, needless to say, Shen Zhen asked me to go to the nursing home to take care of his elder brother when I'm free. You can go with me when the time comes."

"Will this be bad?"

"If you really wake up his elder brother, it will be too late for him to thank you, Momo, how sure are you?"

Shao Mo thought for a while, "Thirty percent."

Zeng Fang opened her eyes wide in surprise, "Thirty percent is also very high, Momo, you are too good, I will take you to see Big Brother Shen tomorrow."

"Alright, I'll go check on him first."

Because Shen Zhen had greeted him beforehand, the two met Shen Chen easily.

Shen Chen's situation was worse than Shao Mo imagined. Not only was he skinny, but he didn't even breathe on his own. He relied entirely on instruments to support his life.

After learning about Shen Chen's situation, Shao Mo asked Zeng Fang to fetch some hot water to wash Shen Chen's hands and face. She took the opportunity to take out the spiritual spring water and carefully applied the spiritual spring water to Shen Chen's lips with a cotton swab.

Time passed quickly, and it was winter vacation in a blink of an eye.

Lingchuan's shop will not be closed until New Year's Eve, but in order to allow the two sisters of the Huang family to return to Anshi for the New Year earlier, Shao Mo specially gave Huang Qinghe the annual leave half a month earlier, and bought a lot of gifts for the two sisters to bring back to their hometown.

Huang Qinghe stayed in the capital for half a year, and her style of dressing and conversation has greatly improved.

Wearing a sheepskin coat and leather shoes, her hair was permed and slightly wavy, and her face was lightly made-up. Her original three-point appearance suddenly improved to eight-point, which attracted the envy of all the young women in the village. They came to her door one after another to make friends.

"Qinghe, your hair is permed really well. The strands look soft and shiny. It's not like my hair. It's permed like a chicken coop, and you charged me 5 yuan. How much does it cost to burn it?"

"80 yuan."

"What?! 80 yuan?"

The young women in the room were shocked when they heard the price quoted by Huang Qinghe.

"Mother, is it too expensive to perm in the capital?"

Huang Qinghe smiled embarrassedly, "It's quite expensive, and I'm reluctant to spend the money. It was Momo who asked me to have a perm, saying that it was a new hairstyle for the New Year."

After hearing this, everyone showed envious and jealous expressions.

Although they say it's expensive, who doesn't want to have an 80 yuan hair perm to celebrate the New Year beautifully.

(end of this chapter)