On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 720

Chapter 720

Chapter 720 Thank you for your M head

"Your elder brother made it like this, and the family will depend on you in the future. You study hard, and you have to get into a good school even if you work hard. As for the cost of college, you don't have to worry about it. As long as you get into a key university, All expenses will be sponsored by me.

Huang Wen's gloomy face gradually changed after hearing her words, and the circles of his eyes gradually turned red.

"Cousin, don't worry, I will definitely get a good grade in the exam."

The two are the same age, but Huang Wen is two months younger than Shao Mo, and this is the first time Huang Wen calls her cousin.

Shao Mo felt very relieved, "Come on."

Looking at Huang Wen's thin and sallow face, Shao Mo gave him another 30 yuan, "Don't just eat vegetarian dishes, your body will collapse, and everything else will be in vain. There is no need to gamble your own money to save a few dollars. For the future and future, starting today, every meal should have at least one meat dish, and this money should be enough for you to eat until the college entrance examination."

Huang Wen held the money, lowered his head and wiped away his tears, and nodded in agreement.

After walking the dog, Zeng Fang changed Falk's water and dog food, and then picked up the pen and walked to the calendar hanging on the wall, wanting to put a tick.

But when she approached the calendar, she realized that today is the last day for her to "pay off the debt".

After today, she no longer needs to walk the dog every day.

The debt was paid off, but her mood was not as happy and relaxed as imagined.

was in a daze when the door of the apartment was suddenly opened from the outside.

Shen Zhen walked in with a bag of things, saw her standing by the wall with a marker in her hand, and vaguely understood something.

He put the things on the coffee table, walked up to her, looked at the calendar, then looked at her, and slightly pulled his lips, "Congratulations, the debt has been paid off."

Zeng Fang didn't speak, but slowly took a pen and ticked No. 25.

Shen Zhen stared at her for a moment, then suddenly turned and walked towards the room.

"Just put the key on the coffee table, and remember to close the door when you leave."

After a pause, Shen Zhen turned around again, "The snacks on the tea table, you can take them away if you want to eat them. I don't like to eat them if they are given by others."

"Shen Zhen."

Shen Zhen stopped his figure.

This seemed to be the first time the little chubby girl called his name seriously.

I used to always shout hello, or when I was angry, I would call him with my last name.

Shen Zhen didn't think his name was nice before, but when the little chubby girl called him, he suddenly felt that his name was weird.

Facing Shen Zhen's playful and questioning gaze, Zeng Fang plucked up the courage to say, "Although I don't owe you any more, if you don't have time to take care of Fake in the future, you can call me."

Shen Zhen chuckled, "Are you addicted to playing part-time jobs? I don't have the money to hire you."

Zeng Fang glared at him, "I don't want your money, I just want to spend more time with Fake."

The smile on Shen Zhen's face slowly disappeared.

At Farke's age, every day counts as a day, and any medicine will have no effect on it, but will only increase the burden on the body.

"Keep the key, come here if you want to, don't tell me."

Shen Zhen wanted to leave after finishing speaking, but was stopped by Zeng Fang again.

Shen Zhen was a little annoyed, so he simply turned back and walked in front of her, condescendingly said: "What else can I say, can I finish it all at once?"

As they got closer, Zeng Fang realized that Shen Zhen's eyes were bloodshot and his brows were tired, as if he hadn't slept all night.

Zeng Fang couldn't help asking: "Why did you go last night?"

Shen Zhen twitched the corners of his mouth, "You want to control me?"

Zeng Fang blushed, "Whether you like to talk or not, I just ask casually. I have something to ask you."

Maybe it was really too tired, Shen Zhen took out the cigarette case and walked towards the balcony.

"Just ask."

After exhaling a smoke ring, Shen Zhen spoke to Zeng Fang in the living room.

"Did you really pay two thousand yuan for the medical expenses for eye treatment in the hospital?"

Shen Zhen paused shaking the cigarette ash, and stared at her with narrow eyes that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"Is it too late to doubt the authenticity of the list now?"

In fact, Zeng Fang had suspected it a long time ago, but she just didn't want to delve into it, or in other words, she didn't want to break the connection with Shen Zhen.

But now that everything is over, she and him owe each other nothing, and she finally has the courage to ask the doubts that have been bothering her for a long time.

"Yeah, it's fake, but it's only a hundred yuan. I tricked you, so what are you going to do?"

Shen Zhen admitted it frankly, and played a scoundrel, but Zeng Fang couldn't get angry.

She just wants an answer.


Shen Zhen didn't answer.

"Are you deliberately tricking me with a fake medical bill? Do you want to enslave me as a coolie for you?"

Shen Zhen still didn't answer, just looked at her quietly.

Silence is the default.

Zeng Fang couldn't tell whether it was disappointment or loss, something seemed to be sinking in her heart little by little, and her eye sockets and nose were inexplicably sore and swollen.

She took a deep breath and suppressed her emotions.

"I see. I won't blame you. After all, I shot you first and hurt you. It's lucky that your eyes are fine. We've settled the matter."

After finishing speaking, Zeng Fang took her bag and left the apartment.

Watching the door of the apartment was closed, Shen Zhen threw away the cigarette as if suddenly reacting, and chased him out.

Hearing footsteps behind her, Zeng Fang was hesitating whether to look back, but soon her arm was grabbed.


Shen Zhen looked at her condescendingly, panting slightly, "It's not to tease you."

Zeng Fang's sinking heart suddenly rose again, her big eyes stared at the other party without blinking, "Why is that?"

Shen Zhen pursed his lips tightly.

It was summer, and he was wearing a black T-shirt with a round neck. The entire neck and collarbone were exposed, and he looked very elegant.

Extremely fair complexion, handsome facial features, but the breath is cold and gloomy, inexplicably revealing the breath of an ascetic teenager.

Zeng Fang was a little soft-hearted, and didn't want to press for an answer, but Shen Zhen spoke up.

"To be able to see you."


It was as if fireworks were exploding in my mind.

Joy and sweetness secretly filled every corner of her heart.

"Ha, do you really believe it? I lied to you."

The smile on Zeng Fang's face withered before it could bloom.

Shen Zhen smiled recklessly and awkwardly, "The doctor said that Ke should go out to breathe fresh air and change his mood. I don't have so much time to take it to play every day, so I wanted to find someone to do it for me. It happened that you bumped into my hand. Although it was a bit It's not kind, but I still want to thank you for taking care of Falk for me for so long."

"Thank you for your M head, I don't need it!"

Zeng Fang was so angry that she turned around and left, but she was grabbed by Shen Zhen within a few steps.

"Are you angry? You insisted on asking, but you are angry again when I tell the truth. Don't you like listening to lies?"

Zeng Fang desperately held back the tears that were about to flow, "Shen Zhen, do you think I'm so stupid that I really believed your nonsense? At first I agreed to help you walk the dog because I felt ashamed of you, and later I took care of Fa Ke. It's because I really like it. I'll still come here every day when I'm free.

After finishing speaking, Zeng Fang left angrily.

Shen Zhen didn't stop her this time, but stood still and watched her slowly walk away, and finally disappeared.

Second update~

There may be two changes recently, because I feel that my body is not quite right, and I want to keep some manuscripts in hand for emergencies.

The current situation is a bit serious. Everyone can stock up on some medicines at home, such as anti-fever and cold granules, Banlangen, etc. There is no need to buy lotus flowers at high prices. Ordinary cold medicines are fine. I hope everyone is safe, okay.

(end of this chapter)