On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 719

Chapter 719

Chapter 719 Huang Zhao was found, and he has gone crazy

Time flies, and it's mid-April in a blink of an eye.

It has been a month since the opening of Lingchuan's second wireless electronics franchise store. Under the concerted efforts of Ling Jiang and Wei Qiaolan, the business of the branch has been steadily increasing.

The combined daily sales of the two stores are more than 100,000. If this trend continues, it will take less than two months for the third branch to be on the agenda.

Ling Chuan's career is developing smoothly, and Shao Mo is also very busy.

Classes and the fitness center took up most of her time. At the same time, she had to be responsible for the projects of the Liqun Club. After a long time, it was unavoidable. Besides, she was not interested in being a strong woman. She just wanted to live comfortably and do something by the way. things you like.

After some deliberation, Shao Mo decided to hand over the affairs of the fitness center to Mrs. Zheng. She only needs to be in charge of the projects of the Liqun Club, which makes it a lot easier.

And at this juncture, the Jiang City Public Security Bureau contacted her suddenly.

Huang Zhao was found.

After hearing the news, Shao Mo immediately informed Huang Zhiqiu, and Huang Zhiqiu immediately notified Huang's family.

Although Huang Zhao was found, due to long-term abuse and beatings, he suffered serious physical and psychological problems. His left leg was permanently disabled, mentally disturbed, and his intelligence regressed to about 5 or 6 years old.

In fact, Huang Zhao was accidentally picked up by the security guards on the side of the road.

It may be because people are useless and unable to work. Those people don't want to waste food in vain, so they just throw people out to fend for themselves.

According to the police investigation, when the security guards picked up Huang Zhao, he had been homeless for two or three months. He usually wrapped himself in garbage and robbed children of food. He was covered only with thin and torn coarse clothes. It was lucky that he did not freeze to death. .

Knowing this situation, Shao Mo couldn't help feeling deeply sad.

Yun Yao died, but she ruined Huang Zhao's life.

As expected, when Peng Fang and Huang Jianguo happily went to the train station to pick up their eldest son, they saw that the elder son became physically disabled and mentally handicapped. One can imagine how they felt.

According to Huang Zhiqiu, Peng Fang cried for many days, either at home or with Yang Xinghua, and even went to the village chief's house to cry and sell miserably.

Peng Fang's idea is that Huang Yao was responsible for the elder son's success, and Huang Yao was raised by Huang Zhiqiu and Yang Xinghua. Therefore, Huang Zhiqiu and Yang Xinghua are responsible for Huang Zhao's accident.

In the final analysis, it is nothing more than asking for money.

Originally, for the sake of relatives, Shao Mo planned to give Huang Zhao a sum of money for living and settling down, but after Peng Fang made such a fuss, she didn't want to give it.

Huang Zhao has fallen to this point, although Yunyao is hateful and hateful, but it is also a tragedy caused by Peng Fang and Huang Jianguo's lack of greed and delusion to get something for nothing.

Huang Zhao originally had a stable job and income. If he hadn't coveted the wealth of Yun's family, Huang Zhao would have been working in a shoe factory properly, and he might even have a romantic relationship.

Yang Xinghua's heart softened, seeing her grandson like this, and Peng Fang's couple coming to the house every day to make trouble, the old man couldn't stand it, and finally, under the witness of the village chief, agreed to give him 10 yuan and 5 catties of rice subsidies every month. their family.

Having benefited from Yang Xinghua, Peng Fang and his wife seemed to have tasted the sweetness, and turned to Huang Zhiqiu to make trouble.

Huang Zhiqiu took traditional Chinese medicine for a period of time, and his body just recuperated, when Peng Fang and his wife made a fuss, his condition recurred, and he coughed badly all day long.

Shao Mo was furious when she learned about it, and rushed directly to Anshi by plane.

When Peng Fang and Huang Jianguo saw Shao Mo, they were still very excited, thinking that Shao Mo had sent them money, but Shao Mo's first words made them dumbfounded.

"Second Uncle, Second Aunt, you don't want Huang Wen to go to university, do you?"

"What do you mean?"

Shao Mo sneered, "From today onwards, no matter how long you come to my mother's house, I will find someone to play drums in Huang Wen's ear. Now, since you won't let her have a better life, then no one should think about it!"

Shao Mo's move can be regarded as choking the lifeblood of Peng Fang and his wife.

Huang Zhao has been abolished, and the couple are counting on their youngest son, Huang Wen, to stand up. It seems that the college entrance examination is only two months away. If the youngest son is affected by his studies and fails to enter the university, what is the family going to do?

Peng Fang pointed at Shao Mo unwillingly and cursed, "Well, you Yunmo, do you have a conscience, ah, you..."

Shao Mo interrupted the other party coldly, "Second Aunt, please scold me one more time. In the future, Huang Wen will have no money to go to college, so don't come to me."

Peng Fang was like a chicken being strangled, blushing but unable to utter a sound.

That's right, even if the youngest son is admitted to university, various expenses will be a lot of expenses. With their ability, they will definitely not be able to afford it. At that time, they will have to rely on the support of Huang Zhiqiu and Shao Mo's mother and daughter.

Huang Jianguo was also capable of bending and stretching, and immediately apologized to the mother and daughter with a smile on his face.

"Zhiqiu, Xiaomo, don't be angry. Xiaozhao has become like this. We feel really uncomfortable. We went out to beat people by ourselves and came back like this. Even my mother and I don't recognize each other. Eat and drink Lazarus has to be taken care of, and we really can't do anything about it, we can't even do farm work, how are we going to live..."

Huang Jianguo wiped away tears as he spoke.

Watching her husband cry, Peng Fang also wailed loudly, causing ears to hurt.

"Okay, second uncle and second aunt, don't cry too, isn't it just money, instead of reaching out and asking people for it, it's better to earn it yourself."

"Earn by yourself? How do you earn?"

When it came to making money, the couple immediately quieted down and looked at Shao Mo eagerly.

"There are many ways to make money, so don't worry about that. The most important thing right now is to treat Cousin Xiao Zhao's illness."

"Cure? Xiaomo, Xiaozhao, can he be cured even if he is like this?"

Shao Mo's words gave the couple a little light and hope.

"Of course it can be cured. Even if it can't recover, at least it's okay to take care of yourself."

Hearing that the eldest son was rescued, Peng Fang and his wife stopped fighting, and immediately begged Shao Mo to save their son.

The initiative is in Shao Mo's hands, and the two of them will listen to whatever Shao Mo says, and let them go east and never go west.

First of all, Shao Mo rented a house for the couple in the city, and then bought a second-hand cart for the couple to sell breakfast and pancakes.

The cost of input into these two livelihoods is low, but they earn a lot.

Now that the couple has the ability to earn money, they won't be jealous of others every day, and go to Yang Xinghua and Huang Zhiqiu to make trouble.

Secondly, Shao Mo found Huang Zhao a psychiatric hospital through the Zhao family's relationship.

Huang Zhao lived in a mental hospital for treatment and health care, and the couple went out to earn money for the treatment of their eldest son, which formed a virtuous circle.

Fearing that what happened to Huang Zhao would affect Huang Wen's college entrance examination, before returning to the capital, Shao Mo specifically talked to Huang Wen.

(end of this chapter)