On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 717

Chapter 717

Chapter 717 Use strength to make everyone change their minds, unanimously approved

"Okay, then I will say a few more words. I know your thoughts and original intentions, but you have just come back, and you may not be clear about the situation in the capital. There are currently several organizations like the Liqun Society in the capital." , and they are all led by very powerful female role models in the industry.

Miss, it is undeniable that you are really outstanding, but compared with them, you are still a little young, and you need to sharpen for a few more years. To put it bluntly, it would be better to build a resort or something instead of building a clubhouse based on people's teeth, at least it can bring profits and value to the company. "

"Thank you, Uncle Guo, for your teaching, so do other people who are not optimistic about my project have the same concerns?"

No one else said anything, but the silent attitude was everything.

Shao Mo smiled slightly: "Uncle Guo said that building a resort can make money and create profits for the company, I agree with this.

But I am a maverick, and I don't like to follow the path of others. In other words, I am not interested in simply doing business.

However, regarding the projects of Liqun Club, I would like to add that Liqun Club is not a profit-making organization or institution. It is a medium that can promote the projects of thousands of resorts. This is my original intention. "

After finishing speaking, Shao Mo bowed slightly to everyone.

"Sorry for taking up everyone's time."

After finishing speaking, Shao Mo turned her head and signaled the secretary to take back the plans one by one.

Since these people look down on her plan, she doesn't want to waste her paper.

The plans were all taken back soon, in a thick stack.

Shao Mo took it from the secretary and turned around to leave. At this moment, someone behind her suddenly made a sound.

"Miss, can you wait a moment?"

Shao Mo turned around and found that the person calling her was one of the board members.

The man said: "To be honest, I wasn't optimistic about Liqun Club's project at first, but the last words of the young lady just touched me. As a domestic giant, if the Shaw Group can really build an influential public welfare and An organization that integrates business, I think the advantages to the group outweigh the disadvantages, I want to change the vote, and I agree."

"I agree too."

"And I!"

As the director raised his hand, people in the meeting began to raise their hands one after another. Soon, more than half of the people raised their hands.

"It's only a few hundred thousand or so. If you lose money, you will lose money. Anyway, I believe in Director Shao. With his support behind, the eldest lady will definitely succeed."

Guo Yuanming finished speaking with a smile, and then raised his hand.

What is a turnaround? This is!

Finally, Shao Mo's Liqunhui project was approved by the board of directors with unanimous votes, and Shao Mo was appointed as the project manager, fully responsible for the development and construction of the Liqunhui project.

When he returned to the office, Shao Lin couldn't help calling Mrs. Shao excitedly to announce the good news.

After talking on the phone with Mrs. Shao, Shao Lin called Huang Zhiqiu who was far away in Anshi.

As soon as the phone was connected, he heard Huang Zhiqiu coughing. He hurriedly asked, "Zhiqiu, are you sick? Is it serious? Have you seen a doctor?"

After coughing, Huang Zhiqiu patted his chest to relieve his breath, and replied: "It's an old problem. It's easy to cough when the seasons change from spring to autumn. Drink some loquat syrup and you'll be fine. By the way, can you call to find out what's wrong?"

After speaking, Huang Zhiqiu coughed several times.

Shao Lin's heart tightened when he heard it, how could he be in the mood to talk about the trivial matter of his daughter getting the project.

He hung up the phone after chatting briefly, and then called Liang Kuan into the office.

"Which department does the cough belong to?"

"It's usually a cold clinic or internal medicine."

"You help me get an internal medicine, and I want an authoritative expert number."

"Shao Dong, are you sick?"

"not me."

Liang Kuan nodded, turned around and went out to do business.

The next day, Shao Dong took time to meet with the director of internal medicine of Xiehe Hospital, and briefly explained Huang Zhiqiu's situation to him.

After listening to his description, the doctor suspected that it was chronic pharyngitis or bronchitis, but further examination was needed to tell him to bring the patient here.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.

After coming out of the hospital, Shao Lin actually asked Liang Kuan to arrange a plane ticket, and then called Huang Zhiqiu to ask when she would be free.

Huang Zhiqiu is now mainly responsible for the finance and office logistics of the factory. He has no fixed holidays, but takes turns to rest with Chen Bin and Huang Yu.

After learning about this situation, Shao Lin immediately asked her to spare next Tuesday and Wednesday to come to the capital.

Hearing Shao Lin's serious tone, Huang Zhiqiu hurriedly asked, "Did something happen to Momo?"

"Momo is fine. Anyway, you will know when you come. I have arranged the plane. You can go directly to the airport when the time comes."

"ok, I get it."

Turning his head, Shao Lin also told Shao Mo about it.

"Your mother said that she has been coughing for several years. It is not an option to continue like this. I helped make an appointment with an authoritative doctor in the Department of Respiratory Medicine. Then I will give your mother a thorough physical examination."

After listening to Shao Lin's arrangement, Shao Mo inevitably felt a little guilty.

She went back to Anshi so many times, and occasionally heard Huang Zhiqiu coughing, but every time Huang Zhiqiu said it was because of a flare-up, and she actually believed it.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day when Huang Zhiqiu came to the capital.

The flight at 10 am arrived around 12 noon. Shao Mo and Shao Lin went to the airport to pick it up.

Huang Zhiqiu, who came to the capital for the first time, felt strange and cautious about everything.

They are also airports. There are only a few planes in the airport in Anshi, but the airport in Beijing can't be seen at a glance. The streets are as wide as the river, and the tall buildings are row upon row, showing its prosperity and majesty.

However, the joy of being reunited with his daughter quickly dilutes Huang Zhiqiu's inner hesitation.

"Momo, are you busy studying recently? Seeing that you have lost so much weight, haven't you eaten properly?"

"I'm not thin, I just weighed it a few days ago, and it's still the same as before."

Shao Mo changed the subject with a smile, "Mom, let's go home for dinner first. After eating, you have a rest, and I will take you shopping in the afternoon."

Huang Zhiqiu glanced at Shao Lin in the co-pilot seat and nodded.

After lunch, Shao Lin was about to go back to the company. Huang Zhiqiu made an excuse to see him off, and then asked her why she came to the capital.

Shao Lin no longer concealed it, "You always have such a cough. I made an appointment with a doctor in the respiratory department for you to have a good checkup."

Just as Huang Zhiqiu was about to say something, Shao Lin interrupted her, "Don't take your cough seriously, if it turns into pneumonia or even lung cancer, it is possible, you are so young, why don't you know how to take care of your body? "

After being scolded by Shao Lin, Huang Zhiqiu stopped talking.

The atmosphere is a bit stiff.

Finally, Shao Shuang took the initiative to lower her head, "Sorry, my tone was not very good just now."

Huang Zhiqiu said calmly, "I see, you go to work."

Shao Lin wanted to say something else, but Huang Zhiqiu turned around and walked back to the yard, closing the door.

After staring at the closed door for a long time, Shao Lin turned around resentfully and left.

(end of this chapter)