On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 716

Chapter 716

Chapter 716 Shao Mo's planning proposal was opposed by the board of directors

Not two days after the fitness center opened, Mrs. Zheng found Shao Mo and proposed to work as a consultant in the fitness center.

It turned out that Mrs. Zheng thought it was boring to work out at home alone, and she didn't want to be locked up in the fitness center. She couldn't see her husband for a month, so she simply thought of going to the fitness center to take a job.

When Mr. Zheng leaves for work in the morning, she also goes out to the fitness center with other wives who are losing weight, eats a fat-reducing meal in the fitness center at noon, and practices yoga or dancing with her in the afternoon, and then drives to pick up her Husband is off work.

Mrs. Zheng is willing to be a free consultant to the fitness center, so Shao Mo naturally wishes for it.

With Mrs. Zheng's fame and status, I believe that the fitness center will soon become a meeting place for ladies in the capital.

Because of this, Shao Mo suddenly had an idea in her heart.

With such a good opportunity right now, why doesn't she develop and build a fitness center with a radius of ten miles, and make it a top private high-end club, integrating beauty, weight loss, leisure and vacation.

However, the cost of building such a super private club cannot be underestimated.

It is not only a small matter of hundreds of thousands, but a large project of millions or even tens of millions.

Shao Mo first approached Mrs. Zheng and shared her ideas and plans. Mrs. Zheng was not short of money, and was also very interested in the "Liqun Club" that Shao Mo said, and immediately expressed her willingness to invest half of the investment in building such a super private club.

With the affirmation of Mrs. Zheng, Shao Mohua wrote a detailed plan in three days, and then passed it to Shao Lin through Liang Kuan.

On the plan, Shao Mo did not sign it, and she also signaled Liang Kuan not to tell Shao Lin that the plan was written by her.

After Shao Lin finished his work, he saw the planning book on his desk and flipped through it casually. Seeing that the content was not bad, he turned to the first page and looked carefully.

It took Shao Lin half an hour to finish reading the more than ten pages of plan.

After he finished reading, Liang Kuan immediately asked: "Dong Shao, do you think this plan is feasible?"

"Well, it's not bad, but why don't I remember that there was a proposal about the Liqun Association in the last meeting?"

Liang Kuan explained with a smile, "It's a temporary supplementary proposal. If you think it is feasible, I will ask the planner to talk about it at the next regular meeting."

"Well, you can arrange it. Put the planning book here first, and I will read it when I have time."

"it is good."

After leaving the office, Liang Kuan immediately called Shao Mo to report.

"Miss, fortunately, Mr. Shao is very interested in the plan, and I want you to focus on it at the next board meeting."

Hearing the news, Shao Mo on the other end of the phone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Actually, if she is just short of money, she can definitely raise enough funds by herself, but what she wants to build is a super private club, and with the participation of the Shaw Group, the plan will definitely go smoothly.

In the blink of an eye, we arrived at Shaw Brothers' weekly high-level meeting of the board of directors.

When Shao Lin walked into the office and saw Shao Mo sitting in the last seat, he paused obviously, and questioned Liang Kuanchao behind him.

what happened?

Liang Kuan explained with a smile, "Missy has officially joined the company two days ago and has become a specialist in the project department."

"Why are you talking now!"

Shao Lin nodded Liang Kuan, and when he turned his head to look at his daughter, he put on a gentle and kind smile.

The meeting will start soon.

After the reports and performance reports of each department are completed, it is the turn of the project discussion stage.

Everyone first discussed the progress of established projects, and then the establishment of new projects.

A large group like Shaw Brothers has countless subsidiaries and hundreds of projects underway at the same time. It is precisely because various new projects are approved and developed one after another that they can continuously create value for the group.

Compared with other big projects that often cost tens of millions or even over 100 million, Shao Mo's project can only be regarded as a piece of cake.

Because of this, her project speech was ranked last.

At this stage of the meeting, everyone was tired, and even some board members and high-level executives went outside to smoke to relieve fatigue by going to the toilet, obviously dismissing Shao Mo's proposal.

Looking at nearly one-third of the empty seats, Shao Mo smiled lightly, asked the secretary of the meeting to distribute the copied plan, and started her speech.

Shao Mo spent five minutes explaining her project plan and development prospects.

According to the normal process, first the board members and senior executives express their opinions, and Shao Lin will make the final vote based on the opinions of the directors and senior executives.

Shao Lin turned the project document in his hand, and turned his head to ask Liang Kuan to call in all the absentees.

After everyone arrived, Shao Lin said, "I've read Momo's proposal a few days ago. To be honest, I personally appreciate it very much. But in view of my relationship with Momo, today I will Don't express your opinion, let's vote with a show of hands, the proposal is passed by more than half of the people, is it okay?

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The secretary of the meeting stood next to the main seat and counted the votes, "Now, please raise your hand if you agree with the Liqun Club project."

As the secretary's voice fell, the people in the conference room first looked at each other, and then several people slowly raised their hands.

Shao Mo's heart sank slightly.

The number of directors and executives attending the meeting was 29, but less than 10 people raised their hands.

When the voting time came, the secretary looked at Shao Lin hesitantly, seeing that he looked like he was staying out of the matter, and then said, "Unfortunately, the Liqun Club project was not passed, no..."

"Wait a minute."

Before the secretary said that the project would not be approved, Shao Mo suddenly stood up and interrupted.

Everyone in the conference room looked at her like a spotlight, and even Shao Lin looked at her slightly surprised, with concern and encouragement in his eyes at the same time.

Momo, don't be afraid with Dad here.

Shao Mo got up and walked to the director sitting first on the left side of the main seat, and bowed slightly, "Uncle Guo, excuse me, I want to know what is your reason for rejecting the Liqun Association?"

Guo Yuanming picked up his teacup and took a sip of tea before he calmly said, "I said Miss, so many people didn't raise their hands, why do you insist on grabbing me?"

Shao Mo pretended to be relaxed and said: "In terms of seniority, you are ranked first. Of course I have to ask you what you think first."

These words are quite comfortable to listen to, and Guo Yuanming's attitude towards Shao Mo has also improved.

"Miss, I don't have any opinion on you. I even like you very much. You are a talented woman from Beijing University. You are proficient in six languages. You are considered a leader among the younger generation. We all envy Shao Dongyou You are such a wonderful daughter.

But in terms of facts, your project is too ordinary and nothing new, Miss, don't blame me for being ugly. "

Shao Mo smiled and shook her head, "Of course not, Uncle Guo is willing to teach you, I wish for it."

(end of this chapter)