On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 712

Chapter 712

Chapter 712 A gift specially brought for him

"Looking stupid, forget it, I'll take it home and play with Falk." Shen Zhen pinched two teddy bears, with disgust on his face.

Zhou Ye reached out to grab one, "Brother Zhen, there are two, give me one."

"Go away, this is a couple."

"No, I want one too."

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Zeng Fang quickly took out a set of silver knives and forks from her bag.

"Zhou Ye, I'll give you this. I wanted to keep it for myself."

Zhou Ye took the knife and fork, and immediately took it apart to cut steaks.

"Brother Zhen, mine is pure silver, much more valuable than yours."

"Silly X."

Shen Zhen rolled his eyes at him, then buried himself in his meal, looking unhappy.

After dinner, Shen Zhen drove Zhou Ye home first, and then sent Zeng Fang to school.

"Did you stay up late again last night?"

The eyes of both of them were a little red, and Shen Zhen fell asleep in the car all the way, Zeng Fang couldn't help guessing.

Shen Zhen glanced at her, but didn't answer, but talked about Farke's situation.

After the new year, Fake is one year older, and all the functions of the body are gradually receding. Not only should we pay special attention to diet, but even the time for walking should be strictly limited. It should not exceed half an hour a day. Excessive exercise Do it no favors. .

Zeng Fang was a little sad, and couldn't help but ask, "What if Fake isn't here someday?"

Shen Zhen didn't answer, just drove silently.

This time, Shen Zhen didn't take a detour on purpose, and the jeep soon stopped at the gate of Beijing Foreign School.


Seeing Zeng Fang sitting still, Shen Zhen couldn't help reminding.

Zeng Fang opened the bag slowly, and took out a set of exquisite silver tableware from inside.

Compared to the knife and fork given to Zhou Ye, this pair is obviously the luxurious PLUS version.

There are not only knives and forks and spoons, but also a pair of chopsticks.

"This is the gift I brought you. You should eat well in the future."

After finishing speaking, Zeng Fang threw the things into Shen Zhen's arms, opened the door and jumped out of the car.

Watching the back of the girl rushing into the school, Shen Zhen picked up the gift box, opened it, picked up a spoon and shook it, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, apparently in a good mood.

Afterwards, he took out the two teddy bears in his pocket and placed them seriously on the console before starting the car and leaving.


Zeng Fang ran into Liang Binger as soon as she entered the school gate, and was slapped by the other party.

"I said why did Shen Zhen dump me for no reason? It turned out to be because of you, a bitch! No wonder you worked so hard in the debate back then, and spent a long time trying to seduce men by being coquettish. Look at your current coquettishness, Shen Zhen A woman who has played with her can go from outside Beijing to Beijing University, do you think you can do well?!"

Liang Binger left in a huff after going mad, and Zeng Fang froze in place for a long time, unable to recover.

Until Yao Liang walked over from nowhere and asked with concern, "Zeng Fang, are you okay?"

Zeng Fang touched the burning face, a sense of grievance welled up in her heart, tears fell from her nose as soon as her nose was sour.

Yao Liang quickly took out a handkerchief to give it to her, but she pushed it away.

"No, thanks."

Wiping away the tears on her face indiscriminately, Zeng Fang turned around and chased after Liang Binger.

After catching up with Liang Binger, Zeng Fang didn't say anything nonsense, stepped forward and grabbed the opponent's hair, dragged her to the ground forcefully, straddled her body, and slapped him twice from left to right.

Although Zeng Fang lost a lot of weight, her body is really muscular. Although Liang Binger is tall and slender, she is weak and slender and has no strength to restrain a chicken. She was beaten by Zeng Fang and screamed.

The two fought for a long time before being torn apart by passing teachers and classmates.

The result of fighting on campus is to be severely criticized and educated by the school.

Nian was the first time the two committed crimes, and they were not punished. They were only required to write a 3,000-word inspection.

Liang Binger didn't have much strength, and the slap marks on Zeng Fang's face almost disappeared by the afternoon after school, but Liang Binger slapped Zeng Fang ten times ten times, even after applying medicine, she could still see faint black marks , Liang Binger had to cover it with powdered cake to barely be able to see people.

Since then, the relationship between the two has been concluded.

After school at noon that day, a senior senior found Zeng Fang privately and reminded her to be careful of Liang Binger.

It turned out that this senior sister and Liang Binger lived in the same dormitory. She heard Liang Binger tell someone that her current boyfriend wanted to vent her anger on Liang Binger and find someone to teach Zeng Fang a lesson.

Zeng Fang didn't know who Liang Binger's boyfriend was, but someone who thought this way was definitely not a good person, and she didn't dare to trust her. After thanking her senior, she called Shao Mo.

After learning the ins and outs, Shao Mo immediately arranged for Tian Yuan to pick up Zeng Fang from school, while she found someone to investigate Liang Binger and Liang Binger's boyfriend.

At the same time, Shen Zhen also knew about it.

Hearing that Liang Binger not only beat up the little fat girl, but also encouraged her new boyfriend to teach the little fat girl, Shen Zhen immediately laughed.

It seems that during the time he cultivated his mind and nature, he gave others the illusion that he was easy to bully.

Shen Zhen didn't talk nonsense, so someone "invited" Liang Binger and Liang Binger's boyfriend to him that night.

The place is in an underground bar. In this kind of place, as long as you don't kill people and set fires, everything is fine.

In the entire bar, Shen Zhen was the only one with people, all the lights were turned on, and there was a cold and dangerous atmosphere in the air.

Shen Zhen sat in the middle, and the others stood scattered around, forming an enveloping pattern that surrounded Liang Binger, her boyfriend, and the two gangsters beside her boyfriend.

Liang Binger is a female student after all. Where has she ever seen such a scene? She was so frightened that she could hardly stand still, and kept hiding behind her boyfriend Shen Wei.

Although Shen Wei is a member of the mixed society, he is only a low-level person after all. Compared with the prince of the capital like Shen Zhen, he is nothing worth mentioning.

"Liang Binger, I underestimated you."

Liang Binger's boyfriend Shen Wei didn't know Shen Zhen, so he asked loudly, "Who are you?"

Shen Zhen sneered darkly, "I am your Uncle Shen!"

Liang Binger tugged at Shen Wei, and whispered: "He is Shen Zhen."

As soon as Shen Zhen's name was heard, Shen Wei's face changed, and he suddenly lost his temper.

Shen Zhen looked at Liang Binger with the corners of his mouth pulled, "Which hand did you hit her with?"

Liang Binger looked at Shen Zhen tremblingly, "You, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Shen Zhen stared at Liang Binger and Shen Yong playfully with his narrow eyes, casually playing with an apple in his hand, the apple was big and round, bright red, sweet to look at.

However, on the coffee table in front of Shen Zhen, there was a basket of such big and round apples, so that the whole bar smelled of apples, mixed with alcohol and the smell of the bar, which smelled weird.

"Liang Binger, I don't hit women, but you are the first."

As soon as the voice fell, the apple in Shen Zhen's hand smashed straight at Liang Binger's right hand.

The apple fell to the ground and broke into several pieces. Liang Binger screamed and covered her right hand, her beautiful face was full of pain.

Second update~

Tomorrow, the third shift will be resumed, ask for a monthly pass, okay?

(end of this chapter)