On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 711

Chapter 711

Chapter 711 Leaning on her shoulder

Regarding the matter of staying in the capital, Ling Jiang was still moved.

As a man, he has an instinctive pursuit of career prospects.

What's more, staying in the capital not only allows her daughter to get a good education and training, the most important thing is that he has a younger brother like Ling Chuan, and the family can live together, which is better than anything else.

"Okay, brother and sister, I'll listen to you, then Chunhua will stay first, you can help me take care of it first, I will deal with the business over there in Jiang City as soon as possible, and then pack up and come to the capital to find you."

"Okay, brother."

After the discussion, the accounts are settled.

Today's total sales are more than 60,000 points, and more than 60,000 were sold on the first day of the new year, which can be regarded as a good start.

The next day, Ling Jiang flew back to Jiang City, and Shao Mo also found a good elementary school for Ling Chunhua near the small courtyard before school started.

Although Ling Chunhua is a foreigner, she has the aura of a signed writer, and the school welcomes her to join.

After the school matter was resolved, Shao Mo began to inquire about the writing teacher in Beijing again.

After many screenings and comparisons, Ling Chunhua accepted the name of a well-known female writer who is good at prose and short stories, and has published many anthologies of prose, and has a very good reputation in the industry.

Ling Chunhua's reading and writing work has been settled, and Shao Mo has also ushered in the start of school.

Before school started, Zeng Fang finally returned.

She went to country Y with a cousin during the winter vacation, and she just came home a few days ago, and hurried back to the capital after two days of rest.

To Shao Mo's surprise, Zeng Fang not only brought back many gifts from Xie Xia, but also photos of Xie Xia.

Looking at the photo, Shao Mo was both happy and envious. If she hadn't been able to spare the time, she would have wanted to go to country Y with Zeng Fang to visit Xie Xia.

I don't know if traveling abroad is hard. During the whole winter vacation, Zeng Fang not only didn't gain weight but also lost two catties. This made Shao Mo, who was worried that Zeng Fang would gain weight during the Chinese New Year, very relieved.

With the start of school, everyone's life has entered into an orderly manner.

After school at noon, Zeng Fang, like before, did not go to the cafeteria to eat, but left the school gate to take the bus to Shen Zhen's apartment to walk the dog.

Having not seen Falk for a month, she already misses that furry guy a little.

Not far from the school gate, a jeep stopped beside him.

Looking at the familiar body color, Zeng Fang couldn't help but her heart skipped a beat.

The next moment, the window of the jeep cab lowered, revealing Zhou Ye's smiling face.

"Zeng Fang, where are you going, shall I see you off?"

Seeing that the person in the car was Zhou Ye, Zeng Fang felt a sense of loss for no reason.

But when she opened the rear door and saw Shen Zhen lying on the back seat, her heart jumped again.

Shen Zhen was awakened by the sound of opening the door and the coldness, and opened his mouth to curse, but when he opened his eyes and saw her, he was taken aback.

The next moment, he sat up from the back seat sleepily, giving up half of the seat to her.

"Come up, what are you doing in a daze?"


Hearing Shen Zhen's urging, Zeng Fang hurriedly stepped into the carriage.

The jeep continued to drive forward, but Shen Zhen didn't speak to her, and continued to sleep with his eyes closed and his head tilted against the back of the chair.

Zhou Ye chatted with Zeng Fang in a low voice, asking her where she went for the Spring Festival and why she came back to the capital so late.

Knowing that Zeng Fang went to country Y for vacation, Zhou Ye asked her what she did in country Y.

The two of them were just chatting with you asking and answering, when suddenly, something hit Zeng Fang on the shoulder.

When she turned her head, her lips brushed against the soft hair, sliding over the top of Shen Zhen's furry head.

Looking at the boy leaning on her shoulders, and smelling the cool woody fragrance from his body, Zeng Fang's heart beat so fast that her hands on her knees were subconsciously clenched.

Struggling for a moment between waking up the other party and maintaining the original state, Zeng Fang chose the latter.

Zhou Ye in front saw this, smirked and closed his mouth.

"Zhou Ye, did you go the wrong way?"

After an unknown amount of time, Zeng Fang looked out the car window and suddenly realized that it was not the way to the apartment at all.

"Oh, I'm here to buy some things, the shopping mall in front."

As he said that, Zhou Ye parked the car on the side of the road, turned to Zeng Fang and said, "You and Brother Zhen wait for me in the car for a while, I'll be out soon after I buy something."

Zhou Ye jumped out of the car decisively after finishing speaking, without giving Zeng Fang a chance to respond.

As the door was closed, the carriage also became quiet, only the shallow breathing of the two could be heard.

In such a quiet environment, any small voice would be amplified infinitely, not to mention that Shen Zhen was resting on her shoulder, and the other party's breath and breath surrounded her tightly.


Zeng Fang desperately clutched her stomach, but her stomach couldn't feel the emotion and embarrassment, and screamed desperately.

Gollum, Gollum.

Shen Zhen was finally woken up, lifted her head from her shoulders, her hair brushed against her ears, itching.

"what time is it?"


Zeng Fang tried her best to look nonchalant.

Shen Zhen rubbed the center of his brows, then turned his head and stared at her for a while, his narrow eyes revealed a palpitating concentration.

The heat on Zeng Fang's face was slowly ignited, her cheeks were as red as ripe peppers, "You, what do you see me doing?"

"Tsk, doesn't your family give you food? Have you lost weight after a year?"

Hearing Shen Zhen say that she lost weight, Zeng Fang couldn't help but bend her lower lip.

Going home for a month, she endured hunger every day, and faced a big table of big fish and meat at midnight dinner, she tried her best to endure it. She only dared to eat some chicken, fish, shrimp, and vegetables, just to keep her figure.

"Let's go."

After recovering his concentration, Shen Zhen opened the door and prepared to get out of the car.

Zeng Fang hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?"

"Have a meal."


After entering the restaurant, Zeng Fang realized that she was out to walk the dog, but Shen Zhen had already sat down and picked up the menu.

Forget it, it's been so long since we haven't seen each other, so let's not disappoint, she'll take a little longer in the afternoon.

Thinking of this, Zeng Fang also sat down with peace of mind.

Not long after ordering the dishes, Zhou Ye came over.

"As soon as I got back in the car and saw that you were not here, I guessed that you came here for dinner. Oh, I'm starving to death. What delicious food did you order?"

Shen Zhen threw the menu to him casually, "I didn't order yours, you order it yourself."

Zhou Ye took the menu, looked at it and complained dissatisfiedly: "Brother Zhen, I don't want you to forget about friends like this."

Zhou Ye made a casual joke and ordered the dishes, but Zeng Fang was disturbed by the words "forget friends after seeing sex".

color refers to her?

"Zeng Fang, you've been abroad for so long, haven't you thought about bringing us some small gifts back?"

During the meal, Zhou Ye joked.

Zeng Fang swallowed the food in her mouth, and took out two coffee-colored teddy bears the size of an adult's fist from her bag.

"The others are all given away, only these two are left, if you don't mind, take them."

Before the words fell, the two teddy bears fell into Shen Zhen's hands.

(end of this chapter)