On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 687

Chapter 687

Chapter 687 The opening of the business is auspicious

Shao Mo put her hands on her hips, "Do you know what Dad told me, he said, I really want to divorce you because of this matter, and he is the first one not to agree."

Ling Chuan was flattered, "Daughter-in-law, don't be angry, Dad is right..."

"You mean I'm wrong?"

Facing her fiery apricot eyes, Ling Chuan quickly changed his words, "Daughter-in-law, you are right, it's all my fault, you can beat me and scold me, don't be angry, anger hurts your body..."

"Hmph, Ling Chuan, for Dad's sake, I won't argue with you this time, and next time, it's useless for me to intercede with you."

Ling Chuan quickly raised his right hand, "Daughter-in-law, I promise I won't make an exception, I swear."

After Shao Mo took a nap, Ling Chuan quietly got up, put on his coat and went to the main courtyard.

As soon as Ling Chuan stepped out of the room, Shao Mo opened his eyes with a sly smile on his face.

Ling Chuan was introverted and silent, and he didn't know what to say, but Shao Mo couldn't see it as the person next to his pillow. Ling Chuan always felt that Shao Lin, the father-in-law, didn't like his background and family background, and he didn't like it in front of Shao Lin. I am used to being cautious.

She just took advantage of this incident to make Ling Chuan feel grateful to Shao Lin, his father-in-law, and to improve the relationship between Weng and his son-in-law.

Shao Mo guessed right, Ling Chuan did go to the main courtyard, and expressed his gratitude to Shao Lin seriously.

"Dad, thank you, thank you for your support and trust, I hereby assure you that I will never let you and Momo down in this life."

Although Shao Lin was a little confused, he also guessed that the daughter might have said something to the son-in-law, so he took the opportunity to teach the son-in-law a few words, and the matter passed like this.

"Dad, then I won't bother you."

After the matter was finished, Ling Chuan wanted to go back to Moyuan to rest with his wife, but Shao Lin called to stop him.

"Wait a minute, Xiao Ling, do you know Chen Bin?"

Ling Chuan nodded, "Yes, everyone was not optimistic about the bamboo weaving factory at the beginning, only Brother Chen was willing to spend all his savings to set up the factory with his mother and uncle. a credit to

The more the son-in-law praised Chen Bin, the more uncomfortable Shao Lin felt.

It's unreasonable for a 30-year-old boy to dare to have his daughter's mother's idea.

But Shao Lin is an old fox who has been in power for many years, no matter how emotional he is, he doesn't show it on his face.

"Then I don't worry. Your mother-in-law is a weak woman. It is not easy to start a factory. I am just worried that the people around her are unreliable."

"Dad, don't worry, Brother Chen is absolutely reliable."

"Hehe, that's good."

As soon as his son-in-law left, the smile on Shao Lin's face instantly collapsed.

Chen Bin.


December 18th, the 25th day of the 11th lunar month, is suitable for traveling, moving, business opening, and market opening.

Lingchuan's wireless electronics franchise store opened grandly on this day.

Firecrackers, fireworks, flower baskets, roasted pigs, the opening ceremony was grand and grand.

As soon as the ceremony was over, the guests and customers who had been waiting for a long time entered the store with gift certificates.

Gift certificates are issued three days in advance, and each person can redeem a gift worth 2 yuan with the gift certificate, or use it to deduct 5 yuan for shopping.

In addition to pagers, Lingchuan's store also sells electronic equipment such as televisions, walkmans, and tape recorders.

For this opening, Shao Mo and Ling Chuan spent a lot of money. They bought 100 flashlights as gifts, not to mention other free gifts. They spent nearly 500 yuan in total.

In addition to the gifts, Shao Mo also designed a series of grand opening bargain activities. On the opening day, all products are 5% off, and the consumption amount reaches 200 yuan or more to participate in a roulette lucky draw.

There are a total of ten prizes on the roulette, ranging from a pencil for one yuan a box to a cash prize of 188.

The effect of the activity is also obvious. From 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, the flow of people in the franchise store has never stopped, the threshold is almost broken, and more than 700 of the 1,000 gift certificates sent out have been taken back.

After the store closed at 9 o'clock, Ling Chuan closed the door, and then led two shop assistants to calculate the inventory together, while Shao Mo helped with the calculation with a calculator.

It took a full hour to calculate the accounts for the day. Shao Mo's fingers were numb, but looking at the total revenue, Shao Mo couldn't help showing a smile on her face.

On the other end, Ling Chuan, who was taking stock of the goods, heard the calculator stop, and subconsciously turned his head to look over.

"Daughter-in-law, have you figured it out?"


"A total of 87567 pieces."

Hearing this amount, everyone smiled.

"My God, it sold more than 80,000 yuan in one day? How much did you get this month?" one of the clerks exclaimed.

"You dare to think, if you can have such a good business every day, it will not be a problem to double your salary ten times." Shao Mo said with a smile.

Another clerk laughed and said, "That's impossible. How many gifts have we given out today? Let alone 80,000 a day, 10,000 a day is not bad."

Shao Mo ignored the two shop assistants and asked, "Have you finished ordering?"


"Then you guys order first, I'll go out and buy some supper and come back."

As soon as the voice fell, the store door was slapped.

Opened the door and saw Zeng Fang and Wen Qingsheng, each carrying skewers and packed meals in their hands.

The store is full of electronic products, fearing that the food will attract mice and damage the products, Shao Mo hurriedly led the person to a nearby supper shop.

Wen Qingsheng and the others had already bought enough vegetables, so there was no need to order more. Shao Mo discussed with the boss and asked the boss to help heat it up. They ordered some drinks in the store and gave the boss an extra 10 yuan.

The boss recognized Shao Mo as the proprietress of the newly opened shop across the street, and he wanted to sell it well so that he could bring more customers over in the future, and the processing fee of 10 yuan was directly exempted, and only the price for drinks was charged.

Shao Mo received the boss's favor, and immediately said that she would give the boss a discount when she came to the store to buy things.

Shao Mo just said it casually, not wanting the boss to take it seriously.

"Then if I go to buy a pager, how much discount will you give me?"

Shao Mo smiled, "Today's opening bonus, you can get 5% off on pagers, plus a free flashlight. Boss, if you come later, I will give you this discount too. How about it?"

"Don't do it later, just today, how much discount will I get if I buy you today?"

Shao Mo didn't expect to come out for a late-night snack to make a business, so she said directly: "93% off, okay?"

"92% off, I don't want your flashlight, I have plenty of those at home."


So, Wen Qingsheng and Zeng Fang stayed in the store to eat, and Shao Mo took Boss Liu to the store to buy a pager.

At the store, Ling Chuan and two shop assistants have already ordered the goods and are about to lock the door.

Learning that the owner of the night snack stall wanted to buy a pager, Ling Chuan asked the two clerks to eat first, and he and Shao Mo greeted Boss Liu.

Boss Liu is also a straightforward person, so he directly chose a mid-range priced pager and discounted it to 1656.

The store owner put the cloth bag in his hand on the counter, then took two stacks of banknotes from inside, counted 6 bills, threw them back into the cloth bag, and then pushed the cloth bag in front of Ling Chuan.

"There's a total of 1660 yuan here, please order."

Seeing that Boss Liu was so straightforward, Shao Mo handed back a 10 yuan bill to the other party.

"A fraction is fine, I'll charge you the whole amount, 1650."

Boss Liu immediately smiled and showed his golden teeth, "Oh, thank you, lady boss."

"You still come to take care of our business at night, we should thank you."

Third watch~

The temperature has dropped, it's so cold, everyone, wear more clothes, drink more hot water, don't catch a cold.

(end of this chapter)