On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 686

Chapter 686

Chapter 686 Love Rival

Shao Lin looked back at his son-in-law, his tone was not as gentle as when he was talking to his daughter, "Xiao Ling, are you alright?"

Shao Lin asked him if he was given sleeping pills and whether his body was affected, but Ling Chuan misunderstood that the other party was concerned about his cold, and quickly said: "The fever has subsided, take two more medicines and you will be fine."

Hearing this, Shao Lin noticed that his son-in-law's face was a little pale, "Are you caught a cold?"

Ling Chuan nodded blankly, "It's wind and cold, not contagious."

Shao Lin's face paled, "That's good, Momo's body is weak, and she can't resist tossing like you."

Shao Mo defended unconvinced, "Dad, I'm not weak either."

"Why are you not weak anymore? Seeing how skinny you are, if you are like Zeng Fang, eating, drinking and sleeping every day, and as strong as a pig, then I can rest assured."

Zeng Fang: Are you polite?

Shao Mo felt that she needed to justify her friend, "Dad, Fang Fang has lost a lot of weight now."

"Are you really thin? How much have you lost?"

The last time his daughter taught Zeng Fang to lose weight, he happened to hear it too, so he couldn't help being curious.

Shao Mo didn't expect her father to have a gossip and exquisite heart, so she couldn't help being funny for a while.

"I lost about 12 to 3 catties."

"So many? Momo, you can write down the weight loss methods and recipes some other day, I will be useful."

Facing Shao Mo's curious gaze, Shao Lin had no choice but to explain, "I have a very important client, his wife struggles to lose weight every day, but instead of losing weight, he was sent to the hospital. The cooperation had to be postponed, since your method is useful, I want to give it to the client's wife to try."

"Is that so..."

Shao Mo thought for a while and said, "Dad, my weight loss method is aimed at healthy people. Otherwise, take me to meet this lady when you have time. I will talk to her first, and then help her after understanding her physical condition." Tailor a weight loss plan."

"That's okay, but will it affect your studies?"


"Well, I will make an appointment with the client first, and I will tell you the date then."


Because it was the weekend, Shao Mo and Ling Chuan followed Shao Lin directly back to the Shao family compound, planning to return to the small courtyard after dinner.

After a simple lunch, Shao Lin asked Ling Chuan to go back to the Mo Garden to rest first, while he took Shao Mo to the study for a heart-to-heart talk.

"Momo, are you okay with Xiao Ling?"

Being concerned about relationship and marriage issues by the elders, Shao Mo inevitably felt a little uncomfortable.

"What's the matter, I can't divorce him just because of this."

Originally thought that with Shao Lin's protection and love for her, he would definitely say that he would support her or something, but Shao Lin's answer was completely opposite.

"Momo, if you really want to divorce Xiao Ling because of this matter, I will be the first one not to agree."

"Why? Dad, he did something wrong, and you still protect him. He is your real son!?"

Seeing her excited, Shao Lin quickly comforted her: "Momo, don't worry, even if you want to convict Dad, you have to listen to what Dad has to say first, right?"

Shao Mo snorted softly, "Then tell me, I'll listen."

"Momo, if you can't live together because you have no relationship with him, or you don't agree with each other's three views, then you want a divorce and I agree with 100,000 and 10,000.

But you are not, you have feelings and get along very well, if you separate just because of such a misunderstanding, it is not worth it.

I am someone who has experienced it, and I don't want you to follow in my footsteps, and regret for such an impulsive and wrong decision in the future. "

Shao Lin showed sadness and regret on his face, obviously he did not let go of the past with Huang Zhiqiu.

Shao Mo took the opportunity to ask the doubts in her heart, "Dad, have you not let go of your feelings for Mom?"

The topic suddenly turned to himself, and Shao Lin couldn't help but scratched his head in embarrassment, "I can't say it, in fact, before I knew your existence, I almost forgot about your mother, and I also had mixed feelings and sighs when we met later. Come up with something else.

But for some reason during this time, I often contacted her on the phone, chatting with her, and felt that it would be good if we could live together in the future.

But I don't want to and I can't force her. Your mother is just like you, she looks weak and weak, and she has more righteous ideas in her heart. When she was young, she refused to come to the capital with me, let alone now.

And now I have the whole family on my shoulders, and I have to take care of your grandma and you, so it is impossible to leave these things and go find her. In fact, it's good to be old friends. Life together will inevitably bump into bumps and quarrels.

But Momo, you and Xiao Ling are different from me and your mother. You are a serious couple. Dad still hopes that you can manage this marriage seriously. No matter what the final result is, you will never think about it in the future Sorry, understand? "

Shao Mo nodded, "Dad, I understand what you mean. In fact, I have forgiven him, but I want to teach him a lesson, so I pretended not to calm down."

"That's good, it should be like this, then don't be angry for too long, just a month, or this month you move back home and let him reflect over there alone."

Shao Mo: "..."

Encouraging your daughter and son-in-law to live apart, don't you really want to change your son-in-law?

Shao Mo did not agree to the proposal of moving back to Shao's compound for a one-month stay. It was so cold that she didn't want to sleep in a cold bed alone for a month.

But before leaving, she also planted a thunderbolt in Shao Lin's heart.

"Dad, do you know Chen Bin?"

"I don't know, who is it?"

"Oh, when my mother and uncle founded the bamboo weaving factory, he also took part in it. Now he is the deputy director of the bamboo weaving factory, mainly responsible for external business."

Shao Lin nodded, "Is there something wrong with him?"

Shao Mo smiled and said: "No problem, Brother Chen is a very nice person, he is generous and open-minded, and he is very popular in the village. He has contributed a lot to the smooth opening of the bamboo weaving factory."

Hearing his daughter's great praise for that Chen Bin, Shao Lin was inexplicably very happy, "How old is this Chen Bin?"

"It's 30 this year."

"It's 30, so is he married? The people in your mother's place seem to get married quite early."

"No, but Brother Chen seems to be very interested in my mother. He used to drive motorcycles. Every time he drove my mother to the town, he didn't charge any money. Moreover, his conditions in the village are considered good. Someone introduced him He doesn't even want to have a partner, and he doesn't know if he is waiting for my mother."

Ling Chuan didn't take a break. As soon as Shao Mo returned to Moyuan, he asked nervously what the father and daughter had talked about.

"Daughter-in-law, is dad angry with me? How about I go and make amends for him."

Seeing the nervous expression on the man's face, Shao Mo was secretly amused, but she complained dissatisfiedly, "Dad keeps saying good things about you in front of me. I don't know, but I thought you were his real son!"

Ling Chuan couldn't believe it, "Daughter-in-law, dad, didn't he scold me?"

(end of this chapter)