On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 683

Chapter 683

Chapter 683 has always been a person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes

I don't know if it's because I'm too full, or because the man's technique is too good, and I feel sleepy after a while.

At this moment, the water in the kettle boiled, Ling Chuan let go of her feet, got up and left for some reason.

Shao Mo felt sleepy, and ignored the other party, and lay on the sofa with a slant.

After the sound of rushing water, she felt something approaching her, with a rush of heat, she instinctively opened her eyes.

It turned out that the man twisted a hot towel to wipe her face.

Seeing that she woke up, Ling Chuan carefully explained: "Daughter-in-law, I brought hot water, you wash your face first, wash your face and then soak your feet in hot water, so that you won't be cold when you sleep at night."

Shao Mo was sleepy at first, and didn't want to wash her face or feet, but the water was served in front of her, and her cleanliness instinct was aroused, and she seemed to feel uncomfortable if she didn't wash.

She stood up and took the towel, "I'll do it myself."

After she finished wiping her face, Ling Chuan immediately took the towel, put it in the basin, scrubbed it, wrung it dry, and handed it to her.

This went on and on again, and when she finished wiping her face, neck and hands, Ling Chuan immediately brought hot footwashing water to soak her feet.

Afraid that she would feel hot, he brought a small basin of cold water and was ready to add it to the hot water at any time.

Both feet are soaked in the hot water bucket. The heat enters from every pore on the feet and spreads to the limbs of the body. The tiredness of the whole body is washed away.

Shao Mo was soaking her feet while looking at the man sitting opposite.

"Go down to your room and rest, I'll go to sleep after soaking my feet."

Ling Chuan looked at her, and the circles of his eyes slowly turned red.

Her voice was a little hoarse, with a hint of crying, "Daughter-in-law, I know I was wrong, and it's all my fault. Can you forgive me? I promise I won't drink any more in the future."

Seeing that Shao Mo didn't speak, Ling Chuan didn't continue, "Daughter-in-law, I'll clean up the floor and leave after you fall asleep."

Hearing this, Shao Mo ignored him, went back to the bedroom after soaking his feet, and locked the door behind him.

In the living room, when he heard the clear sound of the door lock being locked behind him, Ling Chuan's expression darkened, and then he got up and took the bucket to the bathroom to pour out the water, washed it, and carefully cleaned it one by one with all kinds of sugar cakes and pastries bought by Shao Mo. Seal it well to avoid moisture from affecting the taste.

After finishing all this, he did not leave, but turned off the light in the living room, and then sat on the sofa alone, staring blankly at the window where the snowflakes were flying.

God knows how regretful and self-blame he felt when he saw the steak, red wine, flowers and candles in the trash can.

What he regretted even more was that he agreed to go to dinner with Ma Xuebin, and at the same time he was glad that his daughter-in-law showed up in time, otherwise, he really couldn't imagine the consequences.

If he really did something wrong to his wife, even if the wife didn't beat him or blame him, he would still wish to kill himself.

Thinking of this, Ling Chuan suddenly remembered something, got up and left here.

In the bedroom, Shao Mo was not asleep.

Habit is a terrible thing, even if she is angry with him, she still feels at ease when he is around, and if he is not around, she can't even fall asleep.

This night, Shao Mo tossed and turned for a long time before barely falling asleep.

On the other side, Ma Xuebin and Wan Bai could not sleep all night.

Wan Wanbai is fine, he didn't know about Ma Xuebin sending a woman to Ling Chuan beforehand, so it's easy to explain to Shao Mo.

Ma Xuebin is miserable, he believes that there is no cat in the world that does not steal, and in order to please and win over Ling Chuan, he specially arranged for Linda Wan to send Ling Chuan back to the hotel.

But he didn't expect that Shao Mo, who was thousands of miles away, would suddenly come to the Shanghai stock market and catch Linda Wan.

This is great, the **** was slapped on the horse's leg, and the Shao family was furious. Not to mention that he couldn't keep his job, he might not even be able to stay in the country.

After receiving Linda Wan's call, Ma Xuebin immediately called Wan Bai Yuan for help, but what could Wan Bai Yuan do in Jiang City.

For a woman, her husband and family are the bottom line, and what Ma Xuebin did touched Shao Mo's bottom line, and he didn't have the face to plead for Ma Xuebin.

Wan Wanbai tentatively called Ling Chuan a few times, but without exception, Ling Chuan did not reply.

Actually, Ling Chuan didn't intentionally not reply because he was angry, but he was too busy coaxing his wife to take care of him at all.

The next day, Shao Mo was awakened by the blinding white light outside the window.

Opening his eyes, he found that the outside of the window was already a vast expanse of whiteness, and the roofs, streets, trees, and flower beds were all covered with a thick layer of snow.

There is heating in the hotel room, and Shao Mo didn't feel cold. She got up and walked to the window, enjoying the snow scene for a while, and when she opened the room, she was a little stunned when she saw the man curled up on the sofa in the living room.

Ling Chuan was awakened by the sound of her opening the door, and quickly opened his eyes and sat up from the sofa.

"Daughter-in-law, are you up? I bought soy milk, pan-fried buns, scallion pancakes and pot stickers..."

Shao Mo glanced at the several oiled paper bags on the coffee table that were so cold that there was no trace of heat. It was so cold that he didn't know when he bought them.

Ling Chuan obviously also realized that it was cold earlier, and explained remedially: "Daughter-in-law, I'm going to buy hot ones again, what do you want to eat?"

"No, we'll go out to eat later, and let's talk about what happened last night."

Ling Chuan's face was a little stiff, obviously he was in conflict with what happened last night, to be precise, he should be afraid.

Now I know I'm afraid, why did you go early, such a beautiful woman offered to deliver to your door, you are in a good mood!

Shao Mo slandered in her heart, and didn't give the man a good face. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she didn't care whether the man washed or not, she took her bag and was about to go out.

As soon as the two reached the hotel lobby, they were stopped by a man who looked strange.

"Mr. Ling, Mrs. Ling, good morning."

"Who are you?"

Shao Mo was not in a pretty mood, and her tone was not very polite.

Ma Xuebin immediately introduced himself.

Knowing that the man in front of him is the "culprit" who got Ling Chuan drunk yesterday, Shao Mo's anger boiled over.

"It turned out to be Manager Ma, who has known his name for a long time."

Hearing the sarcasm in Shao Mo's tone, Ma Xuebin quickly replied, "Don't dare, Mrs. Ling, I'm guilty. I shouldn't have forced Mr. Ling to drink last night. I didn't do my best to be a landlord afterwards, which almost caused you two husbands and wives to quarrel. The misunderstanding is all my fault, Mrs. Ling, if you want to beat me or scold me, you can come at me, this matter is absolutely my fault."

Ma Xuebin discussed with Wan Bai all night, and finally decided to ask Ma Xuebin to apologize first, take the responsibility on himself, and attribute the whole thing to a misunderstanding. This will not only absolve him of guilt, but also make Ling Chuan look good, and at the same time It can make Shao Mo calm down.

The two of them had a good plan. If Shao Mo was an ordinary housewife, she might have really exposed this matter by going down the steps.

It's a pity that Shao Mo has always been a person who can't tolerate sand in her eyes, and she also has this confidence and ability.

(end of this chapter)