On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 682

Chapter 682

Chapter 682 Blame Ling Chuan, that bastard!

Anger is all about anger, but Shao Mo didn't get so angry that she lost her mind and ran outside at night. Instead, she took advantage of Shao Lin's relationship to stay in the most luxurious suite in the hotel.

At the same time, Shao Lin from the capital city also received a report from the hotel. Knowing that his daughter and son-in-law were having trouble, he immediately called Shao Mo.

"Momo, I've heard from the person in charge of the hotel. Don't be angry. Even if you're not here tonight, it won't happen. Liang Kuan from the hotel said hello beforehand, and they all watched it. No messy people will be allowed into Xiao Ling's room."

Shao Lin's consolation did not calm Shao Mo's anger, but made him even more angry.

Is he still a five-year-old kid? She and Shao Lin have to watch over everything, how can they still watch over him for the rest of his life! ?

Shao Mo knew that she was in a fit of anger, so she simply said a few words to Shao Lin and hung up the phone.

As soon as the phone was hung up, she walked into the bedroom, picked up a pillow, and practiced one-handed boxing against the pillow with her right fist.

When the right hand was tired, she switched to the left hand. After more than ten minutes of boxing, the anger in her stomach gradually subsided.

After venting her anger, Shao Mo lay down on the bed, turned over and wrapped her body in a quilt, planning to sleep first, and wait until she wakes up.


After lying down for two minutes, I didn't feel asleep, but my stomach started growling.

Shao Mo didn't want to talk about it at first, thinking that she would not be hungry if she endured it, but the more she endured the hunger, the more violent it became. It even offset her tiredness and depression, and her mind was full of all kinds of delicacies.

"Even you bully me, don't you?"

Shao Mo touched her growling stomach, tears kept pouring out of her anger.

Originally, she should have finished the candlelight dinner and was shopping outside, so she could taste all kinds of street food as she wanted.

It turned out to be a good thing, I ran all the way here, and now I haven't even had a sip of hot water, let alone dinner.

Blame Ling Chuan, that bastard!

The more Shao Mo thought about it, the more wronged she became. The more wronged she was, the more she shed tears, and soon wet the pillow. At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the room.

Shao Mo got up and walked to the living room, pressed her voice and asked towards the door: "Who?"

"Daughter-in-law, it's me."

Hearing the familiar voice of the man outside the door, Shao Mo's tears that had just stopped poured out again.


"do not bother me!"

After scolding, he was not relieved, and took off his shoes and threw them over.

The shoes hit the door panel, making a loud noise. Ling Chuan outside the door didn't know if he was frightened, and there was no movement for a while.

Shao Mo stood there for a while, then turned around and went to the bathroom, washed her face with cold water, and went back to the bedroom to change her out clothes, making sure that she looked fine before taking her bag and preparing to go out to eat.

Outside the door, Ling Chuan did not leave, but leaned against the wall dejectedly, holding a bag of packed meals in his hand.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he immediately raised his head with a very overjoyed expression.

"daughter in law"

Shao Mo didn't even look at him, she slammed the door and strode towards the elevator.

This is one of the few star-rated hotels in Shanghai, equipped with elevators.

Ling Chuan followed behind her step by step, like a child who did something wrong, showing caution all over his body.

"Daughter-in-law, I packed dinner for you, including your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs, and fried bacon with garlic moss..."

Shao Mo turned a deaf ear to it, and directly regarded the man as air.

She had inquired with someone in advance and knew that there was a food street near the hotel, and she planned to go there to eat something.

She won't starve herself because she is angry with a man!

Out of the hotel, turn right for one block, then turn right and cross an alley, and you will arrive at the entrance of the food street.

The weather is beautiful, as soon as we entered the food street, there were foam-like snowflakes in the sky.


I don't know who yelled, and then the people on the whole street became excited, looking up at the snow in the sky, and the girls stretched out their hands to catch the snow particles.

Shao Mo was also infected and felt better.

But the big human-shaped wooden stake that has been following her has gone somewhere, and it is best to go away so as not to be an eyesore.

Shao Mo picked out a kebab stall and ordered three skewers of mutton.

In the past, she always bought ten skewers, and Ling Chuan would be in charge of finishing the unfinished ones, but tonight's special situation, she only dared to order three skewers to avoid waste.

Shao Mo had just paid for this end, and the other three skewers of mutton were ready.

The flow of people on the food street is very large, and the weather is cold, so the business of kebabs is very hot. The kebabs are put on the oven in advance and roasted until they are 70% cooked. When there are diners, they are fully cooked. Sprinkle with cumin chili powder and other condiments.

Shao Mo was just about to reach out to pick up the mutton skewers, when she stretched out a familiar big hand obliquely, and took the mutton skewers.

Shao Mo stared at the man who appeared out of nowhere, and just about to lose her temper, Ling Chuan stuffed a pair of fluffy gloves into her arms.

"Daughter-in-law, it's freezing cold, put on your gloves first."

It turned out that the man disappeared not because he left, but because he went to buy gloves for her.

Qi returns to Qi, Shao Mo won't use her body to get angry, so she took the glove and put it on her hand.

After she finished wearing it, Ling Chuan handed her the mutton skewers, "Daughter-in-law, what else do you want to eat, I'll buy it for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shao Mo rolled his eyes, "I don't have any money myself, do I need you to buy it?"

Ling Chuan stopped talking immediately, and just followed behind her silently, like a bodyguard.

After eating the mutton skewers, Shao Mo came to a stall making rice **** candies.

The pastries in Shanghai are exquisite. Simple rice **** candies are made in different patterns and tastes, including rice, millet, and black rice, cut into strips, round sticks, and pigeon eggs. **** of the same size.

Thinking that Zeng Fang also loves rice **** candies, Shao Mo weighed a catty each of millet and black rice.

Shao Mo's purchasing power is astonishing, she bought a lot of sugar cakes in less than half an hour. Fortunately, with Ling Chuan as a free coolie, she only needs to pay for buying, buying, and eating.

After eating and drinking enough to return to the hotel, it was already 10:30. After shopping all night, Shao Mo was stretched and tired. As soon as she entered the room, she kicked off her shoes and walked into the living room wearing only socks, paralyzed on the sofa and motionless .

Ling Chuan put the things in his hands on the coffee table and the empty sofa, took the slippers and placed them at her feet, then picked up the kettle and went to the bathroom to get a pot of water and start boiling water.

While waiting for the water to boil, Ling Chuan came to her, knelt on the ground with one knee, and looked at her pitifully with his black eyes.

"Daughter-in-law, I was wrong."

Shao Mo opened her eyes, "I'm still angry, not sure if I'll make any impulsive decisions, are you sure you want to talk to me about it now?"

"Then you rest, I will help you pinch your legs."

After finishing speaking, Ling Chuan stretched out his hand to hold her left calf, and gently kneaded it for her with his fingertips.

Shao Mo was too lazy to refuse the man's favor, so she closed her eyes and rested again.

(end of this chapter)