On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 677

Chapter 677

Chapter 677 A duplicity woman

"Although, Miss Shao is married, and she and her husband seem to have a good relationship. We don't have to hang her from a tree, right? There is no grass in the end of the world... Ah, hot!"

Shen Zhen gagged Zhou Ye's mouth with a freshly cooked fish ball.

"Eat more and talk less nonsense."

Zhou Ye grinned and chewed the fish balls, "Brother Zhen, these fish **** are really good, smooth and elastic, and have no fishy smell."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Ye scooped up several fish **** with a colander and put them into a bowl to eat slowly.

After eating the boiled mutton, everyone helped clean up the table. Shao Mo took out the double-layered fruit cake that he made in the afternoon.

As the candles on the cake were lit, all the lights in the small courtyard were extinguished. In the orange candlelight, Shao Mo took the lead in singing the birthday song.

"happy birthday to you..."

After the birthday song, amidst the cheers of everyone, Zeng Fang clasped her hands together and closed her eyes full of longing to make a wish.

Not far away, Shen Zhen watched quietly, with a hint of envy in his narrow eyes that was imperceptible.

He can't remember how many years he hasn't celebrated his birthday.


Puffing out the cigarette **** in his hand, Shen Zhen turned and left.

"Brother Zhen, I haven't eaten the cake yet..."

The only response to him was Shen Zhen's cold back submerged into the night.

Zhou Ye found Ling Chuan and said something, then hurriedly chased him out.

After making her wish, Zeng Fang cut the cake into small pieces, and Shao Mo, Zhong Xiaochen and others helped to serve the cake to everyone.

Zeng Fang took two pieces of cake to give to Shen Zhen and Zhou Ye, but she couldn't find anyone after wandering around for a long time. When she learned from Ling Chuan that the two had left, she looked at the sweet cake in her hand, feeling a little lost for no reason.

Ling Chuan and Wen Qingsheng moved the family karaoke borrowed from the Shao family to the yard, and everyone sang while eating cake.

Shao Mo couldn't sing, so she and Sister Luo set up an oven in the corner of the yard, which can not only keep warm but also bake food.

The party lasted until around 10:30, and everyone left and went home with unfinished business.

After sending all the guests away, Ling Chuan and Sister Luo were busy tidying up the inside and outside, while Shao Mo and Zeng Fang talked while unwrapping presents in the room.

This time, Shao Mo didn't intend to turn a blind eye again, but asked directly what the relationship between Zeng Fang and Shen Zhen was.

Zeng Fang couldn't hide it, so she had to tell everything about the medical expenses.

He said that as long as I walk his dog, I can offset the debt of 10 yuan a day.

After listening, Shao Mo didn't know whether to call Shen Zhen a rascal or Zeng Fang an idiot.

A basic eye cleansing treatment, plus a one-day hospital stay, one hundred dollars is the best, how could it cost two thousand.

However, she didn't directly tell Zeng Fang that there must be a problem with the bill, but planned to meet Shen Zhen first to see what the other party wanted to do.

Shao Mo was thinking about something in her heart, and she didn't speak for a while. Zeng Fang thought she was angry, so she didn't even open the gift, and took her hand to apologize repeatedly.

"Momo, I'm sorry, I didn't hide it from you on purpose, I just don't want you to worry about me. I always cause trouble for you, and I ask you to clean up the mess for me. I feel very sorry."

Shao Mo suppressed her thoughts, smiled lightly and scratched the tip of the other person's nose, "I'm not angry, I'm just obsessed with thinking about the store, okay, let's continue unwrapping the presents."

Zeng Fang breathed a sigh of relief, "Momo, don't worry, I can take care of my affairs. In fact, it's good to walk the dog every day, just treat it as exercise, and he also asked the nanny to cook me lunch at noon. It also saves money on food.

Looking at her friend's silly face, Shao Mo had a strange idea inexplicably in her heart.

Shen Zhen doesn't have any thoughts about Zeng Fang, does he?

The more I think about it, the more possible it becomes.

Otherwise, with Shen Zhen's temper, Zeng Fang almost blinded him. Not only did he not pursue it, but he also asked the nanny to cook for Zeng Fang every day, unless he was out of his mind.

It just so happened that the two boxes of chocolates brought by Shen Zhen and Zhou Ye were right next to Shao Mo. She picked up one of the boxes and opened it. There were 24 small boxes inside, and each box contained chocolates of different colors and shapes. Small and exquisite, even Shao Mo, who is used to seeing good things, likes them.

Obviously, Shen Zhen put his heart into this gift.

With the thick chocolate aroma wafting in the air, Zeng Fang was immediately attracted.

"Momo, can I have one?"

Seeing her friend salivating like a ghost, Shao Mo took a semicircular piece of dark chocolate and fed it into the other's mouth.

"You can only eat one piece. You have already eaten a large piece of cream cake at night. If you eat more chocolate, you will gain at least three catties tomorrow."

Zeng Fang sipped the chocolate, her eyes narrowed into slits with a smile, "This chocolate is so mellow, Momo, you should try it too."

Shao Mo chose a piece of red wine by herself and slowly ate it, while inadvertently asking Zeng Fang for her opinion on Shen Zhen.

"Fangfang, what do you think of Shen Zhen?"

"It's not very good, it's very annoying, and there are too many shortcomings, I can't count it with two hands."

Shao Mo smiled noncommittally.

Like or dislike a person can be based on subjective assumptions, but knowing how many shortcomings a person has, it must be a considerable understanding and attention to this person.

"Since you hate him so much, let me help you pay off the debt you owe him first, so that you don't have to walk his dog anymore."

Zeng Fang was taken aback for a moment, then quickly shook her head, "No, it's more than a thousand yuan, even if I have money, I would not be willing to give it to him."

Shao Mo said again: "If you are worried about lack of money, when Lingchuan's specialty store opens, you can go to work part-time on weekends, with a monthly salary of 5 yuan, and then I will give you a commission. If you are lucky, 2,000 yuan will cost you Earn it back in a few months."

Zeng Fang hesitated for a moment, then continued to shake her head, "No need, Momo, I'm already living at your house for nothing, and if I go to work in Brother Ling's shop and earn such a high salary, wouldn't I become a sucker for your house?" The blood-sucking leech, it's not good.

"Although Shen Zhen is annoying, I seldom meet him, and he is not often at home."

Hardly see it, and still see it, say it's annoying, but don't want to stay away, it can only show that it's not that annoying.

Duplicate woman.

In order to prevent the two boxes of chocolates sent by Shen Zhen and Zhou Ye from becoming a stumbling block on Zeng Fang's weight loss, Shao Mo "kindly" took them to school and distributed them to the students in the class.

As for why Zeng Fang was not allowed to take it to school to distribute to her classmates, of course it was because she was afraid that she would steal food on the way.

For foodies, chocolate has a fatal appeal.

Once Zeng Fang's birthday passed, it entered December, and the temperature dropped by ten degrees like Waterloo. Everyone was wrapped in thick cotton clothes, and Shao Mo was no exception.

"Ah, it's snowing!"

Seeing snow in the capital for the first time, Zeng Fang yelled and yelled excitedly in the yard, and even pulled Shao Mo out of bed to take pictures.

It actually snows in Jiang City, but it doesn't happen every year, and it's very small, scattered, and when it hits the ground, it turns into water or thin ice. It's not as heavy as the goose feather snow in Beijing. , the whole is covered, like fluffy cotton wool.

Snowing is beautiful, but it is very inconvenient to travel. It is cold and slippery, and you can't ride a bicycle. Fortunately, Shao Mo is close to the school, and you can walk there. Zeng Fang can only squeeze the bus every day.

The route of the bus is not as convenient as that of a bicycle. Not to mention going around, it is also slow and has many stops. As a result, Zeng Fang has to go out 20 minutes earlier than usual every day to avoid being late.

Fortunately, the snow stopped after only two or three days. As the snow on the road melted and the sky cleared, Zeng Fang could happily ride her bicycle to and from school again.

(end of this chapter)