On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 676

Chapter 676

Chapter 676 You treat me as a fool and want to take advantage of it for nothing?

"Miss Shao, long time no see." Zhou Ye was the first to greet Shao Mo with a smile.

Shao Mo was a little uncertain about the two's intentions, "Second Master Shen, Young Master Zhou, what's the matter with you?"

Zhou Ye immediately offered the things he was carrying in his hand, "Today is fat, it is Zeng Fang's birthday, and we came to celebrate her birthday."

Shao Mo was a little surprised and didn't take what Zhou Ye was holding.

But what a thick-skinned Zhou Ye is, Shao Mo didn't take his things, so he smiled and looked into the yard, "Hey, we're ready to eat, it seems that it's better to come early than coincidentally, brother Zhen, let's Don't stand at the door, go in quickly."

Shen Zhen gave Zhou Ye a look of "you are clever", and then looked at Shao Mo with a half-smile, "Miss Shao is blocking the door, does that mean you don't welcome us?"

Shao Mo had no choice but to let the door open, "Please come in."

Following the arrival of the two, everyone in the courtyard turned to look.

Those who knew Shen Zhen and Zhou Ye were full of surprise, why did this King of Hades come?

Those who don't know the two are full of curiosity.

Zeng Fang reacted the most, she stood up abruptly and walked in front of Shen Zhen, "Why are you here!?"

Zhou Ye immediately handed over the imported chocolate in his hand, "Zeng Fang, happy birthday, we are here to celebrate your birthday."

Zeng Fang stared at the chocolate in Zhou Ye's hand, and said bluntly, "I didn't invite you."

Zhou Ye couldn't take it well, so he had to go and see Shen Zhen.

He didn't want to come either. After all, he didn't know Zeng Fang well, but Shen Zhen didn't know which muscle was wrong. He insisted on coming. As a good brother, he naturally wanted to risk his life to accompany the gentleman.

What Zeng Fang said just now really didn't give any face at all. As an ordinary man, if he is not angry, he should leave in embarrassment, but Shen Zhen is not an ordinary person.

He idly twitched the corners of his mouth, "You mean, you take me as a fool and want to take advantage of it for nothing?"

Zeng Fang's face turned red all of a sudden, "Stop talking nonsense! Who is going to take advantage of you?"

"You told me that today is your birthday, and you asked me to give you a gift, but you didn't intend to invite me to dinner. What is it called taking advantage?"

Zeng Fang was tongue-tied, "I, I was just kidding you!"

Shen Zhen's face turned slightly cold, "Are you kidding me?"

Zeng Fang didn't dare to answer at all, for fear that Shen Zhen would beat someone up,

Seeing that the atmosphere was awkward and neither side could get off the stage, Shao Mo immediately stepped forward to make a rescue, "Okay, it's almost time, let's all take your seats first."

Ling Chuan also took the two boxes of chocolates from Zhou Ye's hand under Shao Mo's gesture.

"Second Master Shen, Young Master Zhou, please sit down and have some soup."

"Xiaotang and the others should be stuck in traffic on the road, let's wait for them while drinking soup." Wen Qingsheng followed suit, and the atmosphere in the courtyard suddenly became more lively.

Zeng Fang also belatedly realized that it was inappropriate for her to treat people just now. No matter what, people came to the door with gifts, so she shouldn't say those spoiling things.

In order to remedy this, she pretended to be nonchalant and invited Shen Zhen and Zhou Ye to sit at the boy's table, "Sit at this table, this table is full of boys, you can drink later."

Shen Zhen didn't put on airs, and sat down with Zhou Ye under Zeng Fang's guidance.

Although the banquet has not yet started, the tempting aroma of the white soup and spicy soup tumbling in the copper stove made him salivate.

"It's so delicious. It's been a long time since I ate instant-boiled mutton."

Ling Chuan brought the mutton bone soup boiled like milk to the two of them, "Let's have some soup first."

"Thank you, brother."

Although Zhou Ye was cynical, he was still quite good at human relations. He thanked Ling Chuan with a smile while receiving the mutton bone soup.

Shen Zhen took the soup with a hesitant expression, and put it on the table casually. He doesn't like to drink this kind of fishy sandalwood stuff.

Zhou Ye took a sip happily, and then he was astonished, "Damn it, this soup is so delicious!"

Shen Zhen glanced at the other party's hopeless appearance, and pushed his own soup bowl over, "I'll drink whatever you like."

"Brother Xie Zhen!"

Zhou Ye held a bowl of mutton bone soup in each of his left and right hands and drank with relish.

Zeng Fang helped distribute the mutton bone soup to everyone, and when she turned around, she saw that there was nothing in front of Shen Zhen, so she brought a bowl of soup over without thinking.

"Have a bowl of soup..."

Just as she put the soup in front of Shen Zhen, she noticed that Zhou Ye was drinking two bowls of soup by himself.

"No, brother Zhen won't drink..."

Before Zhou Ye finished speaking, he saw Shen Zhen drinking the mutton bone soup in front of him, and the rest of the words were stuck in his throat.

Zeng Fang didn't know that Shen Zhen took the initiative to give up the soup in Zhou Ye's hand, and she thought that Zhou Ye was eating from the bowl and looking at the pot, so she gently reminded: "There is still a lot of soup in the pot, you can eat it after drinking it." Just scoop it up, there is no need to occupy two bowls."

Zhou Ye: "I, no, this is..."

But Zeng Fang didn't listen to his explanation, turned around and left.

Zhou Ye glanced at Shen Zhen resentfully, but found that the other party was smiling secretly, and couldn't help feeling even more depressed.

Fortunately, the Zuo Xiaotang brothers and sisters finally came, and the banquet can begin.

Zhou Ye quickly immersed himself in the deliciousness of hot-boiled mutton, leaving the little bit of unhappiness behind.

There is Shao Mo's secret dipping sauce, plus the high-quality mutton, even Shen Zhen can eat it with relish.

Just as he was enjoying his meal, he noticed that Zhou Ye beside him gradually stopped his chopsticks. He turned his head to look over and found that Zhou Ye was staring at the opposite side.

He followed Zhou Ye's gaze and looked over, and it turned out to be a little chubby girl.

He tapped his chopsticks directly on the back of Zhou Ye's hand, "What are you looking at without eating?"

Zhou Ye ignored the pain, bowed his head and whispered to him, "Brother Zhen, have you noticed that the fat girl seems to have lost weight?"

Shen Zhen looked at him coldly, without saying a word.

Zhou Ye didn't realize the danger, his eyes were still fixed on Zeng Fang who was at the opposite table, and he continued on his own: "Not to mention, the fat girl looks better after losing weight."

Hearing this, Shen Zhen couldn't help looking at Zeng Fang at the opposite table.

The warm yellow light shrouded her head, and her round face seemed to be coated with a layer of pearl-like luster, which was indescribably beautiful. The eyes staring at the food in the pot were shining, and the lip color was like a cherry. ruddy.

Hibiscus is like face and willow is like eyebrow.

Inexplicably, such a poem came to mind.

"Brother Zhen, you're drunk, what are you doing?"

Zhou Ye had withdrawn his attention at some point, and raised his wine glass with other people at the same table. Only Shen Zhen was fascinated by the little fat girl at the opposite table.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Shen Zhen calmly raised his wine glass, "It's a bit spicy."

In order to fully satisfy everyone's different tastes, Shao Mo specially prepared the spicy soup.

Eat it. I can't stand it. Don't eat it. It smells too good.

No one doubted Shen Zhen's words, except Zhou Ye, who knew that Shen Zhen never ate spicy food, and he didn't put his chopsticks into the spicy soup pot tonight.

But as a good brother, he will naturally not tear down the stage.

After drinking the wine in the glass, he took advantage of pouring the wine to whisper to Shen Zhen, "Brother Zhen, are you still determined?"

Zeng Fang and Shao Mo were sitting together, Zhou Ye naturally thought that Shen Zhen just watched Shao Mo fascinated.

(end of this chapter)