On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 671

Chapter 671

Chapter 671 Gift

It was already the end of November, and it was a bit freezing to sit on the motorcycle. Shao Mo pressed her face against the man's broad back to block the biting cold wind.

"Ling Chuan, you can apply for a driving school when you have time. After you get your driver's license, it will be easier for you to go out and drive in the future."

Ling Chuan hurriedly slowed down the speed of the motorcycle, "Daughter-in-law, do you feel cold, do you want me to take off my coat for you to keep out the wind?"

Shao Mo hugged the other party's waist tightly to absorb the warmth, "No, I'll be home in a while."

"Then I will ride slowly."


Back home, Sister Luo immediately brought red date tea to the two of them. After drinking the hot tea into their stomachs, their limbs and bones immediately warmed up.

"Thank you, Sister Luo."

"Miss, you are welcome. This is what I should do. It is cold enough to ride a bike this day. If you are not careful, you will catch a cold. Let Tian Yuan drive you when you go out in the future."

Looking at his daughter-in-law's pale face, Ling Chuan felt distressed and blamed himself.

"Daughter-in-law, Sister Luo is right. It's cold now. Don't ride a bicycle when you go out. Take Uncle Tian's car or take a taxi."

"It's not that exaggerated. With such a short distance, riding a bicycle is like exercising."

Shao Mo held the jujube tea, her heart was as warm as the tea in the cup, "During our military training, we had morning exercises at 6:30 in the morning, it was much colder than this, the wind blowing on our face was like a knife It hurts, but it's not over yet.

Hearing this, Ling Chuan wrapped his hands around her hand holding the teacup, using the temperature of his palm to warm the back of her hand.

"Is it warmer this way?"

Shao Mo said angrily: "It's not cold at all."

"The capital city is colder than Jiang City, daughter-in-law, you have tender hands, so pay more attention to keeping warm to avoid frostbite."

Sister Luo watched the young couple's affection, and tactfully withdrew from the living room to do her own business.

There were only two people left in the living room, one was sitting on a chair, the other was half squatting in front of her, the distance between them was no more than an arm's length, their eyes intertwined, their breaths smelled each other, and the warm atmosphere gradually became ambiguous.

"daughter in law."


Ling Chuan suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed her lips.

While breathing was taken away by the man, the back of the head was also held by the man's big hand.

The familiar breath instantly filled Shao Mo's nasal cavity, and an indescribable wonderful feeling rose from the bottom of her heart, as if clusters of fireworks were blooming in her mind.

When the two separated, they were panting. Shao Mo still held the teacup in his hand, but the water in the cup was gone. Looking at Ling Chuan's chest, it was almost drenched with tea.

But the other party didn't realize it, and looked at her with thick and fiery black eyes, just smirking.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you change your clothes, aren't you afraid of catching a cold?"

Ling Chuan is like a child who has eaten candy, his face is full of satisfaction, and the black eyes reflecting her face are like the gentle sea surface.

"Daughter-in-law, I bought some gifts for you, do you want to go back to the room and have a look?"

No woman would be indifferent to the gifts her man bought, and Shao Mo was no exception.

Backing to the bedroom, Shao Mo sat in front of the sofa and checked what was inside the dazzling array of handbags on the coffee table.

Ling Chuan stood in front of the closet, raised his hand and took off his shirt. As the last vest was taken off, the man's strong and muscular back was exposed to the air.

Shao Mo glanced a few times, her face was as if nothing had happened, but her ears and cheeks were slightly warm.

Although she was lying in the same bed every day, Shao Mo rarely had the opportunity to see the other party's **** appearance. Even in summer, men would wear vests and shorts to sleep.

One thing to say, all the gifts that Ling Chuan bought are quite in line with her wishes.

There is a cream that women in this era like, and I thought she would give it to friends, so I bought ten bottles.

There are also all kinds of beautiful silk scarves, dresses, shoes and bags, perfumes, lipsticks, which are a bit magical, but the color chosen by Ling Chuan is not ugly, it is a brick red that is very suitable for autumn and winter.

Naturally, Ling Chuan didn't know how to choose women's lipstick shades, but he was smart. He observed the lipstick counters for a long time before buying, and found that most young and fashionable women chose this shade, so he followed suit. up.

In addition to the presents bought for Shao Mo, Ling Chuan also bought something for Mrs. Shao Lin and Shao.

Shaolin was given an expensive coat, and Mrs. Shao bought more miscellaneous things, including local specialty cakes in Shanghai, and hand-embroidered fabrics. Although they were not expensive, they were thoughtful.

Ling Chuan has always had a quiet and dull personality, but this time he hadn't seen him for half a month. He changed his dull personality and seemed to have endless conversations with his wife. encounter.

Shao Mo ate while listening, interjecting a few questions occasionally, and had a very lively lunch.

After lunch, Shao Mo carefully read the distribution contract signed by Ling Chuan and Motorola, and quickly formulated a strategy in her mind.

When Shao Mo was looking at the contract, Ling Chuan was very nervous like a primary school student whose summer homework was checked by the head teacher.

"Daughter-in-law, is it too risky for me to sign a first-level dealership contract with them? If I don't complete the task within a year, the company will deduct my rebate reward."

Profit from business sales is divided into two parts, one part is sales.

In order to regulate the market, Motorola stipulates the official unified selling price in each region, and every time one is sold, it can get a profit of 3% of the official selling price.

The other part is the profit, which is based on the dealer's level and sales to get rebates from the head office. For example, Ling Chuan is a first-level dealer. As long as he completes the quota that year, he can get a total of 600,000 rebates.

But if the target is not met, the 600,000 will be fined accordingly.

Shao Mo replied while watching: "It's not difficult to achieve 30 million in sales within a year. Let's open two specialty stores first. If you have time recently, go out and see if there are any suitable stores. You must choose Bustling place."

"We may not have enough funds to open two specialty stores at once. The two stores will cost more than 300,000 yuan for goods, plus a deposit of 100,000 yuan. The remaining 100,000 yuan is for renting two stores in a prosperous area, plus a deposit of 100,000 yuan. Decoration is definitely not enough."

Shao Mo actually still has some money on hand, and it is enough to use it all to open two stores, but she thought about it, and Ling Chuan might not be able to take care of both at once, so she changed her words: "Then open one store first Let's wait for the second store to see the situation next year.


In the afternoon, Ling Chuan went out on his motorcycle to find a suitable store, while Shao Mo took the things Ling Chuan bought back to Shao's house.

Having not seen her for half a month, Mrs. Shao took her hand and felt distressed, "Why have you lost so much weight? His complexion is not very good, and he has no blood."

Military training is uniformly eaten in the cafeteria, and the food is not as good as it is at home. Coupled with a lot of outdoor training every day, it is strange if you are not thin.

(end of this chapter)