On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 670

Chapter 670

Chapter 670 Xiao Biesheng Newly Married

"I came here to learn from experience. I have already obtained the sales quota of Motorola, and I am waiting to sign the contract. After signing the contract, I plan to open such a specialty store when I go back."

As he spoke, Ling Chuan showed the plainclothes policeman the notebook he used to record passenger flow and sales volume.

The other party had seen it, let go of his doubts about Ling Chuan, and opened the car door to let him go.

Ling Chuan hesitated for a while, and then mentioned his other purpose, "I came here with Jin Zhigang to buy a pager that day, and I felt that he had a very unusual relationship with the owner of the specialty store."

Hearing this, several plainclothes police officers all cast their gazes at him.

One of the elders asked: "Tell me, why is it unusual?"

"They have eye contact. If they are just ordinary friends, they are at most polite, but their eyes make me feel that they are familiar with and trust each other."

Several plainclothes police officers looked at each other.

The person who asked him smiled, "Mr. Ling, you have good observation skills and a high comprehension ability. Do you want to consider joining our criminal investigation team, which happens to be short of manpower."

Ling Chuan repeatedly shook his head and declined, "No, I'm going back to the capital in a few days."

"Captain Li, don't scare him."

The only young woman in the car teased.

The person called Captain Li glanced at Ling Chuan contemptuously, "You're kidding, do you really think that anyone can join the criminal investigation team without any threshold? Alright, we've got the situation you said, and we'll handle the case." Professionals will do it, so don't come here again, not to mention the danger, it's easy to scare the snake away and affect our handling of the case.

Ling Chuan nodded quickly.

Knowing that the police were tracking down the clue of the owner of the specialty store, Ling Chuan finally felt at ease, and then he changed places to observe other specialty stores.

A few days later, Ma Xuebin finally got news.

Ling Chuan's business and sales qualifications have been reviewed by the M country headquarters, and he can go through the signing process.

Business and sales contracts are signed once a year, and they are divided into different levels.

The highest level is Level 1, and the lowest level is Level 3. Each level of business sales corresponds to different sales tasks and rebate points. If the sales target of the corresponding level is not completed in the current year, the renewal in the next year will be downgraded, or even cancel the renewal qualification.

Ordinary people can only get the third level, such as Wanbai, some relatively strong small and medium-sized bosses can get the second level, but very few can get the first level of business and sales qualifications.

What Ma Xuebin directly prepared for Ling Chuan was a primary dealer contract.

The annual sales target of first-tier distributors is 30 million. This amount really scared Ling Chuan a little.

According to his observations in the past few days, the sales of the specialty stores with the best business in prime locations in Shanghai are only 50,000 to 60,000 to 60,000 a day, and at most 1,500,000 a month.

If he wants to reach the annual sales target of 30 million, at least two or three of these stores are enough.

The rent of a store in a good location in the capital is not cheap. With the addition of decoration, labor, and supply of goods, the 500,000 he has is not enough.

"Manager Ma, I'm sorry, can you give me some time to think about it?"

With Ma Xuebin's shrewdness and transparency, how can he not see Ling Chuan's concerns, and at the same time he is very puzzled.

Backed by such a big backer as Shaw Brothers, the mere sales target of 30 million is not worth mentioning. I really don't know what to worry about.

Ma Xuebin slandered in his heart, but his words were beautiful, "Of course, after all, signing a contract is not a trivial matter, so, I happen to have a small meeting, about half an hour, you sit here first, and I'll come over after the meeting? "

"Okay, trouble."

After Ma Xuebin left, Ling Chuan subconsciously wanted to find a phone to call his wife, but he looked at his watch. At this time, his wife was in military training, so it was impossible to answer his phone.

Ling Chuan had no choice but to calm down, picked up the contract and carefully read it sentence by sentence.

After reading the terms of the entire contract, Ling Chuan was still hesitant.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the advice from his wife the night before he left.

As soon as you find it, attack quickly, don't look forward and backward.

Are you sure? certainly.

The daughter-in-law donated all her savings to him as start-up capital without blinking an eye. He was almost scammed, and finally met Ma Xuebin through Wanbai's matchmaking. Call and ask the other party to take care of him.

People around him are doing their best to help him, so why should he back down?

There is no retreat!

At this moment, Ling Chuan was full of fighting spirit and strength.

"Ah, the 15-day hellish life is finally over! I can go home tomorrow, and I get excited just thinking about it. I'm sure I won't be able to sleep tonight."

At night after the military training, Zhong Xiaochen lay on the bed and raised his arms and cheered loudly.

Shao Mo sat opposite, looking at her with her chin in her hands, "I remember when you first came, you were quite happy, and felt that you were out of your aunt's supervision."

Zhong Xiaochen raised a finger and shook it lightly, "There is no harm if there is no comparison. After being tortured by the instructor for this period of time, I finally understand that my aunt cares about me because she loves me."

"Then do you still live on campus in your sophomore year?"

"Of course we must live! Distance produces beauty, and love too deep will make people feel suffocated."

Shao Mo smiled and shook her head.

Zhong Xiaochen looked at the dormitory and saw that no one else was there, so he chatted with Shao Mo about Lingchuan.

"You haven't seen your husband for so long, you must miss him very much, right?"

"Fortunately, although we haven't met each other, we have kept in touch by phone, and I don't think there is anything wrong."

"You guys can be regarded as Xiaobiesheng newlyweds. By the way, didn't you say that your husband went to the Shanghai stock market to inspect some projects, and it went well?"

"Well, it went well."

"That's good, what project is it?"

"You will find out next month. There will be an opening ceremony, and there will be many small gifts. Come and participate."


Early the next morning, all the Peking University students who participated in the military training left the base in a bus amidst the farewell sounds of the officers and soldiers.

After nearly two hours of driving, the bus finally arrived at the east gate of Peking University.

Shao Mo saw Ling Chuan standing not far away as soon as she got off the car. She didn't feel anything when she didn't meet her. When she saw her now, a strong joy rose from the bottom of her heart, blooming like fireworks.

Ling Chuan didn't come over immediately, but stood there and waved to her.

Shao Mo raised her hand to respond, while mouthing: Wait for me.

Ling Chuan nodded quickly.

It was already an hour after Shao Mo came out of school after attending the commendation meeting.

"daughter in law!"

As soon as he saw her walk out of the school gate, Ling Chuan immediately ran up and hugged her tightly.

The man has great strength, Shao Mo feels that it is difficult to breathe, but she is reluctant to let him go.

After a while, Ling Chuan finally released her after Shao Mo felt her brain was dizzy due to lack of oxygen.

Fresh air rushed into the nasal cavity and lungs, and Shao Mo coughed twice uncontrollably.

Ling Chuan immediately became nervous, "Daughter-in-law, do you have a cold?"

"It's okay, I was in a hurry just now, let's go, let's go back first."

Ling Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes."

Third watch~

(end of this chapter)