On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 662

Chapter 662

Chapter 662 Bon voyage, safe and sound

"Well, yes, Xiao Ling, you cook this dish really well. Has anyone learned the skill before?"

Ling Chuan couldn't hide his joy at being praised and affirmed by Shao Lin.

"I don't have a serious teacher, but I used to do odd jobs in the back kitchen. Occasionally, the cooking chef would help me with one or two dishes when he was too busy. He would give me some pointers."

Shao Lin nodded, and tasted other dishes, full of praise while eating.

"Xiao Ling, you can achieve this level of cooking by self-study. It seems that you have Tianbin in this respect. It just so happens that you have nothing to do now. Do you have any ideas about building a restaurant or something?"

It was rare to be appreciated by Shao Lin, Ling Chuan was both surprised and terrified.

"Dad, I'm actually optimistic about other projects at the moment."

"Oh? Tell me, what project is it?"

Ling Chuan was about to put down his chopsticks, intending to have a good chat with Shao Lin about his thoughts, when Shao Mo said, "Dad, let's eat first, the food will be cold in a while, after dinner you go to the study and chat slowly .

"Yes, listen to Momo, eat first."

Ling Chuan nodded quickly, picked up his chopsticks and continued eating.

After dinner, Weng and his son-in-law went to the study to talk. Shao Mo picked some grapes from the space, made another pot of jasmine tea, and sent them to the study together.

After finishing these, she was about to go to the greenhouse to have a look, when Zeng Fang came back pushing her bicycle.

It was already cold at night in this season, but Zeng Fang's cheeks were flushed and she was out of breath, as if she had ridden a long way.

"Fangfang, did you hang out with your friends?"

"Ah, no, I, I'm losing weight now. I run on the school playground every day after school, and then I cycle back in a big circle."

Shao Mo was noncommittal to her claim of losing weight, "Have you had dinner yet?"

"I ate it, I bought a big chicken drumstick..."

After finishing speaking, he realized that he had revealed his secrets, and quickly changed his words, "But I only ate two bites, and I fed the rest to the dogs."

Facing Shao Mo's half-smile eyes, Zeng Fang blushed unnaturally, and weakly argued: "I was very hungry after exercising, so I couldn't help it, so I bought a chicken leg and a pancake to eat."

Shao Mo was helpless, "If you really want to lose weight, you can eat chicken legs as you like, but don't eat pancakes."

"Ah, what happens if you eat pancakes?"

"You will gain weight. Pasta will produce high glycogen, leading to the accumulation of body fat. Fried dough sticks, shortbread and various sauces in pancakes are also high in calories. Eating these is not as good as eating rice and meat.

Let's do this, every day you will bring some cucumbers and tomatoes with you, and eat a cucumber or tomato before eating. For dinner, try to eat only pure chicken, fish, shrimp, and beef, with a tomato or a cucumber. If you are not full, you can eat an extra cucumber, but do not eat staple foods such as rice and noodles. "

Zeng Fang nodded, "You can eat chicken legs and beef, right?"

"Yes, but you can't eat barbecue, stewed or braised are fine."

"Okay, I understand, can you lose weight by eating like this?"

"If you can persist for a week and add exercise, it's no problem to lose three or four pounds a week."

Zeng Fang counted with her fingers, "If you lose three or four catties a week, wouldn't you be able to lose more than ten catties in that month?"

"more or less."

"What about breakfast and lunch?"

"Eat normally, but you still have to avoid fried and sweets. It's okay to eat a little once in a while, but you can't indulge."

Hearing that fried and sweets are not allowed, Zeng Fang feels bad.

"I, I will try my best."

Shao Mo shook her head amusedly, "Think about it, if you run for an hour a day, the calories you burn may be a cone. In other words, if you eat one less cone, it is equivalent to running for an hour, and if you don't bear Eating one cone is equivalent to an hour of running in vain."

"You're right, well, I won't eat cones anymore, and I won't eat oil cakes either."

Shao Mo patted her on the shoulder encouragingly, "It will be difficult in the first two days. In fact, after you develop good eating habits, you will naturally lose interest and desire for sweets and fried foods.

Losing weight is not only for beauty, but also a way to cultivate self-discipline. There is such a saying, if you can't even control your own weight, how can you control your life.

Fangfang, believe me, losing weight is much easier than taking a test outside of Beijing. When you lose weight, what you gain is not only beauty and self-confidence, but also a self-disciplined lifestyle. "

Zeng Fang nodded heavily, "Momo, I must lose weight successfully this time!"

"Momo, are you finished?"

Shao Lin's voice came from behind, and Shao Mo turned around, only to find that Weng and his son-in-law came out of the study at some time, standing side by side under the eaves.

"Uncle Shao, so the car parked at the entrance of the alley belongs to you. I thought someone's family had rich relatives, but I didn't expect it to be ours." Zeng Fang walked over with a smile.

Shao Lin also laughed, "Yes, come and see how you are doing."

Shao Lin also made an appointment to talk with someone at night, and left soon.

Zeng Fang went to take a bath, while Shao Mo and Ling Chuan went to the study to discuss matters.

"Daughter-in-law, Dad is very supportive of my idea, and he also said that if you have financial difficulties, you can ask him for help."

Looking at the man's excited face, Shao Mo took out a passbook from the space with her backhand.

"You take this."

Ling Chuan took a look and found a new passbook in his name, with 300,000 already deposited in it.

"Daughter-in-law, why did you give me so much money?"

"This is the start-up capital I lent you. I will go to military training in two days. It is inconvenient to communicate in the army. You can keep the money yourself. If you recognize it, attack quickly. Don't hesitate."

"However, don't trust anyone when you go out, even the old and the weak, women and children. Bad people are often best at disguising and deceiving. Remember one sentence, there will be no pie in the sky, no one will treat you well for no reason, If so, there must be ulterior motives."

Ling Chuan nodded, "Daughter-in-law, I will remember."

The next morning, Shao Mo specially took a class off and sent Ling Chuan to the airport in person.

When I was back at school, there happened to be a plane flying straight into the sky in the distance, leaving a white mark on the blue sky.

Bon voyage, safe and sound.

Mentally, Shao Mo walked in the direction of the Engineering College.

"Momo, you have also learned to skip class. Fortunately, I am clever and helped you order it."

As soon as he entered the gate of the engineering college, Zhong Xiaochen appeared out of nowhere, complacently holding her arm to claim credit, "Hey, I'm smart, right?"

"Well, but a little too clever."

"what does it mean?"

I didn't show up this morning because I had time off with my counselor.

Zhong Xiaochen quickly recovered, "It's all right, anyway, old man Li has bad eyesight, he must not recognize me. By the way, why did you ask for leave? Are you feeling unwell? Military training is coming soon, you have to take good care of your body , military training while sick can make you uncomfortable."

(end of this chapter)