On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 661

Chapter 661

Chapter 661 Planning to go to the Shanghai stock market to investigate projects

Shao Mo briefly talked about the whole story of Yunyao's abduction and trafficking of Huang Zhao, "...that's probably the case. The police in Jiang City have filed a case and have been investigating, but the forces behind the abduction case are very deep, and there is no way to eradicate it all at once. , can only wait patiently for the opportunity.

"What about Yunyao, doesn't she know Xiao Zhao's whereabouts?"

Shao Mo shook her head, "She's just in charge of making connections, and she doesn't even know who the main culprit is behind it."

Huang Zhiqiu's face turned pale with anger, "How dare she, how could Xiao Zhao feel sorry for her, and she wants to harm Xiao Zhao like this?"

Shao Mo lowered her eyelids and remained silent for two seconds, "Mom, Yunyao is certainly guilty, but the second uncle's family and Cousin Xiaozhao themselves are also responsible for this matter. If they hadn't planned for the Yun family's prosperity and wanted to take a shortcut to get something for nothing, Xiao Mo Cousin Zhao will not fall into this field."

Huang Zhiqiu also blamed himself endlessly, "If I knew it earlier, I should have persuaded Xiao Zhao when I was in Jiangshi. Although he worked a little hard in the shoe factory, he learned the craft, and he can eat everywhere in the future. Alas, after all It's not like it is now.

"Mom, even if you persuade him, can you listen to him with Cousin Xiaozhao's character? He's all about clinging to Yunyao and becoming the son-in-law of the Yun family. If you really want to persuade him, he might blame you for spoiling him." Good thing."

"Then what should I do now, is there nothing I can do?"

"The police have been investigating, and they will notify me if there is news."

"I hope Xiao Zhao is okay, otherwise your second aunt will definitely make a mess."

On the last day in An City, Shao Mo went back to Lu'an Town to visit Yang Xinghua, and then flew back to the capital.

It was already evening when they arrived in the capital, so the two went straight back to the small courtyard.

Zeng Fang had already returned by train one day earlier, but she was not at home, and she did not know where she had gone.

Both of them were exhausted and had no appetite. Ling Chuan cooked two bowls of noodles in clear soup, put a fried egg on each side, and put some green vegetable leaves. It was a simple meal.

After eating the noodles, Ling Chuan was in charge of cleaning up the dishes, while Shao Mo went to the flower room, took out the ribbon grass in the space, and put them on the wooden shelf.

Coming out of the greenhouse, it happened that Zeng Fang also came back from outside on a bicycle.

"Momo, when did you guys come back?" Seeing her, Zeng Fang smiled brightly.

"I just arrived in the evening, I just had dinner, have you eaten yet?"


Shao Mo nodded, the two sat in the living room and had a conversation, and they went back to their rooms to rest around 9 o'clock.

After taking a shower, Shao Mo saw that Ling Chuan hadn't returned to the room, so she put on her coat and went to the study.

"Are there any questions you don't know?"

"Well, there are a few, I copied them all."

Ling Chuan handed her the homework book.

Shao Mo saw that it was related to algebraic equations and the calculation of the area of a circle.

are very basic questions. If you can't even do these, it means that these two knowledge points have not been mastered.

Shao Mo found out the mathematics textbook and explained these two knowledge points to Ling Chuan one by one.

After Ling Chuan thoroughly understood the two knowledge points, it was almost 11 o'clock.

Shao Mo yawned, "Go to sleep, and learn again tomorrow."

"Daughter-in-law, you go back to your room first, I'll cook something to eat."

Shao Mo didn't feel anything at first, but after hearing what the man said, she also felt a little hungry.

"Stop cooking, change clothes, let's go out for barbecue."

"it is good."

Barbecue is naturally indispensable for snacks like Zeng Fang, and the three of them found a barbecue stall with a good environment nearby.

After ordering a good dish, I went to a roadside food stall and bought three bowls of rice balls.

Entering October, the temperature in the capital has dropped a lot, and the wind at night has already chilled. Eating a bowl of hot and sweet wine **** on such an evening is not to mention how comfortable it is.

After eating the barbecue, the three chatted and walked back slowly.

"Momo, what date are you in the military training?"

"Go on the 12th and come back on the 28th."

"We are going in December. I really don't know what the school thinks. Arranging such a cold day for military training, do you want to freeze to death?"

Shao Mo patted her shoulder sympathetically, "Don't worry, you have such thick body fat, you are very cold-resistant."

"Momo, you are so annoying!"

"Daughter-in-law, I want to go to the Shanghai stock market."


"Brother Ling, what are you doing in Shanghai?"

Shao Mo and Zeng Fang asked at the same time.

"I want to go there on the 12th. After taking you to school, I will go directly to the train station."

After answering Shao Mo's words, Ling Chuan returned to Zeng Fang's, "I'm going to investigate a project."

"Oh." Zeng Fang nodded half understanding.

"Go, don't have to wait until my military training, and don't take the train, go by plane, I'll check the ticket situation tomorrow, book it for you, and then you can go."

Ling Chuan nodded, "Okay, listen to you."

The next day, Shao Mo took advantage of get out of class time to ask Liang Kuan to book a ticket to Shanghai for the next two days.

Liang Kuan was very efficient, and he got things done for her at noon.

At the same time, he also reported this matter to Shao Lin's ears.

But Shao Mo asked Liang Kuan for help, and she didn't intend to hide Shao Lin.

"What did he go to Shanghai stock market for?"

"The eldest lady didn't say anything, she just asked me to help book the ticket."

"Okay, I'll take the time to ask Momo myself."

After getting off work that afternoon, Shao Lin went to the small courtyard, in the name of giving away air tickets.

Seeing Ling Chuan cooking dinner with his apron tied, Shao Lin was very satisfied, "Xiao Ling, fry up two more dishes, I'll eat some here tonight."

"Okay, Dad, you sit in the living room, I'll cook first, Momo should be back soon."

"Okay, you are busy with your work, I will go around by myself."

The small courtyard house can see the bottom at a glance, and there is nothing much to do, but Shao Lin is very interested in the glass greenhouse that Shao Mo personally rebuilt, and looks at it with gusto.

Shao Mo rode her bicycle to the entrance of the alley, saw a black Bentley parked next to her, she understood, and immediately turned the car around to buy some cooked food at the roast meat shop across the street.

When Shao Mo came in, Shao Lin was standing in the yard, holding a tomato and eating it.

"Momo, are you back from school?"

"Well, Dad, you take this to the kitchen."

Seeing a large bag of cooked food in her hand, Shao Lin was a little curious, "Didn't Xiao Ling cook dinner at home? You still bought so many dishes, can you finish it?"

"Of course I can't finish eating with him, don't we still have you?"

"Hey, did you guess I'm coming?"

Shao Mo replied while parking her bicycle: "Your car is parked at the entrance of the alley, who can't see it."

"Then what delicious dishes did you buy?"

"Anyway, they are all your favorite dishes."

"Oh, Momo still loves me, I will come more in the future."

"You can live here if you want."

"This can be considered."

The father and daughter walked side by side towards the kitchen while talking.

In addition to the cooked food bought by Shao Mo, Ling Chuan also added two stir-fried dishes, five meat and two vegetables plus a soup, which filled the table, and looked decent.

The three of them sat around the table, and Shao Lin suddenly thought of something, "Momo, why didn't you see your good friend Fang Fang, she should be out of school too?"

"Zeng Fang, she won't come back to eat, she called at noon." Ling Chuan took the call.

Hearing this, Shao Lin didn't care anymore, picked up a piece of sweet and sour fish with his chopsticks, and put it in Shao Mo's bowl habitually.

"Momo, please taste it quickly."

Shao Mo reminded, dumbfounded, "Dad, you are the guest."

Shao Lin came to a sudden, "Yes, hell, I thought I was at home, that's all right, I'll eat first, and try Xiaoling's cooking skills."

Third watch~

(end of this chapter)