On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 651

Chapter 651

Chapter 651 The moon cake is missing

Lunch is very well prepared, not only the roast duck cooked by Mrs. Hua herself, but also braised shark's fin, stewed bird's nest, sea cucumber with green onions, prawns with Arhat, etc., which are all famous signature dishes in Beijing.

Zeng Fang was like a sponge that absorbed water, and she ate to her heart's content. Even Mrs. Shao was infected by Zeng Fang's good appetite, so she used half a bowl of rice too much.

After eating, Shao Mo, Zeng Fang, Ling Chuan and Mrs. Hua started preparing to bake mooncakes.

Shao Mo adjusted the stuffing, Ling Chuan made the noodles, Zeng Fang was in charge of helping, while Mrs. Hua and her servants were in charge of preparing the oven and charcoal fire for baking mooncakes.

Ms. Shao sat under the eaves and watched a group of people busy with work, with a satisfied and gratified smile on her face.

Shao Mo originally prepared four kinds of fillings: red bean paste, lotus seed paste, ham, and liu xin, but Zhong Xiaochen liked to eat five kernels, so she temporarily added a five kernels filling.

Fortunately, Shao's family had a family banquet tonight, and the materials were very complete. Shao Mo got the things needed to make Wuren stuffing without any effort.

After adjusting the filling, Lingchuan's side of the cake was also reconciled, and everyone began to make mooncakes.

Sister-in-law Hua has relatively steady hands and is responsible for kneading the stuffing balls, because each stuffing ball must have the same weight and size, which is a test.

Ling Chuan is in charge of rolling out the crust, and each crust must be rolled out thinly and evenly so that the baked mooncakes will be crispy.

Shao Mo is responsible for wrapping the mooncakes, putting the rubbed fillings on the cake skins, wrapping them well, and pressing out various shapes with molds.

Horizontal tools are custom-made by Shao Mo in advance, and they are round, square, and flower-shaped.

Zeng Fang is in charge of putting the finished mooncakes one by one into the baking tray, and brushing with a thin layer of peanut oil.

In this way, while making mooncakes and baking them, I worked all afternoon and baked a total of 300 mooncakes.

Except for the ones you keep for yourself, let the servants pack them in exquisite cake boxes, put two pieces of each flavor, ten pieces in a box, and then take other Mid-Autumn Festival gifts and send them to the East and West Hospitals and Guanxi respectively. Go to the house of relatives and friends who have made good friends.

At the end of the distribution, there were still eight boxes left. Mrs. Shao took three boxes by herself, planning to eat them at the family dinner at night, and let Shao Mo handle the rest.

Shao Mo kept three boxes for herself, and gave Zeng Fang the remaining two boxes.

"Fangfang, take these two boxes home and give them to Aunt Yao and Uncle Zeng to eat."

"Oh, okay."

It was a family dinner at night, Shao Mo originally wanted to stay with Zeng Fang for dinner before leaving, but Zeng Fang refused to say anything, so she had to ask the driver to take Zeng Fang back to the small courtyard first.

On the way back, I happened to pass by Shen Zhen's apartment. It was still early, thinking that one more day of walking would save one day of debt, so Zeng Fang asked Tian Yuan to pull over and stop the car.

"Uncle Tian, I have a friend here, I'll go and play with him for a while, and I'll call Momo when I get home at night."

"Alright, Miss Zeng, please be careful."

"Well, thank you Uncle Tian, goodbye."

Today is a holiday, not sure if Shen Zhen is in the apartment at the moment, Zeng Fang knocked on the door first, and waited for a while without hearing anything before taking out the key and opening the door.

Shen Zhen wasn't there, and Falk stood in the living room grinning and wagging his tail at her.

"Fake, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"

Zeng Fang put two boxes of mooncakes on the tea table, bent down and touched the golden retriever's head, then put down the backpack, put the dog leash on Farke, and then led him out with the key.

Zeng Fang just left the front foot for a while, and Shen Zhen came back on the back foot.

Usually, the nanny will put drinking water and dog food for Fake after finishing cleaning, but today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the nanny has returned to his hometown, so he came back specially to feed Fake.

When I entered the door, I found that Fake was not at home. There was a familiar backpack on the sofa and two boxes of mooncakes on the coffee table.


Shen Zhen flicked the key and walked to the coffee table, picked up a box of mooncakes and opened it.

A unique sweet fragrance of mooncakes hits the face, and there is still some temperature in the cake box, obviously the mooncakes have just been baked.

The little fat girl has a bit of a conscience, and she actually knows to bring him mooncakes.

The surface of each mooncake was embossed with patterns and words using a mold. Shen Zhen didn't like sweets very much, so he picked a five-nut one, and bit it down to make his lips and teeth fragrant.

The mooncakes are not big, so Shen Zhen finished one in three bites, and picked up another runny one to eat.

After finishing the three-month cake in one sitting, Shen Zhen took the rest to the kitchen cabinet and stored it, so as not to be eaten by the golden retriever in the living room.

After putting away the mooncakes, Shen Zhen went to the bathroom to take a shower, and was going to go back to Shen's house to have dinner with the old man later.

Zeng Fang led the golden retriever back to the apartment. As soon as she entered the door, she heard the sound of running water in the bathroom.

I don't know if it was deliberate or a coincidence, but this is the first time she has encountered Shen Zhen at home with the dog who has been wandering here for several days.

Thinking of the lonely man and widow in the same room, Zeng Fang felt flustered inexplicably.

She closed the door softly, squatted down and untied the golden retriever's dog leash, and said in a low voice, "Fake, your brother is back, you will find him something to eat and drink later, I'll go first, one See you in a week, bye."


As if he understood what she said, the golden retriever opened his mouth and barked twice.

Zeng Fang quickly squeezed the golden retriever's mouth, "Shh! Don't bark."

The golden retriever whined from its throat, while wagging its tail cheerfully.

Zeng Fang let go of her hand carefully, and after making sure that the golden retriever would not bark, she got up and went to the sofa to get her backpack.

Picking up her backpack, Zeng Fang did not forget to take her own mooncakes, but turned around and saw that the tea table was empty, and there was no sign of mooncakes.

What about mooncakes? She clearly remembered putting it on the tea table.

I searched around the living room but couldn't find it. Zeng Fang suspected that Shen Zhen might have put it away. Because the golden retriever wants to control his diet, he usually doesn't even put fruit in the living room.

She was about to go to the kitchen to look for it when the bathroom door opened behind her with a "click".

Shen Zhen walked out of his nightgown, all wet.

Shen Zhen himself is white, and his complexion became even whiter after taking a bath. The water on his body and head was not wiped dry, so he just flowed down the neckline of his nightgown, showing the wildness and **** of men to the fullest. vividly.

Zeng Fang blushed and turned her head away, not daring to take a second look.

"You, me, that, did you put away my mooncakes?"

Hearing her words, Shen Zhen paused for a while as he put on his nightgown, and immediately denied it.

"What kind of moon cake, I didn't see it."

Zeng Fang was in a hurry to ignore her shyness, and turned her head to stare at him, "Didn't you see the two big boxes of mooncakes I put on the coffee table?"

"I went to take a shower when I came back, and didn't pay attention to whether there was anything on the coffee table."

While speaking, Shen Zhen walked towards the bedroom.

Zeng Fang grabbed his sleeve unwillingly, "How could you not see two boxes of mooncakes that big, you..."

The following words came to an abrupt end.

Shen Zhen's nightgown was only casually tied with a slipknot at the waist, and when Zeng Fang pulled it, the slipknot loosened, and the whole nightgown was open.

Zeng Fang withdrew her hand like an electric shock, her mouth gaping, "I, I didn't do it on purpose!"

(end of this chapter)