On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 650

Chapter 650

Chapter 650 Went to Shao's house to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival

Shao Mo rubbed her head, "It's all over, now you are very strong and invincible, I believe that nothing and anyone can knock you down in the future."

Zeng Fang responded lightly, "Momo, you are right, although that incident is a shame and shadow that I will never erase in my life, but I am often thankful that with your company and encouragement, I can After being admitted to Beijing Foreign Studies University, sitting here chatting with you, compared with the beauty and splendor of the next few decades, a small black spot is nothing."

Life is like a train, moving forward and passing countless scenery and people, whether it is good or bad, the past is the past, we can only look forward, because there is hope and expectation ahead.


The two chatted for a while, and the waiter brought a plate of mooncakes that the bar prepared for guests for free.

The mooncakes were made delicately and compactly, two bites each, and the taste was mediocre, neither bad nor tasty. Shao Mo took a bite and fed the remaining half to Ling Chuan who was behind him.

When the performance in the bar ended, it was almost one o'clock, and there were not many drinks left on the two tables.

Everyone gathers together, fills everyone's glass with the remaining wine and drinks, and then raises their glasses together.

"Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"

"Happy National day!"

"I hope that every year there will be today, and every year will have today!"


After drinking, everyone took their things and prepared to break up.

Zeng Fang found her coat, and subconsciously looked at the opposite side while putting it on. Zhou Ye and Dai Heshun were still drinking, but Shen Zhen was nowhere to be seen.

"Fangfang, let's go."


Hearing Shao Mo's shout, Zeng Fang hurriedly looked away, picked up her bag and left with everyone.

In room 606 of the nursing home, Shen Zhen, as usual, helped the man on the bed scrub his body, then took out a box of mooncakes, arranged them on a dining plate, and put them on the bedside table.

Afterwards, he pulled a chair to the side of the bed, sat down, picked up a piece of moon cake and ate it while talking to the man on the bed.

"Brother, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I bought ham mooncakes this year. Although you prefer the salted egg yolk ones, you must be tired of eating them every year. Let's change to other flavors this year."

Shao Mo's side, because she had to send the other two girls home first, it was already two o'clock when she got back to the small courtyard. After taking a shower and washing, it was already three o'clock when she lay down on the bed.

The next day, Shao Mo got up late without any accident, and hurried out to go back to Shao's house at almost 10 o'clock.

Zeng Fang also went with her. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the Shao family has a family dinner in the evening.

As soon as she arrived at the Shao family compound, Zeng Fang was startled from ear to ear by the magnificence and wealth of the Shao family.

"Momo, if this was placed in ancient times, you would at least be a princess, right?"

Shao Mo was amused, "In ancient times, merchants who dared to live in such a house would have been ransacked and questioned long ago."


In ancient times, officials, farmers, and businessmen were valued. Although merchants were rich, their status was very low. They could only wear ordinary fabrics, and a house like the Shao Family Courtyard had to be at least nobles and ministers to live in it.

Shao Mo first took Zeng Fang back to the Mo Garden, put down his things, and took Zeng Fang to visit the Mo Garden.

The artificial lake in Moyuan has been built. The whole lake is circular, like a mirror, with a wooden bridge built in the middle, and a pavilion built in the middle of the wooden bridge.

Large lotus flowers are planted in the lake. In summer, you can sit in the gazebo to enjoy the coolness and enjoy the lotus.

"Quack! Quack!"

Seeing Shao Mo, Dabai and Erbai, who were playing and chasing on the lake, immediately swooped over with flapping wings.

Zeng Fang hasn't seen Dabai and Erbai for a while, so she happily waved at the two guys.

"Dabai, Erbai, miss me?"


After climbing ashore, Dabai Erbai tilted his goose head and looked at Zeng Fang with his black eyeballs inlaid with gold rims, with an appearance of "I don't know you well".

Zeng Fang took out a pack of crispy dried fish from her bag, and tried to seduce Dabai and Erbai with the dried fish, but the two guys didn't even look at it, but turned their heads to preen each other's feathers with their beaks.

Zeng Fang held the small dried fish and wondered, "Momo, Dabai Erbai, why are you ignoring me? Didn't they like this kind of crispy dried fish the most before? I even went to the department store to buy it."

Shao Mo was amused, "You also said it was in the past. They are different now and now, and they usually eat more delicately than we do. Naturally, you look down on your little fish."

"Forget it, I'll eat it myself."

While eating dried fish, Zeng Fang walked around the artificial lake with Shao Mo, feeling both happy and envious.

I am happy that my friends and relatives are reunited, and I have a reliable family. At the same time, I am envious of my friends who can live in such a gorgeous house.

After visiting Moyuan, Shao Mo took Zeng Fang to Lanju to meet Mrs. Shao.

It was the first time she visited as a guest, and Zeng Fang carefully prepared gifts. After seeing the wealth of the Shao family, she felt that the gifts she brought were nothing worth mentioning.

"Momo, I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of? You saw my grandma yesterday. Although she looks a little serious, she is actually a very gentle and kind person."

"I'm afraid that she will think that the gift I brought is too light. Unfortunately, I was complacent before, thinking that your grandma would definitely like the gift I prepared."

Knowing that she was worried about this, Shao Mo comforted with a smile: "Don't worry, my grandma is not someone who likes these things. She has lived to this age, and she has never seen anything good. You just put a golden mountain in front of her. , she may not like it. Instead, give some gifts that suit her heart, even if it is a grass, she will like it."

"That's good. Although what I send is not grass, it is similar to grass."

Hearing this, Shao Mo couldn't help being curious.

The gift was prepared by Zeng Fang herself, and she didn't know what it was.

But we will arrive at Lanju ahead, and we will know when we enter Lanju, so Shao Mo didn't ask any further questions.

As Shao Mo said, Mrs. Shao welcomed Zeng Fang very much. It can be seen from the fact that she asked Mrs. Hua to serve cakes, candies and tea drinks. There are several kinds of desserts, plus candies and drinks. A table.

Zeng Fang also smiled and presented the gift she prepared, "Grandma Shao, I heard Momo say you like flowers and plants, so I bought a pot for you, I hope you don't think it too bad."

Looking at the boxy box, Mrs. Shao was also very curious.

After Mrs. Hua opened the carton and saw what was inside, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Inside the carton is a pot of aloe vera.

Seeing everyone laughing, Zeng Fang quickly explained the purpose of giving aloe vera, "Although a pot of aloe vera is not worth much, it has many uses. It can beautify the skin and remove freckles. My mother often uses it to apply to the face, and it can also be fried and eaten. Improve gastrointestinal function, enhance immunity, and the most important thing is that it is easy to feed, find a place to plant it, and next year it will be a big clump, as long as it is watered on time, it can grow like this year after year, and it will grow better by then. More and more, endless growth. So, on the surface, what I gave is an aloe vera, but in fact, I gave you a piece of health."

Ms. Shao was amused by her words, "Not bad, not bad, Ah Hua, you can find a piece of land to plant this aloe, don't disappoint Miss Zeng's wishes."

Sister-in-law Hua smiled and said yes.

Zeng Fang quietly winked at Shao Mo: How about it, isn't my gift a good one?

Shao Mo secretly gave a thumbs up: very good!

hey-hey! She is awesome!

Third watch~

(end of this chapter)