On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 646

Chapter 646

Chapter 646 won the first prize

"Xiaoya, my mother used to say that you are smart and majestic, and asked me to learn more from you, so I always play with you, and now I understand that my mother is right. Compared with you, I am really too old. childish."

Shao Ya patted her on the shoulder, "It's not too late to understand, let's go."

"Where to go?"

"Go home and review."

Xiao Ke complained endlessly, "It's rare to ask for a vacation to play, so don't think about studying, let's find a place to drink something, I invite you."

Shao Ya thought for a while, "Then find a quieter coffee shop and read a book after drinking."

The welcome party came to an end soon, and Shao Mo's piano solo lived up to expectations and won the first prize, and the prize was a pen.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement, but it was Shao Lin who presented the award to Shao Mo.

However, to the outside world, Shao Lin came on stage as an award presenter as a well-known entrepreneur.

After the awards were presented and a group photo was taken, Shao Lin held her waist lightly and smiled at the camera.

After taking the photo and leaving the stage, Shao Lin looked at her bare shoulders, and immediately took off his suit jacket and put it on her body.

"Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, why not come back to the compound with us tonight."

"No, Dad, I made an appointment with my friends to go to the festival in the evening, tomorrow, I will go back early tomorrow morning, and then I will personally bake mooncakes for you and grandma."

"Okay then, be careful when you go out to play, I will go back with grandma first."

"I won't send you off, please tell grandma for me."


After watching Shao Lin walk away, Shao Mo walked towards her seat.

"Momo, you are back, let me see your prize."

Before she got close, Zeng Fang ran over from a distance, and Ling Chuan followed closely behind Zeng Fang.

Shao Mo handed the pen to Zeng Fang, looked at the crowded gate of the gymnasium, turned to Ling Chuan and said, "Let's sit for a while before leaving. The gate is too crowded now, so it's not safe."

"it is good."

Ling Chuan recognized Shao Lin's coat on her body, and asked, "Have Dad and grandma left?"

"Well, he wants us to go back to the compound together, but I said that there will be activities in the evening, and I will go back tomorrow morning."

Besides the three people, some people in the class did not leave, including Wang Dan.

Wang Dan walked in front of her and gave a thumbs up happily, "Shao Mo, you have brought honor to our biological department."

"Living up to the trust."

With Wang Dan taking the lead, other people also congratulated her.

Shao Mo accepted them one by one.

After a while, Zhong Xiaochen also ran over, his cheeks flushed with excitement, "Shao Mo, congratulations, you won the first prize! I knew you could do it."

Shao Mo nodded with a smile, "We're going to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in a while, do you want to go together?"

"Is it someone from your class?"

"No, the three of us, and a few other friends, will go to have a midnight snack first, and then we will go to the bar to sit for a while. It is estimated that we will play until after 12 o'clock, but we have a car and can take you back."

"Okay! Then I'll make a phone call and talk to my aunt."

Zhong Xiaochen was about to go out to find a public phone after speaking, but Shao Mo stopped the other party, "Use my phone."

Under Zhong Xiaochen's puzzled gaze, Shao Mo took her backpack from Ling Chuan's shoulder and took out the big phone inside.

"What's your aunt's phone number?"

"Ah, oh, 8609***."

When Shao Mo handed the phone number to her ear, Zhong Xiaochen was still in a daze. She didn't recover until her aunt's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Oh my god, this phone is too advanced!

Maybe because she was worried that it would be unsafe if it was too late, the aunt of the Zhong family on the other end of the phone did not agree with Zhong Xiaochen to play, and the aunt and nephew felt like gunpowder while talking.

Shao Mo signaled Zhong Xiaochen to be safe and calm, and then took the big brother to talk to Zhong's aunt himself: "Hi aunt, my surname is Shao, and my name is Shao Mo. I am a classmate of the same department as Xiaochen. We plan to go to Hongyan Tower for dinner. Besides the two of us, there is another good friend of mine, Zeng Fang, and my husband, please rest assured that we will take good care of Xiaochen and deliver her to the door of our house before 12 o'clock."

Hearing her speak in such detail and sincerity, Aunt Zhong on the other end of the phone was too embarrassed to stop her.

Hung up the phone, Zhong Xiaochen hugged Shao Mo's arm happily, "Shao Mo, it's lucky to have you, otherwise my aunt would definitely not let me go out with you guys."

"Your aunt is also worried about you. Your parents handed you over to her, and she will be responsible for you."

"I know, but she is too lenient. I am already this old, and I am not a child. She even secretly rummaged through my schoolbag."

Shao Mo was funny, but she couldn't help but think, luckily Shao Lin and Huang Zhiqiu were more open-minded and wouldn't steal her schoolbag.

Zeng Fang asked Zhong Xiaochen curiously, "Then why don't you live on campus?"

"My mother disagreed, and it took me a long time to convince her that she can live on campus until her sophomore year."

Zeng Fang secretly sympathized, and said comfortingly: "Actually, it's good not to live on campus. You can be free. Your aunt doesn't allow you to go out to play at night, but you can go out during the day."

"If you go out during the day, you have to report to her in advance, and you have to go home before dinner, or call my mother, alas."

Zeng Fang and Zhong Xiaochen had a heated chat about the access control issue, and other people in the class came over to see Shao Mo's mobile phone.

"It turns out that this is a mobile phone. I've only heard about it before, but I haven't seen it before. Today is an eye-opener."

"This mobile phone is so heavy, it's like a brick."

"Shao Mo, how much does it cost to buy such a mobile phone?"

According to Shao Mo's knowledge, it costs 20,000 to 30,000 yuan to purchase a mobile phone in China, but she does not plan to reveal the specific price.

"Not sure, this mobile phone belongs to my dad, I only use it occasionally."

At this moment, the girl holding the mobile phone suddenly staggered, and the mobile phone slipped out of her hand.

Seeing that the mobile phone fell to the ground, everyone's heart was in their throats.

At the critical moment, Ling Chuan got up and flew forward to pick up the mobile phone.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Only Shao Mo stepped forward to raise Ling Chuan's left hand in distress. Ling Chuan reached out from the seam of the seat to catch the mobile phone, and the back of his hand was scratched with several bloodstains by the edge of the seat.

"Oh, Brother Ling, the back of your hand is scratched!"

"It's okay, just go back and apply some medicine."

Ling Chuan put the mobile phone back into the backpack indifferently, while the girl who missed it just now apologized hastily, "I'm sorry, I don't know who pushed me, I didn't stand still, I really didn't mean it."

Shao Mo was about to speak when Zhong Xiaochen, who was standing beside her, suddenly pointed at Shi Xiaowen behind the girl, "Shi Xiaowen, why are you pushing Li Xin? If you break your mobile phone, can you afford it?"

Following Zhong Xiaochen's words, everyone present turned their heads in unison.

(end of this chapter)