On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 645

Chapter 645

Chapter 645 If you don't know how to recognize the excellence of others, you will only make yourself more and more narrow

No one expected that Zeng Fang would be so naive, so she directly bowed at 90 degrees, and everyone was amused.

Zeng Fang mistakenly thought that Shao Lin and Mrs. Shao were standing here to wait for her. After bowing, she quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, uncle and grandma, I'm late. I took a taxi here because I was afraid of being late, but I got stuck on the way. If you know, I will ride a bicycle."

Shao Lin comforted with a smile: "It's okay, the traffic in the capital is like this, especially during commuting time, we were also stuck at the intersection, so we got out of the car and walked over."

At this moment, several school and department leaders came out of the gymnasium, all enthusiastically shook hands with Shao Lin and Mrs. Shao, and expressed welcome.

Knowing that Shao Mo doesn't like publicity, after a brief introduction, Shao Lin and Mrs. Shao followed the school leaders into the gymnasium first, while Shao Mo and Ling Chuan Zeng Fang walked slowly behind.

The gymnasium is crowded with people and the noise is endless. Dozens of high-power lights illuminate the entire stadium brightly.

Zeng Fang took Shao Mo's arm and walked towards the seat, saying loudly, "Momo, why didn't you tell me that your father and grandma were coming too, if I knew I would have come earlier, I would have been late when we first met , They must think that I am unreliable."

"I didn't know they were coming either."

Shao Mo also replied loudly, because it was too noisy in the stadium, and she couldn't hear clearly if she didn't speak loudly.

After answering, Shao Mo looked back to see if Ling Chuan was following.

Looking at her turning her head, Ling Chuan smiled at her.

Shao Mo simply stretched out his hand, and Ling Chuan grasped it knowingly.

Just like that, Shao Mo took Zeng Fang with his left hand, and Ling Chuan with his right hand, and walked towards the seat of the biological science major.

Shao Lin and Mrs. Shao, as distinguished guests, have already been invited by the school leaders to the best viewing position on the second floor, and they can clearly see the situation of the audience at a glance.

When he saw his daughter and son-in-law walking hand in hand in the aisle, Shao Lin pointed it out to Mrs. Shao.

After Madam Shao looked over, she couldn't help showing a smile on her face.

For Shao Mo's behavior of bringing Ling Chuan, the students in the class didn't react too much. After all, they saw it when they climbed the Great Wall last time. Some male students even greeted Ling Chuan as if they were old acquaintances.

But it was the first time for other professionals to see Ling Chuan's true face, and they all looked this way curiously.

As soon as the three of them sat down, the lights in the arena dimmed, but the stage was full of lights.

Amidst the starlight, six elegantly dressed hosts walked onto the stage, and began to give speeches with microphones in their hands.

"Momo, that male host in a dark gray suit is quite handsome."

Looking at Zeng Fang's excited face, Shao Mo deliberately teased, "He's a student in the Department of Journalism. I heard that he doesn't have a girlfriend yet. Would you like me to help you?"

Zeng Fang curled her lips, "Farewell, how could you guys from Peking University like me."

"Why can't you, you are not bad, cute and lively, there should be a lot of boys chasing you in your school?"

Zeng Fang blushed, and her expression became coy, "There are only one or two, but I'm not interested in them."

"Who is there, do I know it? Tell me and I will give you a staff officer."

"The ones you don't know are from other departments. I don't know them. They came to ask me out for dinner out of nowhere, and another one gave me flowers. It's fine to send flowers, just send one. Is it true that I only deserve one flower?" If you are so stingy and still want to chase girls, go ahead and dream."

So, these are not the boys with woody fragrances.

Shao Mo thought to herself.

The programs came one after another, and soon it was time for Shao Mo's piano solo. Shao Mo got up and went backstage. Zeng Fang accompanied her to help her get her coat, and took the opportunity to admire the handsome host from a close distance.

As a result, they were blocked at the entrance of the backstage, because the backstage space was limited, and no one except the performers was allowed to enter.

No choice, Zeng Fang could only stand at the door holding Shao Mo's windbreaker and waited.

But God paid off, she stood for two minutes and the grass-haired host of the journalism department hurried past her, as if he was going to the bathroom, and came back in a hurry, which made her eyes full .

In a blink of an eye, it was Shao Mo's turn to play.

The stage lights were all dimmed, and a beam of white light slanted towards the left side of the stage, where a round platform with a diameter of about four meters was built in advance, and an upright piano was placed on the round platform.

Shao Mo stepped onto the round stage, sat down in front of the piano and began to play.

The soothing and melodious sound of the piano pours out from the black and white keys like a mountain spring.

The silent gymnasium of Yaque seems to have become an empty valley, and the sound of the piano is like a light stream in the mountain stream, nourishing every flower, grass and tree in the valley.

When the song ended, there was thunderous applause in the gymnasium.

Shao Mo got up from the piano, bowed slightly to the audience, and then walked down the round stage gracefully.

Shao Lin clapped his hands vigorously while whispering to Mrs. Shao beside him, "Mom, how is Momo playing?"

"is acceptable."

Ms. Shao responded implicitly, but the smile on her face couldn't be stopped no matter what.

Shao Lin turned to talk to several school leaders on the other side.

Hearing everyone's affirmation and praise for her daughter's piano solo, Shao Lin donated ten pianos to the school directly, making the school leaders so happy that they couldn't close their mouths.

At the edge of the outfield, seeing Shao Mo's performance ended, Shao Ya said to Xiao Ke beside him, "Let's go", and then got up with him and left the stadium.

Arrived outside the museum, Shao Ya smiled slightly when she saw Xiao Ke was silent.

"How do you feel after listening to the piano played by my eldest sister?"

"not so good!"

"Coco, if a person doesn't know how to recognize the excellence of others, he will only make himself more and more narrow and short-sighted in the end."

Xiao Ke was very unconvinced, "I don't deny her excellence, I just don't like her, and I don't think you are worse than her at all."

Shao Ya looked at the endless night sky with a distant gaze, "She has uncle's blood in her blood, and this alone is much better than me. In fact, I was not reconciled at the beginning, and I was very unconvinced. I have worked hard for eighteen years. A tree whose fruit was plucked by another person overnight.

But after hearing about her experience, I was suddenly very glad that it was she who was living outside instead of me. If I were in her position and experienced those sufferings, I couldn't imagine what I would be like now.

People's experience is different, some people are bitter before sweet, some people are sweet before bitter, the eldest sister is the former, and I don't want to be the former or the latter, I just want to work hard towards my goal Moving forward, I am not as good as my eldest sister now, but I may not be as good as her in the future. "

The heart-to-heart words made Xiao Ke relieve a lot of depression in his heart.

(end of this chapter)