On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 642

Chapter 642

Chapter 642 You may have misunderstood low-key

Almost at the same time, everyone in the classroom looked at Shi Xiaowen.

The two had quarreled only two days ago, and Shi Xiaowen even ridiculed Shao Mo's hypocrisy in public, pretending to be a rich girl, but today Shao Mo's father donated thousands of condolences to the entire department, and the slap in the face came too fast like a tornado .

"Shi Xiaowen, shouldn't you apologize to Shao Mo, who didn't provoke you, and you gossip about him behind his back."

After being named, Shi Xiaowen had no choice but to pretend to be dead, so she could only walk in front of Shao Mo blushing.

"Shao Mo, it's my fault to gossip behind my back, but why I target you and not others, you know best in your heart!"

Originally, Shao Mo didn't take this matter too seriously. Shi Xiaowen can apologize if she is willing, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't apologize, but Shi Xiaowen insists on being stubborn, so she doesn't mind breaking it down with the other party.

"Shi Xiaowen, I don't know why you are targeting me, why don't you explain it to me?"

Shi Xiaowen said angrily: "Everyone is a classmate, I will take a ride, your family is so rich, but you still have to charge me for the car, do you lack this money? No, you look down on me from the bottom of your heart Outsiders, that's why you teamed up with your cousin to fabricate a fake identity to deceive me, so what if you have money, can you just tease others if you have money?"

Shao Mo looked at each other calmly, "Shi Xiaowen, do you still remember how you found me and what you told me the day before the class event?"

Shi Xiaowen choked up.

"You said that you have suffered from motion sickness since you were a child, and you will definitely get motion sickness if you take the bus. Then you said that you can pay the fare. The bus to Badaling is two yuan, and you can pay three yuan."

As Shao Mo's voice fell, there were discussions in the classroom.

"Ah, it turned out that she offered to give the money herself, but turned around and made Shao Mo stingy. This is too shameless."

Shi Xiaowen retorted angrily, "That's what I said, but you said at the time that you don't need to pay, we are all classmates! Shao Mo, did you say that?"

Shao Mo nodded, "That's what I said at the time, but you didn't listen. When you got off the bus the next day, you took the initiative to pay for the car. I thought you were the kind of self-respecting and self-loving girl who thought it would be wrong to take advantage of others." I'm sorry, so I didn't refuse again, did I think wrong?"

Shi Xiaowen opened her mouth, but could not speak.

Whether she admits it or denies it, she doesn't take it for granted.

Shao Mo didn't intend to let the other party go just like that, "Shi Xiaowen, I don't know you very well, and I kindly agreed to your request for a ride for the sake of being a classmate. And you, not only are you not grateful, but you are also smearing behind your back. Me, since we have talked about this point today, I will also show my attitude, no matter what kind of difficulties or difficulties you have in the future, don't come to me for help, even if you ask me, I will refuse .

Shi Xiaowen blushed and then turned pale, "Don't worry, I won't ask you for any help even if I die!"

"That's the best, and it will save you and me trouble."

Although Shao Mo didn't pursue the matter, Shi Xiaowen was found by the department to have a conversation. The specific content of the conversation is not clear, but after that, Shi Xiaowen became more silent.

There was no class in the afternoon, so Shao Mo specially made some desserts and went to the Shao Group to send "filial piety".

When she arrived at the Shao Group, Shao Lin was still in a meeting, and the secretary led her into Shao Lin's office.

After the secretary left, Shao Mo took out the dessert and put it on, and then used the tea table in Shao Lin's office to boil water to prepare tea.

As soon as the water boiled, Shao Lin came back, very happy to see her.

"Momo, why are you here?"

Shao Mo smiled, "Why did I come, don't you have any idea?"

Shao Lin smiled and pretended to be stupid, "Then you must be missing me, right?"

After speaking, he walked to the coffee table, picked up a pink Daifuku and ate it.

"Momo, you came too timely, I was just hungry, um, this is quite delicious, I haven't seen it before, is it a new dessert you have recently researched?"

"This is called Daifuku, and it's a traditional snack in the island country."

Shao Lin was full of praise while eating, "The taste is really good, delicate and soft, sweet but not greasy, Momo, what should I do."

Shao Mo showed doubts, "What's the matter, Dad?"

"Your craftsmanship is so good that it has made my mouth dirty. I used to think that the food outside was not delicious, but now I find it unpalatable and I can't even eat it."

Shao Mo laughed, "Dad, even if you exaggerate me, there is no need to be so exaggerated."

"Everything I say is from the heart, I can swear by the light."

Shao Mo couldn't laugh or cry, "Okay, then I will come to you as a full-time cook and cook for you every day, okay?"

"That's not necessary. Just cook dinner once a week. It's fine to visit me occasionally like today. I don't want you to work too hard."

"OK, no problem."

Hearing her answer, Shao Lin happily got up and went to the desk drawer to take out an envelope.

"Momo, come, this is for you."

Shao Mo took the envelope and opened it to see that it was a cash check for 500 yuan.

"Dad, this is?"

"It's pocket money for you. Yiqian and their monthly allowance is 200 yuan. When you start a family, your expenses will be higher. From now on, Dad will give you 500 yuan every month."

Shao Mo returned the envelope, "Dad, no need, Ling Chuan and I have the ability to make money by ourselves."

Shao Lin pushed the envelope back to her, "It's your business that you are capable. I haven't fulfilled my responsibilities as a father when you grow up to such an age, so you should give me a chance and don't let me be ashamed of you for the rest of my life." with your mother."

Speaking of this, Shao Mo could only accept it.

After that, Shao Lin tasted all kinds of snacks in peace, while Shao Mo talked about donating money to the school while making tea.

"... why didn't you tell me beforehand."

Shao Lin took a bite of the egg yolk crisp calmly, "You were bullied at school, and you didn't tell me."

Shao Mo choked, "I was not bullied."

"People point at your nose and call you a liar, and force you to apologize. This is not bullying, so why is it bullying? Momo, you are just too talkative and soft-hearted, but it doesn't matter, with me here, I know you don't like to be too public, so I only donated condolences to your department, how about it, is it low-key enough?"

"I'm afraid you may have misunderstood low-key."

"There is no misunderstanding, otherwise I would not only donate 5,000 but 50,000."

Shao Mo couldn't laugh or cry and handed over the Kung Fu tea she had just divided, and just looked at the other party with her moist almond eyes.

"So, Dad, who told you about these things at school?"

"Well, this tea is good, what kind of tea?"

"Dad, don't change the subject. This tea is taken from your tea cabinet. Don't you know what kind of tea it is?"

(end of this chapter)