On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 641

Chapter 641

Chapter 641 Face slaps come too fast like a tornado

Zhong Xiaochen pulled a stool and sat next to her, angrily narrated: "That Shi Xiaowen, she actually went around saying that you are hypocritical, that you pretend to be a rich girl all day long, is there something wrong with her? Are you rich or not? Shit!"

Although Shao Mo is not as emotional as Zhong Xiaochen, she is still not at ease.

It's like a fly buzzing around you all the time, even if it won't do you any real harm, it's still very annoying.

But this time, she wasn't going to keep silent.

After asking who was spreading the gossip, he then traced the melons one by one, and finally touched Shi Xiaowen's head.

After school in the afternoon, Shao Mo stopped Shi Xiaowen in the classroom.

Faced with Shao Mo's questioning, Shi Xiaowen refused to admit it at first, until Shao Mo presented her own investigation results and the transmission path of the whole incident, Shi Xiaowen had no way to deny it, and simply turned her face.

"So what if I said it? Shao Mo, you can't blame me for this matter. It's because of your vanity that you colluded with your cousin to brag and lie to me, but you didn't expect that your lie would be poked by me." break!"

"Yesterday afternoon, I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. I saw your uncle. He came to the vegetable market to buy vegetables on a broken bicycle. The owner of the vegetable seller told me that he was not the section chief of a state-owned unit at all, but Drivers for rich people!"

"The car he drove that day belonged to his boss, right? But why did you tell me that the car belonged to your uncle, and that your uncle was the section chief of a state-owned unit.

Shao Mo, your cousin is just a driver, and your husband doesn't even have a serious job, but you eat well and dress well all day long, pretending to be a rich girl, are you hypocritical? "

Shao Mo didn't expect Shi Xiaowen to meet Tian Yuan, and knowing Tian Yuan's true identity, she was a little troubled for a while.

However, she didn't want to explain and explain about Tian Yuan's true identity.

"I lied to you about my cousin. I can apologize, but it's not that my husband doesn't have a job. His business is in his hometown. So far, the business is very good, enough to cover our living expenses."

Shi Xiaowen rolled her eyes, "Tch, who knows if you're cheating again this time, anyway, it's not the first time."

At this time, the class monitor left and Wang Dan came over, "Okay, we are all classmates, so don't quarrel over trivial matters. Shi Xiaowen, although Shao Mo lied to you, you have nothing to lose, but Shi Xiaowen, you spread the word about Shao Mo behind your back." The gossip is also very unqualified, we are college students and intellectuals who have received a high level of civilization, don't gossip around like shrews, let this matter stop here, and everyone should stop talking about it in the future."

Under Wang Dan's mediation, the two broke up unhappy.

Although Shao Mo admitted to lying in public, she is very popular, and everyone is willing to understand and tolerate her behavior.

But Shi Xiaowen thinks highly of herself all day long, looks down on this and that, and only associates with classmates from good families. The eyes of the crowd are discerning, and the girls in the class are gradually alienated from her.

The morning of the third day after the quarrel with Shi Xiaowen was Ma Gai's public class. There was only one class in biological sciences, so the public class was held together with the bioengineering major.

Walking into the big classroom, Yunmo found that the big classroom is very lively today, everyone's face is filled with excitement and joy, just like the New Year.

"Shao Mo, here!"

Every public class, Zhong Xiaochen would occupy a seat for her, and today was no exception, waving at her from afar.

"What are you so happy about?"

After sitting down, Shao Mo asked curiously while taking out the book.

Zhong Xiaochen smiled and said, "Just now the head of the department personally sent a message, saying that to celebrate the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, a big boss gave all the teachers and students in our biology department a five-dollar living allowance. It's in our meal card, we'll check it after lunch."

The inexplicable words "Big Boss" made Shao Mo's forehead twitch.

This style of donating money when there is disagreement, why is it so like her own father?

When Shao Mo secretly decided to call Shao Lin after class to ask about it, she didn't want Ma Gai's teacher to give her a "surprise" after class.

"Before get out of class ends, let me, on behalf of all the faculty and staff of the Department of Biology, express our gratitude to our classmate Shao Mo. You should have heard what the department head said about the living condolences. We teachers also have them, and the provider of this sponsorship It is Shao Mo's father, and he is very grateful to all the classmates and teachers for taking care of Shao Mo since he entered school.

Ms. Ma Gai threw such a "bomb" half-jokingly and half-seriously, and the whole classroom was completely boiled.

Zhong Xiaochen shook Shao Mo's arm like crazy, "Ah, Shao Mo, it's you! Thanks for asking me before class, you're acting too well, aren't you?"

Shao Mo couldn't tell.

She wanted to keep a low profile, but Shao Lin did this to her silently. She could foresee that her life at school would not be peaceful in the future.

"Shao Mo, thank you! Thank you dad too!"

A male classmate jokingly yelled at Shao Mo, attracting "siege" from others.

"Get out of the way, and stop chasing friends there."

"We, Shao Mo, have a partner, and we won't be able to turn to you in the next life!"

There were nearly 200 teachers and students in the big classroom, and it became the focus of everyone's discussion. Shao Mo was already embarrassed enough, but Teacher Ma Gai came to "add fuel to the fire".

"Shao Mo, come up and tell everyone."

Shao Mo waved her hands again and again, but helplessly, everyone in the classroom booed and shouted her name. The atmosphere was so enthusiastic that the roof almost fell off, and Shao Mo had no choice but to follow everyone's wishes and walk onto the podium.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet and let Shao Mo say a few words."

Under the signal of Teacher Ma Gu, the huge classroom gradually became quiet.

Such a scene is just a trivial matter to Shao Mo, she calmed down and spoke with a smile.

"I am very lucky to be a classmate with everyone here, to study together and explore the mysteries of biology. At the same time, I wish everyone a happy Double Festival in advance, eat and drink well, and live up to each day and yourself."

"well said!!"

The audience applauded thunderously, but Shao Mo was embarrassed enough to dig out the magic castle.

But this is just the beginning.

From Shao Mo walking out of the big classroom to returning to the classroom of her major, it was like a huge spotlight, focusing almost all the attention and eyes around her.

She knew what everyone was discussing without going close, it was nothing more than "So she is Shao Mo", "It was her father who donated money to the Department of Biology", etc.

"Oh, now no one will say that Shao Mo is pretending to be a rich girl?"

Shao Mo had just sat down when someone in the classroom suddenly said this sentence.

Third watch~

(end of this chapter)