On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 624

Chapter 624

Chapter 624 Yun Yao was sentenced to death

Seeing Yunmo's surprised face, Wu Jingcheng couldn't help laughing, "The number one scholar in the science department like you has always been the object of competition between the School of Mathematics and the Academy of Physics, but you chose the relatively unpopular Department of Biology. Student, I am also very curious, so I simply did some understanding."

Yunmo didn't expect that her rejection of popular majors such as the Department of Mathematics and Department of Physics actually aroused the school's extra attention to her.

Arriving at the office, Wu Jingcheng gave her a ceramic pot that was bigger than her palm, and a small grass like wheat was planted in the pot.

"Recognize this?"

Yunmo shook her head.

"This is called sagegrass, Orchidaceae, a national second-class endangered plant. This plant was discovered and brought back from the wild by one of my students. I will give it to you. If you can feed it to the end, then I will give you full marks for your final grade in this subject."

Yun Mo's apricot eyes lit up immediately, "Professor Wu, don't worry, I will definitely take care of it."

Back to the classroom, everyone saw Yunmo coming back with a pot of grass, and they all came together curiously.

"Shao Mo, what is Professor Wu looking for you for?"

"What are you holding?"

Yunmo carefully showed everyone the small ceramic flowerpot in her hand, "This is called scorpion grass. Professor Wu asked me to raise it well."

"What kind of grass is the grass? Why did Professor Wu ask you to raise it?"

"I only know that it belongs to Lanke, and I don't know much about the others. I can only go to the library to check the information when I have time."

Seeing that there was no useful information to ask, everyone dispersed and returned to their seats.

Not far away, Shi Xiaowen and a female classmate next to her whispered, "There are so many people in the class, and Professor Wu called her because no one called her. She must have come through the back door!"

The female student looked at the ribbon grass that Yunmo put on the desk with envy in her eyes.

"It's a skill to be able to go through Professor Wu's back door. In our biology department, there are many seniors who want to be Professor Wu's students, and Professor Wu is not willing to accept it."

Yunmo usually commutes to and from school by bicycle, but today there is an extra pot of sage grass, which makes it inconvenient to ride a bicycle. She simply leaves the bicycle at school and takes a taxi home.

In the small courtyard, Ling Chuan was standing by the water platform to kill fish. Seeing her returning home with a pot of grass, he thought she bought some flowers and plants on the way.

When he knew that this was a national second-class endangered plant, or that it was a subject assigned to Yunmo by the professor, Ling Chuan didn't dare to breathe, for fear of accidentally blowing off its young leaves.

Yunmo was amused by Ling Chuan's nervous reaction, "Okay, you can continue to cook dinner, I will go to the study to study."

"Well, daughter-in-law, I bought a sweet-scented osmanthus fish, how do you want to eat it?"

"Whatever, you can figure it out."

Yunmo waved her hand indifferently and went to the study with the ribbon grass in her hands.

After entering the study, Yunmo took out a little spiritual spring water from the space, and carefully poured it on the roots of the scorpion grass, and then took out the books on scorpion grass that I borrowed from the school library today, read it carefully, and took out the book to make good note.

A week passed in the blink of an eye, and under the nourishment of the spiritual spring water, Yunmo clearly felt some changes in the scorpion grass.

The leaves grow taller, the walls of the leaves become thicker, and even the color of the leaves is a little darker.

Yunmo not only carefully recorded the quality of the text, but also took out the camera to take pictures and record it.

But Yunmo also knows that she is cheating by using spiritual spring water to grow scorpion grass, and the recorded growth records will not play any role.

I have to find a way to find another similar scorpion grass and water it with ordinary water, so that it can also be used for comparison.

I did it when I thought of it, and it happened to be the weekend, so Yunmo asked Zeng Fang to go to the flower market to look for sage grass seedlings.

Although scalloped grass is not common, it is easy to do things with money. In the end, Yunmo got her wish and bought a scorpion grass similar to the one at home.

In order to facilitate planting, Yunmo specially turned a sunny side room into a flower house. The walls and roof were removed, tempered glass was installed, and all the floor tiles were pried away to restore it to soil land.

It sounds simple, but it is not a small project.

While Yunmo was busy building her own flower house, news came from Jiang City that Yunyao's sentence came down, death penalty.

When Yunmo heard the news, Yunmo's mind was blank for a short time.

Yunyao's fate is her own fault, and she once hated him very much.

But when the other party really wanted to pay the price for what he had done, the resentment, hatred, anger, and anger in her heart seemed to disappear suddenly, leaving only sighs and relief.

The news was transmitted by Xu Lili first, followed by Bai Xue, and then Yun Shixian.

Yun Shixian obtained her number through Bai Xue, but Bai Xue obtained her consent in advance.

It was also from Bai Xue that Yun Mo learned that the reason why Yun Yao was sentenced to death was because it was revealed that she had attempted to abduct herself and abducted Huang Zhao.

And Yun Shixian asked someone to do this.

Yun Shixian is such a treacherous and cunning person, he probably found out the fact that Yunyao and human traffickers intended to abduct and sell her when he returned to An City, but he has been silent.

Now that Yunyao has become his abandoned son, he just revealed this matter and took the opportunity to please her.

It is not surprising that someone so cold-blooded and selfish would give birth to such a vicious daughter as Yunyao.

It is said that after hearing the verdict, Yunyao did not file a complaint, but instead wanted to see her, and even sent her a message by all means and methods.

Yunmo ignored her and didn't want to see her.

Yunyao subdued the law, but Huang Zhao's people have not yet disappeared.

Huang Wen fought against Peng Fang's mother and son for a month, but in the end Huang Wen won and went to the repeat class as he wished.

When she heard the news, Yunmo managed to find a set of very effective liberal arts review notes, copied them into two copies, and sent them to Huang Qingning and Huang Wen respectively.

Huang Qingning was promoted to the second grade this year, and he chose liberal arts, and his goal was also to enter a normal university.

For rural people, being a teacher is not only an honor but also a job, and it is the most cost-effective choice.

Time always slips away unknowingly, and half of September has passed in a blink of an eye. For Yunmo, there are many joys and sorrows.

Happy because the National Day holiday is coming, she has already made an appointment with Zeng Fang to go to country Y to see Xie Xia.

What is worrying is that after the National Day, there will be military training. As the highest institution in China, Peking University has extremely high requirements for students in all aspects, and military training is no exception.

This military training will be in the army, and will be trained with the recruits in the army for a period of three weeks.

Originally the school wanted to arrange one month, but considering the tight schedule of the freshman year, it could only be shortened by one week.

But before the National Day holiday, Beijing University will hold a welcome party.

For the party, performances are definitely indispensable. Apart from the performances, another major event is the selection of the party host.

(end of this chapter)