On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 623

Chapter 623

Chapter 623 The Shao family continues to this day, not by blood but by strength

Seeing his little daughter being so self-willed and arrogant, Shao Yuan's expression darkened immediately, and he slapped the coffee table heavily.

"Pick it up for me!"

Shao Ying is self-willed, and she is still afraid of Shao Yuan, the father. She picked up the jewelry box on the ground with her mouth pursed, threw it on the table with a "bang", then turned and ran away.

Shao Yuan got angry at his wife, "Look at what you have spoiled her, she is getting more and more lawless."

"My daughter is not alone, have you disciplined me less since she was a child?"

Shao Yuan was so choked that he couldn't speak, he flicked his sleeves, got up and left angrily.

Mrs. Shao Er rolled her eyes at her husband's back, then picked up the jewelry thrown by her daughter on the table and opened it, screaming out of distress.

"Ouch, you debt collector, it's such a waste of such a good jadeite to be smashed like this!"

After Shao Ying ran out, she went directly to the west courtyard to find Shao Ya.

"Second sister, you are still in the mood to study, aren't you angry?!"

Seeing Shao Ya sitting at the desk calmly and calculating the problem, Shao Ying couldn't understand it.

Shao Ya was interrupted, she couldn't help frowning to look at Shao Ying, "What's wrong with you?"

Shao Ying sat down on the imperial concubine chair, "That Shao Mo, she brought such a bunch of junk and said it was a gift for our meeting, who is she poor? Who can't afford it."

Shao Ya looked at her, "If you don't like it, you can return it. What's the use of losing your temper here?"

Shao Ying was so depressed that her face was wrinkled into a bun, "If I really want to do this, my dad will definitely break my leg. But I really don't want to see her proud face. What's so great about her, if it wasn't for Because of uncle, she still doesn't know which corner of the mountain she is nesting in!"

"Even if there is no uncle, she will not nest in the mountains. Don't forget, she was admitted to Beijing University based on her strength."

"So what? Can she afford the things she brought? It's not because of my uncle! The house and car she lives in are all bought by my uncle, I'm just so angry!

We are all the young ladies of the Shao family, so why should she have whatever she wants, but we have to spend every month to even buy a skirt! "

"Xiaoying, if you want to blame, you can blame you for not casting a good tire. Uncle is the head of the family, and she is his only daughter. Let alone the house and car, we have no right to stop the entire Shao family from being given to her.

Xiaoying, instead of blaming others here, you might as well go back and read more books, learn more knowledge, and get into a good school in the future.

The Shao family has continued to this day not by blood but by ability. You only see the gap in material and status between us and Shao Mo, but you don't think about how big the gap in strength is between us and her. "

Shao Ya's words were like a heavy hammer hitting Shao Ying's heart.

Although she doesn't want to admit it, Shao Mo is really more mature and stable than them.

But so what?

They were all living well before Shao Mo came back, so why can Shao Mo step on them and do whatever he wants as soon as he comes back?

Shao Ying stood at the intersection of the east courtyard and the west courtyard in a daze. She didn't want to go back to the east courtyard, but she didn't know where to go.

Unknowingly, she came to the door of her eldest brother's study.

Same as Shao Ya, Shao Yiqian was also concentrating on his studies, and he didn't even notice that she walked in front of him.

"elder brother."

Hearing her shout, Shao Yiqian raised his head from the desk, his eyes behind the lens were confused, as if he hadn't come out of the problem-solving thinking in his pen.

This scene is very familiar to Shao Ying.

As long as she can remember, every time she came to the study to look for Shao Yiqian, Shao Yiqian would almost always look at her with confused and puzzled eyes like today.

At that time, she didn't understand anything, and she just wanted to let Shao Yiqian play hide-and-seek with her.

But every time Shao Yiqian just sent her off with candies or toys, as time passed, she rarely came to see his big brother Shao Yiqian again, so that the relationship between the two brothers and sisters has always been very strange.

"Brother, aren't you tired? Besides eating and sleeping, you are studying at the desk every day~www.mtlnovel.com~ Don't you get annoyed by the various courses arranged by Dad?"

Shao Yiqian looked at her for a long time before making a sound, "Then you play here and there every day, aren't you tired of playing?"

Shao Ying opened her mouth, but couldn't tell why.

Ten minutes later, Shao Ying came out of Shao Yiqian's study sullenly, looking like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Shao Yiqian said the same thing as Shao Ya, saying that she is not young anymore, and advised her to study and read more when she has time.

But she couldn't figure out why she wanted to study. She was the third miss of the Shao family who had no worries about food and clothing. When she grew up, she would find a well-matched man to marry and be a young mistress, and then give birth to a few children for her in-law's family. Is it the mission of girls of their origin?

Could it be that if she has finished her studies, she will not need to marry or have children?

The first morning class on Monday is the first professional class since the beginning of school.

The teacher in class, surnamed Wu, full name Wu Jingcheng, is a professor of biology and one of the well-known experts in botany in China.

Yunmo was very interested in plants, and the lecturer was an expert in this field. She listened very carefully and took notes.

In a blink of an eye, the class ended, and when the bell rang, Yunmo felt a little regretful.

"Shao Mo, come with me to the office."

Just as she lowered her head to pack her things, Wu Jingcheng walked up to her with the lesson plan in his arms.

Yunmo looked up flattered, her face was full of surprises, "Okay, Professor Wu."

Under the envious and doubtful gazes of other students, Yun Mo hurriedly followed Wu Jingcheng's footsteps with her schoolbag on her back.

On the way to the office, Wu Jingcheng slowed down and chatted with her.

"Don't be nervous, I called you here because I have a few words I want to chat with."

"Professor Wu, please tell me."

Wu Jingcheng smiled, "I heard from your grandma that you have a lot of experience in growing bluegrass?"

Yunmo hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

In fact, she doesn't know anything about growing orchid grass, so she has no experience, but if she is telling the truth, what if Wu Jingcheng ignores her?

"I've seen the two pots of emerald orchids and lotus petals you gave to your grandma. You have raised them very well."

"It's good luck. The owner of the flower shop has been raising these two pots of bluegrass for several years, so I got a cheap one."

Wu Jingcheng glanced at her, "It's a good thing to be humble, but it's hypocritical to be too modest."

"Cough, Professor Wu, I actually have some experience in growing orchid grass."

"Oh, tell me."

As the saying goes, what you do is what you love. I think that if you want to do something well, you must first be fully interested in it and be willing to invest energy, time and affection.

"Well, it sounds good. You have such an understanding at a young age. It's no wonder that you can counterattack from the bottom one to the first in the province in just one year."

(end of this chapter)