On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Chapter 62 Do you want to share a room with me? (Recommendation ticket 4000 plus more)

Yunmo pretended to be calm, "Well, I don't want to leave, I think this is pretty good now."

Ghost knows what Yun Shixian is planning on her again. Before her household registration is removed, it is undoubtedly the best to maintain the status quo. At least, she knows Ling Chuan well, and she won't plot against her with evil intentions.

Hearing that she said she didn't want a divorce, Ling Chuan was actually a little happy in his heart.

With getting along these days, he also found that this daughter-in-law is not as bad as he imagined, and even a little silly. As for the squeamishness of a young lady, in his opinion, instead of being annoying, he finds it a little cute.

He picked up the teacup and took a big sip of tea, suppressing the emotions in his heart, "I've discussed with my elder brother about the separation of the family. What my elder brother means is that after the work on the construction site is finished and the wages are paid, the family at home will be separated." The house will be refurbished and expanded into two floors, then we will live on the upper floor, and the eldest brother will live on the lower floor."

Yun Mo didn't consider this proposal at all, and let alone mentioning that she and Li Li couldn't get along, with the virtue of the Li family, she wished she could stay as far away as possible.

"Ling Chuan, if we really live together with Big Brother and the others, can you guarantee that my throwing of the Dragon Jar won't happen again? Do I have to guard against them like thieves when I live in my own house? Don't you think it's difficult for me? Also too tired to panic.

Besides, a **** like Li Zhijie knows no good people. Haven't you ever wondered if something will happen to me when you are not at home one day? "

Ling Chuan was speechless.

Seeing the man's silence, Yunmo felt a little disappointed in her heart.

She even considered the longer term, if Ling Chuan insisted on living with her eldest brother and sister-in-law, then she would kick him when she got her household registration!

"How much is the monthly rent for the house you rent?"

After a brief silence, Ling Chuan suddenly asked her.

Seemingly feeling the pressure and embarrassment of the man, Yunmo hesitated, and deliberately said that the rent was reduced by half.

"20 yuan a month, but it is a long-term lease. I signed a three-year contract with the landlord, and the rent is paid annually. I have already paid for one year in advance."

Ling Chuan has no doubts, because in his opinion, 20 yuan a month's rent is not low.

20 yuan a month, the rent alone costs 240 yuan a year.

Although the work on this construction site can earn a fortune, it is still far from a year's rent.

"I will find a way to collect the rent as soon as possible and give it to you."

Yunmo wanted to say no, but Ling Chuan looked at her with determination in his dark eyes.

"Although I don't have any great skills, I don't need a woman to support my family. You save your money yourself, so you won't be unable to pay if something happens to you."

Not bad, a bit manly.

Yun Mo said indifferently: "You can give it if you want, but don't be in a hurry. I sold the gold bracelet and used that as the capital. I also made some money. I don't need money for the time being."

Ling Chuan didn't say anything more.

After eating, Yunmo called the waiter to pay the bill, but Ling Chuan paid the bill first.

Yun Mo whispered coquettishly, "Didn't you agree to treat me?"

Ling Chuan put away the change from the waiter, got up noncommittally and said, "Let's go, let's go and see the house you rented."

Let's just go.

After several days of repairs, the courtyard now looks much more presentable.

The silt and dirt in the pond have been cleaned up. As long as we bring in running water, plant a few clumps of lotus roots, and raise a few goldfish, it feels good to think about it.

What satisfied Yunmo the most was the shower room on the right side of the main room, which was rebuilt from the side room. The boiler was built next to the side room. If she wanted to take a bath, she put a few pieces of briquettes in the boiler stove half an hour in advance, and waited for the briquettes to burn out. Almost ready to wash.

A pot of water is just enough for one person to wash. Although it is not as convenient as a water heater, it is much more comfortable than taking a bath with a bucket of water.

"There are many rooms. Except for the main room, you can choose other rooms at will. If you choose, I will help you arrange the beds and cabinets."

Ling Chuan looked at her, "Who lives in the main house?"


"Why can't I live if you can?"

Yun Mo was dumbfounded by the rhetorical question, and then understood his intention, "You want to share a room with me? Why?"

"Isn't it weird that we sleep separately?"

It is true to say so, but...

"We will discuss this matter later. You can stay in this room for now. That's the decision."

Yun Mo casually pointed to a room, intending to end the topic, but the man suddenly proposed to sleep in the same room with her, which made her flustered.

After looking at the house, Ling Chuan proposed to leave, "If there is no place on your side that needs my help, then I will go back to the construction site first, and I will move things when I come back next time."

As she spoke, she took out a handful of banknotes from her pocket and stuffed them into her hand, "I only have this money on me for the time being, so you keep it for home use, and I'll ask someone to send some back after a while."


"I'm leaving."


Looking at the tall back of the man leaving, Yun Mo thought to herself that this cheap husband is not useless, at least he knows how to take money home.

She happily put the money into the space, wandered around the courtyard again, conceived the placement of furniture and appliances in her mind, and then locked the door and went back to the hotel.

The Li family.

Zhu Hongping felt distressed and cursed Ling Chuan and Yun Mo for their evil intentions and beat up his son, while he was busy packing his son's luggage.

"Zhijie, I'm lucky this time, I just met the owner of the leather factory in Suzhou City to recruit workers, and a car will come to the village to pick him up in the evening.

You don't have to worry about anything if you go to the hotel and get food and accommodation. The boss said that as long as you work hard in the factory, you can earn at least 40.50 a month. "

Li Zhijie was not interested in part-time work at first, but he couldn't help but feel a little eager to make so much money when he heard that he could earn so much money.

"You can really earn so much, can't it be a lie?"

"I asked someone about it. Two years ago, this factory also came to our place to recruit workers. Those who went there made a lot of money. The youngest Zhou from the next village goes to the leather factory every year, and now he repairs it at home. He built a small mansion and married a daughter-in-law."

Li Zhijie, the youngest Zhou, knows him. He is thin and small like a monkey. He has indeed made a fortune in the past two years, and the key point is that he married a beautiful daughter-in-law as beautiful as a flower.

Which of the bachelors in ten miles and eight villages is not envious, after all, the youngest Zhou is so ugly.

Li Zhijie's heart is higher than the sky, and he feels that with his ability, he will be able to earn more than Zhou Laoyao, and then marry a woman who is more beautiful than Zhou Laoyao's wife.

Seeing his son's silence, Zhu Hongping thought his son didn't want to leave the house, so he couldn't help comforting him: "Mom is also reluctant to let you go so far, but Mom has asked the police. You will really go to jail for what you did. , you go to Suzhou City to work for a while, and avoid the limelight by the way, and you will come back after a while when the weather calms down."


Zhu Hongping stuffed the banknotes he had prepared into his hand, "You have collected the money, and I will give you pocket money."

Li Zhijie took the money and counted it, only about 50 yuan.

"Mom, what is this money enough for? You can get me some more."

Zhu Hongping said in embarrassment: "No more, all the family's money is here."

"Then go borrow some."

"To put it bluntly, who would you borrow it from? In our family's situation, who is willing to lend us money."

Good night~

(end of this chapter)