On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 You don't want a divorce anymore?

Enjoying the coolness brought by the straw hat, Yunmo was very satisfied, and even looked at men more pleasingly.

"Ling Chuan, aren't you hot? Make yourself a straw hat and wear it."

"I'm not hot."

"Sister-in-law said, you came back yesterday, aren't you busy at the construction site?"

Ling Chuan did not answer this question, but instead asked Li Zhijie, "How do you plan to deal with him?"

"Whatever you sow, you will get what you want. The Li family is reluctant to teach their son, so let the society teach him the principles of life."

Answered, but didn't seem to answer.

She didn't believe him. Did she think that he would stand by Li Zhijie regardless of right and wrong in this matter?

Ling Chuan stared at the front with heavy eyes, not in a good mood.

All the way after that, neither of them spoke.

Yunmo was too tired to speak, hot and thirsty, but she didn't dare to blatantly take something from the space to quench her thirst, so she could only bear it.

Ling Chuan was in a bad mood and didn't want to talk.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Yunmo couldn't move any longer, and stood there with her hips crossed, "How far is it?"

"Just ahead, less than two miles away."

Hearing that there were still two miles to go, Yunmo quit, found a rock and sat down.

"I'm not going, I can't walk anymore."

Seeing that she was panting badly, her forehead and the tip of her nose were covered with fine beads of sweat, and her cheeks were also flushed, Ling Chuan's hand hanging by his side tightened, loosened and tightened, and finally asked, "Do you want me to carry you?"

Yunmo raised her head to look at him in surprise, "You still have strength?"


Yunmo suddenly noticed that after the man answered her, his face turned a little red.

No, no, is such a big man still so innocent?

There's nothing to be ashamed of carrying one's own wife.


Yunmo held back the upturned corners of her mouth, and opened her arms towards the man, "Come on, carry me on your back."

The man didn't lie, he was really strong, even with a big man like her on his back, he still walked fast and steadily, without even panting for breath.

Yunmo lazily rested her chin on the opponent's shoulder, "Ling Chuan, can you drive?"


"When you have time, go learn it, you can drive a car after you learn it, and I don't have to walk."

Ling Chuan remained silent, feeling in his heart that his wife's thinking was too naive, even if he learned how to drive, he still couldn't afford a car.

At this time, Yunmo didn't realize that her topic had brought pressure on the man, because she knew the plot well in advance. In her opinion, Ling Chuan would soon be successful and earn a lot of money.

Not to mention buying a car, even buying ten cars is no problem.

It's strange to say that the 2-mile road is not too short in Yunmo's view, but being carried by Ling Chuan, it seems to have arrived in the blink of an eye.

The two of them were lucky. As soon as they walked to the gate of the brick factory, they happened to encounter a tractor carrying a car of red bricks "chug-chug" out of it.

Ling Chuan stepped forward and chatted with the driver, and the driver readily agreed to their request for a ride.

If riding a motorcycle is a novel experience for Yunmo, then riding a tractor is definitely an unforgettable experience in two lifetimes.

Tractors in this era are all walk-behind, not even a steering wheel, let alone a cab. In addition, the road surface is not smooth, and one who is not careful may be thrown off the car.

After finally climbing into the car, Yunmo looked at the high ground and panicked, holding onto Ling Chuan's arm with both hands, "Why don't we go back on foot."

Ling Chuan looked down at her, "Don't you want to walk?"

Yunmo cried, "But I'm more afraid of falling, it's so high, what if I fall into a disability?"

can't fall.

"How do you know you can't fall? What if you can't? Ling Chuan, do you think that if I fall to my death, you can get a new wife?"

Ling Chuan lifted her in front of him with a big hand, opened his arms to support the iron frame at the front of the carriage, and trapped her in his arms in a half-embracing posture.

"Aren't you afraid now?"

With the back of human flesh, Yunmo felt much safer, and her cheeks were a little hot, "Yeah."

Because it was pulling a heavy load of bricks, the tractor didn't drive fast, and it wobbled along the way, shaking people's bones almost to pieces.

At first, Yunmo could barely hold on to the frame of the carriage to support her body, but her back hands were numb from the shock, and her waist was sore, so she simply leaned back and leaned all her body weight on the man's chest.

The man's chest was very hot, and she could clearly hear the man's strong heartbeat through a thin layer of fabric.

On such a hot day, the two of them are next to each other again, so they must be sweating.

Yunmo can smell the strong sweat on the man's body, but the strange smell is not bad, but it's not bad either, but she doesn't care about the disgust at this moment, she just wants to go back to the hotel, blow on the fan and have another drink Bowl of ice powder.

Just thinking about it is refreshing.

I don't know how long it has been driving. When Yunmo was about to fall asleep, the tractor stopped.

The tractor did not enter the urban area, but the driver kindly sent the two to the station. After thanking the driver, the two vehicles transferred to a bus and entered the urban area.

Back to the city at exactly 12:00, tired and hungry, Yunmo went straight to the gate of a restaurant, but was about to enter the store but was dragged by Ling Chuan to a small noodle shop nearby.

Yunmo doesn't want to go to the noodle shop.

It's not that the noodle restaurant is not clean, but that there are too many people in the small noodle restaurant, which is stuffy, hot and crowded. Not to mention the restaurant is spacious, and there are fans blowing.

"I'm not going to the noodle shop, I'm going to eat in a restaurant."

Ling Chuan looked at her with the corners of his lips pursed, and a complex and indiscernible emotion surged in his dark eyes.

The two confronted each other for a while, and Yunmo suddenly understood something, and said, "I have money, so I'll treat you to it."

Seeing Ling Chuan standing still, Yun Mo simply dragged him into the restaurant.

Taking care of the man's mood, Yunmo didn't order too expensive or too good dishes, but only ordered one dish, one soup, and five taels of rice.

It was the peak meal time, and the food was served very slowly. The two chatted while drinking tea.

Ling Chuan: "Where is the house you rented?"

"On the other side of Guoxing Road."

Guoxing Road belongs to the south of the city, and the environment is good, but the rent will definitely not be low.

Looking down at the fine porcelain teacup in his hand, feeling the cool breeze brought by the fan above his head, Ling Chuan once again deeply felt the gap between them.

Yunmo didn't know what was going on in the man's mind, so seeing that he didn't speak, she took the initiative to say, "I'll take you there after dinner, so you can see the way."

Seeing Ling Chuan raised his gaze, Yun Mo simply opened the skylight and said something bluntly, "Ling Chuan, I can't live in the old street anymore, you can move here if you want, I rent a courtyard house, there are many rooms, I can live there no matter what If you don't want to separate, then you can stay in the old street alone and live with your elder brother and sister-in-law."

After a pause, Yunmo said again: "Well, just pretend that I didn't mention the divorce."

Ling Chuan fixed his dark eyes on her, "You don't want a divorce?"

(end of this chapter)