On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 559

Chapter 559

"Oh, it's another day I miss my family Zhizhi. Old Jane, I haven't seen my family Zhizhi for 33 days. I miss her so much."

Jian Xun was annoyed by his reading, "If you miss her, just go to her."

Yao Cheng slapped the armrest of the reclining chair, "That's right, why didn't I think of this!"

Jian Xun shook his head, lowered his head and continued to look at the information in his hand.

The more Yao Cheng thought about it, the more he felt that it was feasible. A carp stood up in front of Jian Xun, "Old Jane, you go with me. Anyway, you have nothing to do recently, so I will reimburse you for the round trip."


Jian Xun's straightforwardness made Yao Cheng a little unbelievable.

"Old Jane, you agreed? Why did you agree so happily? You don't have any ulterior motives for my family, do you? I warn you, you dare to accept it as soon as possible, brother Like clothes, women are siblings, whoever dares to touch my siblings, I will tear his clothes."

"Take medicine when you are sick."

Jian Xun rolled his eyes back at him, and then pulled out a bright red invitation card from the drawer.

"My college classmate got married and invited me over for a wedding."

Yao Cheng opened it and saw that it was indeed a wedding invitation, and the date was three days later.

"Could it be that your college classmate is from Anshi?"

Jian Xun adjusted his glasses, "Coincidentally, he belongs to Anshi."

"Are you deliberately digging a hole and waiting for me to jump? No, no, I will take back the travel expenses just now."

Jian Xun looked at him with a half-smile, "You can take back what you say, are you a man?"

In order to meet his sweetheart sooner, Yao Cheng took a rare extravagance, took a flight, and the air tickets for the two of them totaled over a thousand, which made Yao Cheng feel sore.

As soon as he landed, Yao Cheng made a phone call to Zhao's house before he even found a place to live.

Although I think it is impossible, what if, what if Zhao Yazhi looks pitiful and takes them in to live in Zhao's house, then wouldn't he be able to enter the house openly and aboveboard?

Imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

After Yao Cheng turned the corner and expressed his desire to go to Zhao's house for the night because he had no place to live, Zhao Yazhi only replied with three words.

Ge Wuen.

Although he said he disliked Yao Cheng's arrival, before going out, Zhao Yazhi still dressed up specially.

Wearing a newly bought floral skirt, painted lip gloss, and sprayed freesia perfume.

When Zhao Yazhi went downstairs, Wan Ru saw her and couldn't help but look her up and down.

"It's a hot day, where are you going?"

"Oh, I asked Momo and the others to go shopping."

Wan Ru was skeptical, "You still wear high heels when you go shopping, aren't you afraid of breaking your feet?"

Zhao Yazhi explained straightforwardly, "Of course you have to dress nicely when you go shopping. If you're tired from walking, find a place to sit and rest. I won't tell you anymore. I'm going out first."

"Take the umbrella, aren't you afraid of getting your face tanned?"

Zhao Yazhi had already walked out of the living room door, and when she heard Wan Ru's reminder behind her, she quickly turned around and went back to get the umbrella.

"Almost forgot, thank you Mom, I'm leaving."

"Snack outside, come back for dinner at night?"

"No reply."

Arriving at the door of the hotel where Jian Xun and Yao Cheng collapsed, Zhao Yazhi took a photo through the glass door of the door, and combed his hair before pushing open the door and entering.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Zhao Yazhi quickly found the room where Yao Cheng lived.

The person who opened the door was Jian Xun. Zhao Yazhi didn't know Jian Xun, so he was a little embarrassed for a while, thinking that he had found the wrong one.

"Sorry, I"

Jian Xun interrupted her with a smile, "Miss Zhao, right? Yao Cheng is in the bathroom, come in first."

Seeing Zhao Yazhi's hesitation, Jian Xun turned back to the room's bathroom door and knocked twice.

"Wait a minute, I'm shitting!"

Hearing Yao Cheng's familiar voice from the bathroom, Zhao Yazhi's doubts were dispelled.

After Zhao Yazhi came in, Jian Xun did not close the door, but left it open.

Jian Xun is worthy of being a psychiatrist, and this alone has greatly relieved Zhao Yazhi's uneasiness.

"My surname is Jian, and I am Yao Cheng's high school classmate. You can call me Jian Xun."

Zhao Yazhi quickly smiled and called him, "Brother Jian, hello, I'm Zhao Yazhi."

Jian Xun adjusted his glasses, smiled and said, "Hi, I have actually met you. You came to the Provincial Criminal Investigation Brigade to look for your uncle."

Zhao Yazhi shook his head in a daze, "Sorry, I don't remember."

"It's okay, do you want something to drink? I'm going downstairs to buy some groceries."

"Mineral water, thank you."

Just as Jian Xun went out, the bathroom door opened, and Yao Chengguang walked out with only a pair of boxers all over his body, followed by an indescribable stench that permeated the room.

Zhao Yazhi covered her nose in disgust.

"Lying on the grass!!"

When Yao Cheng saw Zhao Yazhi sitting on the sofa, he looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. He rushed back to the bathroom with an "ow" and slammed the door behind him.

Zhao Yazhi stood up speechlessly and opened all the windows for ventilation.

A minute later, the bathroom door was opened again, and Yao Cheng came out fully dressed.

"Hey, Zhizhi, why are you here?"

Zhao Yazhi frowned, and asked him angrily, "What did you eat for lunch, the **** smells so bad!"

Yao Cheng's face immediately turned red, just like that of Guan Gong, and he desperately waved his arms to fan the air, trying to dispel the stench faster.

Zhao Yazhi put one hand on his hip, pinched his nose with the other, and stared at the sky speechlessly.

Blindly blinded by the perfume she specially sprayed on!

When Jian Xun came back, he couldn't help feeling strange when he saw two people standing in the corridor, one on the left and one on the right.

"Why stand outside and not go in and sit?"

Zhao Yazhi glared at Yao Cheng angrily, "Ask him."

Yao Cheng scratched his hair in embarrassment, "Then what, my stomach is not feeling well today..."

Jian Xun froze for a moment, then couldn't help laughing out loud.

Feeling the contempt and ridicule of his friends, the heat on Yao Cheng's face that had just gone down came back up again.

"It must be that the fruit on the plane was not washed clean, which caused me to have a stomachache."

Zhao Yazhi couldn't help being scornful, "Then why is Brother Jian all right?"

Jian Xun thought about it seriously, "Maybe I spit out the grape skin after eating grapes?"

Yao Cheng: "..."

Zhao Yazhi looked at Yao Cheng in surprise, "You eat grapes without spitting out the grape skin?"

Yao Cheng asked weakly: "Is it wrong not to spit out grape skins? My grandma told me since I was a child that the nutrition of grapes is in the skins."

Zhao Yazhi was stopped by the rhetorical question.

Of course there is nothing wrong with eating grapes without spitting out the grape skins, but she always eats grapes with the skins peeled off, so she was surprised by Yao Cheng's behavior of eating grape skins.

After such a small episode, Zhao Yazhi didn't want to go into the room and stay there again. After waiting outside the door for Yao Cheng and Jian Xun to change their clothes, he took them to find Yunmo and Zeng Fang.

In the lobby of the hotel, Zhao Yazhi called Yunmo first, and took a taxi there after learning Yunmo's exact location.