On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 558

Chapter 558

Yunmo doesn't care who spread the rumors, but this doesn't prevent her from selling her misery to win sympathy.

"Sister Zhao, my mother has lived a miserable life. She has been looked down upon by the villagers and pointed at for so many years. I really can't stand her being accused of these unwarranted stigma and infamy."

"Good boy, don't be sad, with me here, I will never sit idly by."

Saying that, Mrs. Zhao looked at her old friend sitting across from her, "Old girl, you heard it all, someone deliberately put **** on the head of my daughter-in-law, just tell me if you can help me with this?"

The old lady on the opposite side hurriedly said: "Oh, look at what you said, we have been friends for so many years? Can I not help if others don't help me? Don't worry, I will talk to my old sisters when I go back, You must also clarify your reputation as a girl."

"Okay, then I will leave this matter to you."

"Don't worry, it will be done."

Yunmo also took the opportunity to stand up and thank the other party solemnly.

Old lady Zhao patted the back of her hand kindly, "Okay, go upstairs and continue playing with Zhizhi, don't gossiping with us old guys."

Yunmo flattered her and said, "Grandma Zhao, Sister Zhizhi said that you have a bad appetite recently. I want to make some home-cooked dishes for you at noon."

"Okay, it's just too hard for you, it's so hot, it's not easy to stay in the kitchen."

"It's okay, Grandma Zhao, you continue to talk, I'm going to the kitchen first."

"Hey, good boy, let's go."

When Yunmo went to the kitchen, the old lady opposite couldn't help but say, "You are the right granddaughter."

Old lady Zhao snorted proudly, "Of course, if I hadn't been a granddaughter, I might not be able to sit here and talk to you now."

The old lady on the opposite side didn't mean that, but seeing Grandma Zhao pretending to be stupid, she laughed and talked about other topics without saying a word.

In the kitchen, Yunmo quickly drew up the menu after looking at the ingredients.

Squirrel mandarin fish in sour plum juice, scallion chicken, fried minced meat with parsley, cucumber mixed with fungus, and a tomato meatball soup.

Every dish is prepared according to Mrs. Zhao's preferences. It is light and delicious. Mrs. Zhao ate it to the fullest and used half a bowl of rice more than usual.

Yun Mo and Zeng Fang stayed at Zhao's house all day, and they didn't leave until after dinner.

After Yunmo left, the old lady Zhao told her son and daughter-in-law about Yunmo's life experience in a sigh.

"Xiaomo, this girl can hide things well, and she didn't elaborate on who her father is. Xuehai, you have a wide network of contacts. I was thinking that you should know who her father is, right? I have no other thoughts, just worried She will suffer a loss if she goes to the capital, after all, she is a daughter whom she recognized halfway, how can she compare to the relatives she raised by her side since she was a child."

After learning about the past entanglements between Huang Zhiqiu and Yuan Jia, Zhao Xuehai showed a rare surprise and caution on his face.

"Mom, are you sure that Xiao Mo's father is the man behind the Yuan family? Are you right?"

Old Mrs. Zhao gave her son an angry look, "I am old, but my mind is not yet confused!"

"Mom, I didn't mean that."

Zhao Xuehai touched his chin, with a secretive expression on his face, "Mom, do you know the Shao family in the capital? The backer behind the Yuan family is the Shao family, but that is already in the past.

According to Xiao Mo, Huang Zhiqiu was probably the one who was related to the men of the Shao family, but was replaced by Yuan Jia somehow. Clean it up hard. "

This kind of secret news also opened Wan Ru's eyes, and she sneered inexplicably: "I can't blame the Yuan family for this matter at all, and the person surnamed Shao doesn't even know who he slept with?" ?

Zhao Yazhi said surprisingly, "When the lights are turned off, who knows who is who."

Wan Ru glared at her daughter, "What are you talking about, you kid, go back upstairs and read your book."

Zhao Yazhi took a piece of watermelon and ate it bit by bit, "I'm so young, I'm already 20, maybe I will bring your son-in-law back for the winter vacation at the end of the year."

Wan Ru stared blankly from choking.

"Zhizhi, are you talking about someone?"

"Who is the other party?"

"How old is he this year? Where is he from?"

"When did you talk?"

Old lady Zhao and Zhao Xuehai, mother and son, asked each other one sentence at a time, and Zhao Yazhi didn't know which sentence to answer first.

"Oh, don't worry, don't worry, we haven't talked yet, but someone is chasing me, and I haven't agreed yet."

Acquainted daughter Mo Ruomu, the daughter has not yet agreed, but looking at her shy appearance, it is obvious that her heart is moved.

Wan Ru looked at her daughter scrutinizingly, "Let me say it first, if it is not a person with a clean family background and good conduct, you should not bring him home, even if you bring him back, I will not allow him to enter the house."

Zhao Yazhi secretly rolled his eyes, "Mom, is my vision that bad? He is just as young as me, four years older than me, and now works in the street office."

Upon hearing this condition, Wan Ru's complexion immediately turned cloudy.

"It's okay, take him back to have a look when you have time, you are not young anymore, it's time to find someone."

Zhao Yazhi despises his mother's change of attitude, "His horoscope has not been written yet, and he is from H province. If we really get along, I will marry in H province in the future. Are you willing?"

Hearing this, Wan Ru hesitated again.

The old lady Zhao is open-minded, "It doesn't matter whether you marry far or not, as long as you have the heart, you can go home often to visit no matter how far away, but if you don't care, even if you live in the opposite door, you will never enter the house, it is useless. "

Zhao Xuehai nodded agreeingly, "Mom is right, but you know, you have to be cautious about finding a partner. You know people, face but not heart. This man looks like a man on the surface, but his mind is broken. You have to Protect yourself, and never compromise on matters involving the bottom line.

On the contrary, a good man with a sense of responsibility should not make some unreasonable demands. Do you understand what Dad means? "

Zhao Yazhi blushed and nodded, "Yes, I see."

"Ah Choo Ah Choo!"

Yao Cheng rubbed his nose and couldn't help muttering, "Who misses me? Ah, it could be that my family Zhizhi misses me?"

Jian Xun behind the desk glanced at him rather speechlessly, "I haven't agreed to you yet, so how come it's yours?"

"Hmph, sooner or later!"

The weather was too hot, Yao Cheng ran to Jian Xun's side as soon as he had nothing to do, lying on the recliner specially designed for psychotherapy, chatting and drinking tea, blowing the fan, it was not too comfortable.

These days, psychological treatment is not yet accepted and recognized by the general public, and not many patients come to Jian Xun for treatment. In addition, the criminal investigation team has few cases that require criminal profiling recently, so Jian Xun is also free.