On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 500

Chapter 500

Although Shao Lin has a prominent status, he has always acted in a calm and low-key manner. This is the first time for such a high-profile trip like a chartered flight, and there must be something extremely urgent.

Thinking of this, Liang Kuan pulled himself together and completed the procedures for chartering the flight as quickly as possible.

Two hours later, the plane took off smoothly.

On the plane, Liang Kuan curiously and anxiously asked Shao Lin what was the urgent matter for this trip to H Province, but he only got a "noisy" from Shao Lin.

Liang Kuan is autistic.

At this time, Shao Lin's heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

In fact, he couldn't explain why he had to go to Jiang City at this time. He obviously had a lot of important things to do and important people to meet. "Little Liar" is far more important.

But there seemed to be a voice in his heart that kept urging him. The urgent and strong desire to do something was still 20 years ago.

In his life, fame, fortune, wealth and power, which the world is chasing after, are within his reach.

This also led to his dull personality, and it was difficult for anyone or anything to arouse his interest.

But now, a flame called curiosity was ignited again in his heart.

It was already midnight when the plane arrived at the provincial capital airport of province H.

Because of the sudden itinerary, there was no prior arrangement for travel and accommodation. In the end, Shao Lin left the airport in a car arranged by a friend.

"Master, where do you want to rest?"

In view of Shao Lin's habit of staying in hotels, he has bought private houses in all major provincial cities across the country. However, because he seldom comes here in H Province, the house has not been cleaned up in advance. It must be uncomfortable to live in. It is better to go to acquaintances Then stay for one night, but whether to go or not depends on Shao Lin's mood.

"Go to Jiang City."

Looking out the dark car window, Shao Lin didn't feel tired from staying up all night, but was filled with unspeakable excitement and excitement.

"Master, no matter how important things are, you must take care of your health. You have just returned to China, and the jet lag has not yet reversed. No matter how sleepless you are, your health may not be able to bear it."

"Many things, go if you are told, get off if you feel tired, and I will go by myself."

Liang Kuan didn't dare to persuade him any more, otherwise he would be kicked out of the car.

Early in the morning, a magpie flew into the yard and landed on the branch of the jujube tree that was planted a few months ago, chirping.

"Ah, the magpie's cry is a good sign! My brother and sister will definitely get a good grade in the exam today."

Ling Jiang looked at the magpie and said cheerfully.

Although Yunmo doesn't think her grades are related to a sparrow, magpies have been considered auspicious since ancient times, so it's hard to make her feel better.

The college entrance examination starts at 9 o'clock, and Yunmo's examination room is in the original No. 6 Middle School, which is about 4 kilometers away from the courtyard.

Ling Chuan borrowed a motorbike from the Deng family, and he can get there in ten minutes at most by motorbike, and he can go out at 8:30 in time.

But in order to avoid unexpected situations on the road, Yunmo went out half an hour earlier on purpose.

There is plenty of time, Ling Chuan intentionally slows down the speed of the car to ensure safety.

But when the motorcycle drove out of the alleyway where the courtyard house was located, and was about to turn right into the streets of the main city, a few middle-aged men and women carrying a self-made stretcher bed appeared out of nowhere, and they were hitting Lingchuan's motorcycle.


"Killed someone!"

Accompanied by the harsh sound of brakes, the people carrying the stretcher fell into a ball, and the stretcher hit the ground. A rickety and thin old lady rolled from the stretcher into the middle of the road, bleeding from her ears and nose, and unconscious.

The unforeseen accident happened in a short moment, and even Yunmo was so shocked that she couldn't recover.

"Mom! Wake up, Mom, what's wrong with you!?"

"It was you, you killed my mother! If you don't speak clearly, no one will leave!"

Several people were divided into two groups, one group carried the old lady to the front of the motorcycle, and the other group surrounded Yunmo, Ling Chuan and the motorcycle.

Seeing the clear division of labor between the two groups of people and their quick responses, Yunmo suddenly understood something.

She subconsciously looked towards the crowd of onlookers, and unsurprisingly, she saw Yun Yao's proud and sinister face.

Yunmo, you are dead this time.

After realizing that this was a well-designed round aimed at her, Yunmo secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

There is a way to break the game, but it will be difficult if the person is killed.

After all, nothing can make up for a human life.

But I have to say that the time point chosen by Yunyao makes her very passive.

No matter what the cause of the old lady's death was, if there was a traffic accident, she and Ling Chuan had to stay and negotiate, but the exam time was less than 50 minutes away.

"Momo, you go to the examination room to take the exam first, and I will take care of it here." Ling Chuan protected her behind her to prevent those people from dragging her.

Yunyao deliberately chose this time, and carefully set up such a situation, how could it be possible for her to get away easily.

Even if she could leave, she would not leave him alone. To her, he is as important as the college entrance examination, and she must take him to the capital together.

"Ling Chuan, you support the motorcycle, don't let them damage the car."

Looking at the growing crowd of onlookers, Yunmo whispered to Ling Chuan while thinking about countermeasures.

"If the car breaks down, let it break down. Your exam today is more important."

Hearing the man's anxious and annoyed words, Yunmo couldn't help but cursed: "You idiot, how can you send me to the examination room when the car breaks down?"

Ling Chuan didn't speak any more, his expression was full of frustration and remorse.

I knew that he shouldn't be riding a bicycle. Even if he walked over with his wife on his back, the meeting is probably coming soon.

The more Ling Chuan thought about it, the more he regretted it, "Daughter-in-law, why don't I send you to the examination room first, and I'll come back after you enter the examination room..."

Yun Mo wanted to hit the man on the head hard, "Are you stupid? If we leave under such circumstances, it will be a hit and run, and we will be sentenced!"

Ling Chuan showed astonishment and panic on his face, "I, I don't know, daughter-in-law, I was wrong..."

"Okay, you stay here, don't think about it, if you don't pass the exam this year, it will be the same if you take the exam next year. At most, you can wait another year. I'm not in a hurry."

After finishing speaking, Yunmo didn't care about the man's mood any more, pointing at the old lady on the ground and shouting: "Oh, the old lady's hand is broken! She's not dead yet, it's still too late to send her to the hospital!"

Hearing Yunmo's exclamation, the crowd of onlookers immediately looked at the old lady lying on the ground.

Only those few troublemakers didn't react at all when they heard Yunmo say that the old lady was still alive, and they didn't even look in the direction of the old lady.

Observing this detail, Yunmo can confirm two things.

First, the old lady is not the real mother of these people, otherwise the attitude of these people would not be so indifferent;

Second, the old lady should have died a long time ago, so these few people would be indifferent to her words.

While Yun Mo was thinking about the relationship between these people and the old lady, Shao Lin and Liang Kuan who were not far away were also looking at her.

The streets in the main city of Jiang City are not spacious. Traffic accidents and crowds of onlookers completely blocked this street.

The car couldn't drive, so Shao Lin could only get out of the car and walk, but as soon as he got out of the car, he saw the little girl who was in trouble but still calm and composed, whom she had met once.