On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 499

Chapter 499

Wei Fu delivered the letter quickly.

Looking at the beautiful and neat small letters of "Mr. Shao Mingzhi's personal letter" on the envelope, Shao Lin, like Mrs. Shao, silently praised the good words.

Tear off the seal and take out the thin letter paper inside.

Please reply when you see the letter, there is something important to discuss.

Signed by: Your daughter (natural)

Below the signature, there is a phone number.

After reading the contents of the letter, Shao Lin's first reaction was to scoff.

Except for Yuan Jia's accident, he has never been close to any woman in these years. Where is his daughter?

Either someone is playing a prank, or there are ulterior motives.

Shao Lin put the letter back into the envelope, threw it aside casually, lay down on the bed and started his lunch break.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Shao Lin took a nap. Seeing that it was still early, he changed into casual clothes and went to the study to deal with the documents accumulated during this period.

After Shao Lin went to the study, the nanny went into Shao Lin's room to tidy up, picked up the letter that had been thrown on the floor, and handed it to Wei Fu.

Wei Fu recognized the letter as the one he took from the study at noon, and he couldn't make up his mind for a while, so he went to the study to ask Shao Lin for instructions.

"Sir, what should we do with this letter?"

Throw it away.

Shao Lin originally thought so in his heart, but when he saw the letter in Wei Fu's hand, what he said was: "Give it to me."


He wanted to see what kind of liar he was, who dared to claim to be his own daughter.

Fingers caressed the silky but elegant handwriting on the letter paper, Shao Lin picked up the phone on the desk.


The time seemed to be elongated by a pair of magic hands, and the waiting tone of just a few seconds seemed extraordinarily long. Even when the phone was picked up, Shao Lin's heart trembled inexplicably.

I don't know if it was a hallucination or an illusion, but Shao Lin actually felt that the voice on the other end of the phone was so familiar that it made him palpitate.

"Hello, who is this?"

After waiting for two seconds without hearing a response, Huang Zhiqiu on the other end of the phone asked again.

Shao Lin coughed and came back to his senses, "I called from the number on the letter. My surname is Shao."

Huang Zhiqiu was stunned by this short sentence, and the microphone in his hand almost fell off.

The voice almost indistinguishable from the memory, and the other party's self-reported family background, all let her confirm and affirm the other party's identity.

Huang Zhiqiu opened his mouth to say something, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't make a sound.

"Beep beep..."

Listening to the busy signal that the phone was hung up, Shao Lin suddenly realized something, and immediately redialed.


The phone rang relentlessly, over and over again, but Huang Zhiqiu sat beside him but didn't intend to answer it.

"Mom, why don't you answer the phone?"

It wasn't until Yunmo, who was tending flowers and plants in the yard, stepped into the main room that Huang Zhiqiu came back to his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"Ah, Momo, I'm looking for you."

Although Huang Zhiqiu's expression seemed a little strange, Yunmo didn't think too much, and reached out to pick up the phone.

"Hello, who is this?"

Shao Lin immediately heard that the person who answered the phone this time was different from just now, the voice was soft and sweet, with an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

While recalling where he heard this voice in his mind, he calmed down and said, "Hello, my name is Shao."

Yunmo was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Huang Zhiqiu at the side.

Huang Zhiqiu was sitting on the chair, with a calm face, but her fingers clenched tightly revealed her true emotions.

"I'm looking for a letter writer."

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Yunmo replied directly: "I wrote the letter."

Yun Mo freely admitted, but Shao Lin didn't know where to ask.

"Come to the capital, let's meet."

"I'm not free, I have an exam."

After a pause, Yunmo said again: "I live at No. 28, Guoxing Road, Chengnan District, Jiangshi City. If you are interested in what is in the letter, you can come and find me."

With Shao Lin's identity and status, even his mother, Mrs. Shao, had never been so rude to him, but he couldn't get angry. Instead, he couldn't help but explain why he didn't go to Jiangshi.

"I'm very busy with work during this time, so I can't leave for the time being."

"Oh, let's talk about it after you finish your work. I have nothing else to do and I'll hang up."

Shao Lin: "..."

Before he could think about what to say, the phone was really hung up.

Shao Lin held up the busy microphone, and after a long pause, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Here, after Yunmo hung up the phone, although Huang Zhiqiu didn't ask anything, the hesitant look in his eyes was enough to explain everything.

"He said he was busy and didn't have time to come, so let me go."

Huang Zhiqiu's lips moved for a moment before he spoke, "Momo, you have grown up, you can make up your own mind."

"What about you? Haven't you seen him?"

"It makes no difference whether you see it or not."

"There is a difference. Even if it is a misunderstanding, you have to clear up the misunderstanding. Mom, do you want to live with this knot until you grow old?"

"Let's think about it, it's not now."

Although Huang Zhiqiu has a gentle personality, he is not an indecisive person. With his daughter's persuasion, he felt less resistance to meeting Shao Mingzhi.

On the other side, although Shao Lin's heart was stirred up by the short phone call with Yunmo's mother and daughter, he did not lose his inch.

After looking at the recent schedule, he asked his assistant to arrange the date for him to go to Jiang City at the end of the month.

In the evening, after discussing business matters, while chatting with clients, when he learned that tomorrow was the day of the college entrance examination, Shao Lin's calm heart could not be calmed down.

I'm not free, I have an exam.

What the girl said on the phone always echoed in his mind repeatedly, which made him wonder, is the exam she was talking about the college entrance examination?

As a confidant subordinate, Liang Kuan naturally noticed Shao Lin's absent-mindedness.

After seeing off the client, Liang Kuan suggested with concern: "Master, I think you are a little tired, why don't you just rest at the hotel tonight?"

Shao Lin looked out of the car window calmly, as if he didn't hear it.

Liang Kuan turned his head and told the driver, "Go back to the compound."

Shao Lin has a little-known habit, that is, he never stays in any hotel under the Shaw Group. Therefore, every time Shao Lin goes to other places or abroad, Liang Kuan will arrange a private residence in advance.

Along the way, Liang Kuan couldn't help but feel uneasy seeing Shao Lin's somber expression.

"Master, I see that you are in a bad mood, and you have forgotten your taboos in the moment of concern. If you are unhappy, you can scold me. Don't be angry with your body..."

Shao Lin was thinking about something in his heart, and didn't pay attention to what Liang Kuan was saying.

"Beam Width."


"Go to the airport."

Liang Kuan first ordered the driver to turn to the airport, and then turned to Shao Lin, "Master, are you going to pick up the airport?"

"Arrange it, I'm going to H province."

Liang Kuan couldn't hide his surprise, "Now? It's so late, and there are no flights at the airport."

"Arrange a charter flight if there is no flight, do you need me to teach you such a simple thing?"
