On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 429

Chapter 429

Chapter 429 The money borrowed before has not been repaid, so why should they lend it to you?

Compared with birthdays, some people care more about the holidays, "What do you send out during the holidays, aren't they all worthless things?"

"I can assure you that the holiday gifts distributed by the factory are all appropriate and practical, such as rice dumplings and salted duck eggs for the Dragon Boat Festival, moon cakes for the autumn at noon, and the same for the Spring Festival. on things."

"This is good! Then I will work in your bamboo weaving factory next year, and I won't go to the construction site."

"Me too. The boss of the brick factory I worked in this year was so black-hearted. He agreed to pay 25 yuan a month, but at the end of the year, he said that I was not good at this and that was not good at all. He forcibly deducted dozens of dollars from me. Lao Tzu I won't go any further next year.

After sending off the applicants, Yun Mo picked up the cup and drank a couple of sips of water when Chen Bin led another group of applicants in.

These people are all from Shangcun. After seeing the recruitment notice, they ran to Chen Bin for consultation, and Chen Bin simply brought them here.

Yunmo handed over the registration work to Huang Yu, and she seized the time to list the factory's salary and welfare terms in the notebook one by one.

After Huang Yu finished the registration, Huang Zhiqiu read and explained to the applicants one by one according to the salary and benefits written by Yunmo.

Throughout the afternoon, the Huang family was full of people, and the threshold was almost broken.

In the evening, after sending off the last batch of applicants, Yunmo counted the registration forms, and there were more than 60. This is the first day.

In the evening, Yunmo brought Huang Yu and Huang Zhiqiu together to screen the applicants one by one.

Yunmo's primary selection requirements are relatively simple, one is age, the other is physical health, and the third is working experience.

Although the age limit on her recruitment notice is below 50 years old, those middle-aged and elderly people who are already 48 or 9 years old and will soon turn 50 years old, she will definitely get rid of them.

Otherwise, it is hard to train a proficient person, but after one or two years, he will not be able to do it, and it will be a waste of training resources and costs.

Followed by good health, people with severe three highs, infectious diseases, etc., are all prohibited.

The last thing is work experience. People who have worked outside the home for a long time have high discipline and strong sense of position, which is convenient for management and work arrangement.

On the contrary, those who have never gone out to work, and are elderly, old-fashioned, ignorant and barbaric. When recruited into the factory, such people will not only fail to do their jobs, but will also affect and drag other people down.

After screening according to Yunmo's three requirements, 22 of them met the requirements.

Huang Zhiqiu was holding those thick registration forms that were eliminated, with a worried face on his face.

"With so many eliminated, I'm afraid someone will make trouble."

"Mom, your idea is wrong. Recruiting employees is based on merit. We spend money to hire people to do things, not charity. If we don't reject people who come, can this factory survive?"

"Then if they ask why they were eliminated, what should we say?"

"Truthfully speaking, if he is too old, you can tell him that our bamboo weaving factory trains a craftsman, and it takes as little as one year, and as long as two or three years. At his age, he should retire when he is trained, so not suitable.

There is nothing to say about the second point. Those who are in poor health will definitely not be able to do it. For the third point, it is more euphemistic to say that they have no experience in working in the city, and they are afraid that they will not adapt if they go there.

The orders of the bamboo weaving factory are urgent, and we must hurry up to start production in the first year of the year. If the progress is delayed and the delivery cannot be delivered on time, no one will be responsible. "

After teaching the speaking skills, Yunmo reminded again: "Mom, you have to remember that when doing personnel management work, you must be objective and fair, know people and make good use of them. Don't open the back door just because she is someone's relative or elder. Relax conditions.

When you find it difficult to do it, think about how the factory is run, think about every shareholder, whose money is not blown by the wind. They are willing to take money out of their trust and start a business with us. We must not live up to this trust.

In short, everyone must be treated equally. At home, they are relatives and elders, and we can respect them, but in the bamboo weaving factory, everyone eats according to their ability, without exception.

Otherwise, once the mouth is opened, the rules and regulations will be reduced to decoration, and to be honest, recruiting relatives and elders into the factory is not conducive to management.

You talk to him about the system, he presses you with filial piety, and quarrels with you whenever something goes wrong. How can the work be carried out? What do other employees think? What should we do if we learn from each other? "

Huang Zhiqiu exhaled lightly, "Momo, don't worry, I understand what to do."

Yunmo has always been worried about her own mother's soft temper, "Mom, if it really doesn't work, I will let Brother Chen do the job of recruiting."

Probably because he didn't have much confidence in himself, but Huang Zhiqiu didn't refuse.

So the next day, when Chen Bin came to Huang's house, Yun Mo told Chen Bin about it.

Chen Bin has no objection to Yunmo's arrangement.

Yun Mo told Chen Bin the main points and precautions for recruiting workers, and Chen Bin wrote them down one by one.

Around 9 o'clock, people began to come to the door one after another to inquire about the recruitment of bamboo weaving factories. There were people from the village and other villages, and many villagers came to watch the fun, and the yard of Huang's house was almost full.

In order to prevent anyone from fishing in troubled waters, Yunmo asked the Huang family to close and lock the door of the room and the kitchen in advance.

At the gate of Huang's house, several women from the village were chatting with Peng Fang.

"Peng Fang, elder brother, they run a bamboo weaving factory, why didn't they call you and Huang Jianguo?"

Peng Fang spit out two pieces of melon seed skins in a "bah", "Who cares, after the new year, I will go to work with Jianguo and my family Xiaozhao in a leather shoe factory."

"Oh, so the three of you are all working in a leather shoe factory, so maybe you can make a thousand dollars a year?"

"more or less."

"What about your Xiaowen? He will take the college entrance examination in July next year. Why don't you stay at home and take care of him?"

"He has room and board at school, and he has a teacher for his studies. I can't help much, so I might as well go out and earn more money."

Speaking, Peng Fang looked proud, "Xiaowen's class teacher said that with my Xiaowen's grades, it is safe to go to college, and his father and I can work for him to save his tuition with peace of mind."

A woman sighed: "Peng Fang, then your family Xiaowen went to college, and the tuition fee plus living expenses for a year must cost thousands of dollars, right?"

Another woman pouted at the Huang family, "I really passed the exam. This is a matter of honoring the ancestors. Others are capable and don't help?"

"That's right, everyone has the money to set up a bamboo weaving factory, and Huang Wenzhen has been admitted to a university, so he has to pay half of the tuition fee, right?"

A woman who couldn't understand Peng Fang's style choked: "You can't say that, she is a granddaughter, not the granddaughter of the Huang family, and it's your duty to help. Besides, don't you still owe me money?" Haven't paid back the 200 yuan?

There are borrows and repayments, and it is not difficult to borrow again. The money borrowed before has not been repaid, so why should they lend it to you? It's neither your father nor your mother's, who still supports your son's college education for you? That was really laughable. "

Second update~

(end of this chapter)