On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 428

Chapter 428

Chapter 428 Villagers come to apply for bamboo weaving workers

"Sister, when did you come back?"

"I arrived in the town yesterday afternoon, and it was already evening when I returned to the village..."

The two siblings stood affectionately on the corridor, as if they couldn't finish talking, Huang Qingning in the room turned to talk to Yunmo in a low voice: "My brother is biased, as long as my sister is here, he will ignore me."

Yunmo rubbed the other person's head amusedly, "Nonsense, if Brother Xiaoyu doesn't love you, can I buy you a small flower umbrella and a skirt to wear?"

Huang Qingning expressed dissatisfaction, "I forced him to buy it."

"If he doesn't love you, it's useless even if you force him."

"If he dares not buy it for me, I will annoy him every day!"

"You, I will rely on brother Xiaoyu to spoil you."

Huang Qingning chuckled twice, "Who made him my brother?"

Yunmo nodded the other party's head, "But I have to remind you, Brother Xiaoyu is not married now, it's okay for you to make trouble with him, and you can't do this when you have a sister-in-law in the future, you have to have a sense of proportion."

Huang Qingning nodded hastily, "Don't worry, cousin, I understand."

Yunmo suddenly thought of something, lowered her voice and asked Huang Qingning, "By the way, have you met your brother's former partner?"

"I've seen it."

"How is the person? I mean character and character."

Huang Qingning thought for a while, "It looks okay, but I only saw her twice, one time when a matchmaker brought her to my house to meet my brother, and the second time was to discuss the bride price, I didn't tell her at all. Say a few words."

Yunmo nodded to express her understanding.

The lunch was very rich, with a plate of bacon, bacon, chicken and duck, and a big pot of stewed goose.

Yunmo herself doesn't really like goose meat, and when she thought that the stewed goose might be Dabai Erbai's sisters and brothers, she didn't want to eat it, so she only ate some cured chicken and vegetables.

After eating and sitting for a while, Huang Qingning and Yang Jiayong were ready to go back.

Liu Zhi hastily took out bacon, bacon, bacon, a small jar of liqueur, a dozen goose eggs, and the cloth and candy that Yunmo brought back from Jiang City, filling two big bags full, Let the couple take it back.

"Thank you Mom, then Qingning and I will go back first, and we have to visit other relatives' homes in the afternoon."

Seeing so many things prepared by Liu Zhi, Yang Jiayong smiled very happily.

"Jiayong, come back when you have time."

"Hey, good!"

Yang Jiayong turned his attention to Huang Qingning who was at the side, "Qingning, come and play with us when you have time."

"Understood, brother-in-law."

Yang Jiayong looked at Yun Mo next to Huang Qingning again, "Momo, you come too."

Yun Mo stretched out her hand to hold Ling Chuan's arm, and said with a smile: "Okay, cousin-in-law, we will go there when we are free."

"haha okay."

After sending Huang Qinghe and Yang Jiayong away, Yun Mo stretched and was about to go back to take a nap, but not far away were a few middle-aged men and women with strange faces walking towards them.

The location of Huang's house is at the innermost part of the village. Those who walk this path are either going to work in the fields or coming to Huang's house.

It is winter now, and there is no life in the field. The other party is obviously coming towards Huang's house.

Sure enough, after several people approached, one of them said: "We came here after seeing the recruitment notice. I heard that your bamboo weaving factory is recruiting workers. Is it here?"

Huang Jianjun nodded hastily, "This is it, come in and talk about it."

While Huang Jianjun and Huang Zhiqiu greeted those people, Yunmo returned to the room as quickly as possible, took out a notebook and a ruler, and planned to make a few registration forms for applicants.

After writing the signboard in the morning, she planned to make the registration form, but she had a good chat with Huang Qinghe and Huang Qingning, so she forgot about it.

Fortunately, the bamboo weaving factory does not have many requirements for workers. Under 50 years old, in good health, with good conduct and no criminal record, it is enough to have a basic knowledge of bamboo weaving. The form is also simple and can be completed quickly.

"Can everyone fill out the form?"

Seeing that everyone shook their heads, Yunmo simply moved a table in the yard, and registered the applicants one by one according to the qualifications required on the registration form.

Name, age, gender, domicile, physical condition, bamboo weaving experience, etc.

"Uncles and aunts, I have registered your personal information here, please come over at 10 in the morning on the second day of junior high school to hear the recruitment results."

Someone asked, "How much is your monthly salary in your bamboo weaving factory?"

Another person said: "If the wages are too low, I don't want to go. I used to work in a cotton spinning factory, and I could get 25 yuan a month."

Yunmo explained: "First of all, all employees in our bamboo weaving factory are provided with food and housing. As for wages, it consists of three parts, fixed wages plus piece wages, plus bonuses.

The fixed salary is 15 yuan, and the piece-rate salary is determined according to the amount of bamboo weaving you complete each month.

For example, our order this time is to make zongzi boxes. If we complete a zongzi box according to the quality and quantity, we can get a piece wage of 1 dime.

Finally, there is a bonus. We set a monthly task for our employees to complete at least 60 rice dumpling boxes each month.

Complete the tasks of the month according to the quality and quantity, and you can get a bonus of 5 yuan. If you exceed the quota, the bonus will increase accordingly. For every 10 rice dumpling boxes that are overfulfilled, the bonus will increase by 1 yuan.

If the task cannot be completed, there will be no bonus, only fixed salary and piece rate salary. "

Someone did a quick calculation.

If you can complete the task of 60 rice dumpling boxes per month, the fixed salary is 15 yuan + the piece rate salary is 6 yuan + the bonus is 5 yuan, that is 26 yuan.

Eating is included, making two zongzi boxes a day, and it costs 26 yuan a month, which seems to be not bad.

Someone asked again, "What if I can weave 100 zongzi boxes a month?"

"The piecework wage is 10 yuan. If the 100 rice dumpling boxes you make up meet the requirements, the bonus is 9 yuan. Calculated, you can get 34 yuan a month."

It's only 34 yuan a month, and it's not 400 yuan a year?

The key is to include food and housing, no expenses, no worse than going outside to work.

These elderly middle-aged people do not know a single word and are too old. The factories outside are not willing to recruit them, and many of them can only go to the construction site to do hard work.

If you meet an unscrupulous contractor, you will not get a penny after working hard for a year.

"Is the salary paid every month?"

"Yes, the wages of the previous month are fixed on the 15th of each month."

Yunmo looked at everyone with a smile, "Our benefits include not only food, housing and wages, but also holiday gifts. During the three festivals of Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Spring Festival, our factory will prepare gifts for each employee.

In addition, a birthday party will be held every month for employees who celebrate their birthdays in that month. The cost will be borne by the factory, and each birthday star will also receive a small gift. "

What? Does the factory still celebrate birthdays for every employee? Do you want to prepare a small gift?

(end of this chapter)