On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Yun Yao Comes to You

Seeing that there was only a short section, Mother Li was a little skeptical, "Is this okay?"

"Mom, don't underestimate such a point, it cost me 5 yuan."

"What? It costs 5 yuan for such a small amount?" Mother Li's eyes almost popped out.

"What do you think, this is the most effective kind of medicine. It was only sold to me for 5 yuan because of the face of an acquaintance. It would be at least 7 or 8 yuan for others."

Thinking of spending 5 yuan to pick up a rich and beautiful daughter-in-law for nothing, Mother Li didn't feel so distressed anymore.

She took the incense and carefully wrapped it in a handkerchief to prevent the efficacy of the medicine from evaporating.

"Where is she?"

Seeing her son staring at the diagonally opposite room with green eyes, Mother Li whispered, "I'm not here now, I'm going out to sell geese."

Hearing that Yun Mo was not at home, Li Zhijie was a little anxious, "Why didn't you stop me?"

"How can I stop her? If she has no relatives and no reason, I can tie her legs if she wants to go out. Don't worry, if you can run away, the monk will not run away. This is her home, and she will come back sooner or later."


Relaxed, Li Zhijie yawned lazily, "Mom, I'm going to take a nap, call me when she comes back."

"Okay, you go to Chunhua's room to sleep."


It was a scorching summer day, and Mother Li was sitting under the eaves waiting for Yunmo to come back, and she dozed off after a while.

Ling Chunhua washed the dishes and came out of the kitchen. Seeing Mother Li dozing off under the eaves, she subconsciously stepped lightly.

While passing by Mother Li, Ling Chunhua saw a handkerchief dropped from Mother Li's feet.

Ling Chunhua didn't dare to wake up Mother Li, so she bent down and picked up the handkerchief, and was about to put it aside, and tell the other party when Mother Li woke up.

As a result, as soon as the handkerchief was picked up, a small half of the "mosquito coil" fell out of it.

Ling Chunhua put the small half of the "mosquito coil" into the mosquito coil box at home without thinking too much.

Yunmo woke up from a nap, looked at the scorching sky outside, took out sunscreen from the space, and applied a thick layer on her neck, arms and face, then gave Dabai Erbai some food and water, and then went to sleep. Walk out of the hotel gate with an umbrella.

It may be that the weather is too hot, and there are not many people in the labor market. Most of them lie under the trees or curl up in a cool place to rest.

"Girl, are you here to recruit workers? What do you think of me? I can do laundry, cooking, cleaning and everything."

As soon as Yunmo walked into the gate of the market, a rural aunt in her 40s enthusiastically joined her.

Hearing the movement, other people who were dozing off also woke up, swarming up and recommending themselves to Yunmo.

"Call me, my wages are low."

"I am a skilled worker. I used to work as a nanny in a wealthy family for many years. I can use all kinds of electrical appliances."

"Go away, I came first, girl, please invite me, I am very diligent in doing things."

Yunmo did not expect that the competition in the labor market would be so fierce. A large group of people surrounded her, some pulled her arms, others grabbed her hands, some pulled her clothes, and some even pulled her hair. People are stupid.

Finally, Yunmo was finally freed from the siege of job seekers after being stopped by the managers of the labor market.

Not only were the shoes trampled off, but also a button of the clothes was torn off, and even the zipper of the backpack behind him was quietly unzipped, and the change of more than three yuan inside disappeared.

Yunmo burst into tears.

This is not a labor market, it is simply a den of bandits!

Even though the manager repeatedly explained to her that it was a misunderstanding, and dragged a few people around her to apologize, Yunmo still didn't dare to ask the people here to clean her house.

Who knows if the guy who stole the change from her backpack will be invited.

On the way to the taxi, Yunmo asked the driver, and only then did she know that the labor market in the north of the city she just went to was the most chaotic in Jiang City.

"Little girl, your accent sounds like a local, haven't you heard the saying that the east is poor, the west is rich, the south is rich, and the north is chaotic?"

Yunmo didn't know if the original owner knew about this statement, anyway, it was the first time she heard it, so she couldn't help but secretly reminded herself that she would not come to the north of the city if she had nothing to do in the future.

Sure enough, when I came to the labor market in the south of the city, I found that the order here was much better than that in the north of the city. Although the job seekers were enthusiastically and hard at selling themselves when she walked by, no one dared to touch her, and people looked at her. They are all honest and have no heart.

Under the recommendation of the market manager, Yunmo hired six part-time workers, three men and three women.

After confirming the manpower, the person in charge asked her about the settlement method, "We have two ways to calculate the results here, one is based on the number of people and the number of days, and the average person costs 2 to 3 yuan per day for 10 hours of work. The other is a direct one-off price based on the area of the house and the workload."

Yunmo chose the buy it now price without thinking about it.

She has other things to do. It is impossible to go to the courtyard to watch the workers work every day, and just pay a fixed price. If there is any problem, she can directly go to the person in charge.

Finally, after some haggling, the two parties negotiated a price that both parties were satisfied with.

Seeing that it was already 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and Yunmo was nowhere to be seen, Mother Li and Li Zhijie finally couldn't sit still.

After the mother and son exchanged glances in secret, Mother Li hugged her grandson Ling Jiale knowingly, and said to her daughter Li Li, "Li, let's go buy some food."

Li Li was very reluctant. The family's expenses were fixed, but every time her mother's family came over, one meal would eat up her living expenses for at least three or four days.

Mother Li talked about going to buy vegetables, but in the end she was the one who paid for it.

"Mom, you and brother should go back while it's still early, I don't have any room for you to stay at night."

At this time, Li Zhijie was not willing to leave, and immediately said: "It's okay, sister, let Mom and Chunhua squeeze together at night, and I will go to a friend's house to sleep."

Mother Li echoed: "I won't be able to go back in time for dinner at this time, I'll leave tomorrow morning."

Seeing that the two of them insisted on staying, Li Li didn't do anything, she couldn't use a broom to drive them out.

After Mother Li and Li Li took Ling Jiale out, Li Zhijie immediately went to Yunmo's room and searched around inside.

The whole room was searched, even the bottom of the bed and the beams of the house were not spared. He didn't see the shadow of the dragon pattern pot. Li Zhijie was wondering where Yunmo would put Dong XZ, when suddenly Jiao Didi's voice came from outside. cry.

"Xiaomo, are you at home?"

Li Zhijie opened the door of Ling's house curiously, and saw two young female students, his eyes lit up.

Although these two female students are not as beautiful as Yunmo, they are young. Their waists are so thin that they can be grasped, and they are wearing beautiful floral skirts. They are as tender as the flowers on the branches.

Seeing a strange man who opened the door, Yun Yao thought she had knocked on the wrong door, and took a few steps back vigilantly.

Good weekend~

(end of this chapter)