On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Rented a courtyard house and prepared to separate

Yun Mo just left when she was finished, not giving Li's mother a chance to react at all.

When Li's mother came back to her senses and wanted to chase her out, she was stopped by Li Li who came out of the kitchen.

"Mom, I can't do it by myself, so help me wash the dishes."

"Oh, wait a minute, it's still early, what's the rush."

After a few words were wasted, by the time Mother Li kicked her out again, Yunmo had already gone a long way.

Mother Li stared with anger.

At the entrance of the alley, there is an old locust tree with a crooked neck, and a flower bed is built under the old locust tree. The old people and children in the old street usually like to enjoy the coolness and play under the tree.

Seeing Yunmo coming from the alley, Ling Chunhua, who was sitting under the old locust tree with crooked neck and looking after Ling Jiale, happily greeted her.


"Well, spring flowers."

Seeing Ling Chunhua, Yunmo showed a smile on her tense face.

In the entire Ling family, the only person she likes and loves is Ling Chunhua.

"Auntie, you two big geese are so beautiful."

"Really." Seeing Ling Chunhua staring curiously at the two big geese in the bamboo cage, Yunmo introduced with a smile: "The one with the big head is called Dabai, and the other one is called Erbai."

Ling Chunhua opened her eyes wide in surprise, "Hey, do they still have names?"


"Auntie, are you going out?"

It took me half a month to go back and forth to Anshi. I just came back last night, and I have to leave today. I don't think I will have much time to meet my little niece in the future. Yunmo felt a little bit reluctant.

She reached into her pocket and took out a handful of white rabbit toffee from the space.

"Here, I give you something to eat, you take it away yourself, you can only eat one a day, otherwise your teeth will be broken."

Ling Chunhua looked back at Ling Jiale, who was having fun with other friends, happily took the candy, and put it in her trouser pocket.

"Thank you, Auntie."

"Hey, you play, and go home early."

"Well, I know."

Yunmo hired two taxis, and after getting in the car, she accidentally glanced towards the old pagoda tree, and found that Ling Chunhua under the tree was staring at her intently.

Yunmo waved at the other party from the car window, and then let the driver drive away.

Unable to think of a good place for a while, Yunmo simply asked the driver to drop herself at the entrance of a hotel.

Yunmo opened a room, settled Dabai and Erbai, and then went out to find a house.

There is no real estate agency in this era, but there are "house bugs" similar to intermediary services, who make money by eating the price difference between buyers and sellers.

Yunmo's first choice is of course buying a house, followed by renting a house.

However, she doesn't know the housing prices in various urban areas of Jiang City. She is afraid of being cheated, so she plans to rent a house first as a foothold.

With the introduction of "House Insect", Yunmo soon rented an old courtyard house with a pond.

The house is not bad, with a square courtyard, three large rooms in the middle, two wing rooms on the left and right, and a side room between the main room and the wing rooms, and a row of four inverted rooms in front.

There are more than a dozen rooms in total, even if all the Huang family members come over, they can all live there.

The only bad thing is that it has been vacant for a long time, and there is a thick layer of ash everywhere, and the corners of the eaves and walls are also covered with spider webs. The pond has not been cleaned for a long time, and the water has turned black and blue, emitting a fishy smell. gas.

The area is large, and it is not easy to clean up. She will definitely not be able to do it by herself.

After renting the house, Yunmo first went to a restaurant for lunch, then went back to the hotel for a lunch break, and was going to the labor market in the afternoon to find workers to clean the courtyard.

At the end of Ling's house, Li Zhijie had already eaten his lunch before entering the door, sweating profusely.

As soon as she entered the door, she yelled and died of starvation. Mother Li, who loved her son, quickly brought out the small half pot of braised pork and rice that had been specially reserved.

Li Zhijie ate voraciously, his mouth was full of oil, Ling Chunhua sat on the eaves horse tie, watched eagerly, and quietly swallowed.

Li Li weighed a catty of pork belly in total, and it was only half a pot when it was cooked. As Ling Jiale's grandson, it is natural that meat is indispensable. Mother Li took two pieces for herself and Li Li, and gave the rest to Li Zhijie They kept it, Ling Chunhua didn't eat a piece of it.

Li Zhijie finished the braised pork in a few mouthfuls, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Why do you keep so much, and don't leave any more, it's not enough to eat."

Hearing this, Li Li choked angrily: "You think you don't need money to buy meat."

Li Zhijie smiled, "Sister, if you don't have money, you can ask your brother-in-law for it. He earns money outside every day. Don't be like your mother, he is stingy and reluctant to spend money."

"You think that's how you earn money, you earn two and show me."

Mother Li felt sorry for her son, and when she saw that her son was not full, she hurriedly said, "Zhijie, wait a little while, Mom will fry two more eggs for you."

"How can two be enough to eat, fry two more."

"Okay, I'll fry four for you."

Li Li was not happy when she heard it.

There is a fixed number of eggs at home, and she is reluctant to eat them herself. She only cooks one for Ling Jiale every day. When her younger brother comes, he makes both meat and eggs, and her heart bleeds.

"Mom, the egg is reserved for Jiale to nourish the body. There is still half a piece of sauerkraut last time. You can cut it and mix it with some oil for Zhijie to eat."

"Sauerkraut isn't nutritious, you really are, Zhijie is your own brother, not an outsider, what's wrong with eating a few of your eggs, I see you are stingy."

I am usually reluctant to eat pork and rice. When my mother's family came, she treated her well with meat and rice, but they even said she was stingy.

Li Li was so angry that her chest hurt.

Mother Li poured half a bowl of oil into the pot without blinking an eye, and cracked four eggs into it. With the sound of sizzling oil, a scent of fried eggs wafted out.

Ling Chunhua under the eaves smelled the fragrance from the kitchen, and kept swallowing.

While no one was paying attention to her, she turned around, took out a big white rabbit toffee from her pocket, peeled off the wrapper and licked it twice, then quickly wrapped the candy in the wrapper and put it back in her pocket.

Auntie said, eat one a day, she saves to eat, one can eat for a day.

Recalling the sweet milky aroma in her mouth, Ling Chunhua felt that the aroma of braised pork and fried eggs was not so attractive anymore.

After eating four fried eggs, Li Zhijie wiped his mouth contentedly, and kept looking at the room where Yunmo lived.

Mother Li couldn't see what her son was thinking, she turned to her daughter Li Li and said, "Li, why don't you bring Jiale into the house for a sleepover, and I'll wash the dishes."

Li Li glanced at the son in her arms, nodded, got up and went back to the house with her son in her arms.

After sending Li Li away, Li's mother sent Ling Chunhua, who was squatting under the eaves and counting ants, to wash the dishes, and then took her son to whisper.

"Did you get something?"

"got it."

As he spoke, Li Zhijie took out a small stick of incense stick from his pocket. In terms of color and shape, it is almost the same as mosquito coils.

(end of this chapter)