On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 370

Chapter 370

Chapter 370 Scolding you can save a piece of meat or something?

The size of the classroom is quite spacious, about 20 square meters. There are two half-meter-wide windows on both sides of the classroom, but the windows only have window frames and no glass.

This also led to an extremely poor environment inside the classroom. The ground and walls were blackened and moldy due to the rainwater that drifted in.

Especially on the second floor, the roofs of several classrooms were badly damaged, the ground had been soaked by rain for a long time, thick and black moss grew, and even mushrooms grew in some places, and the air was filled with an unpleasant smell of corruption .

Fortunately, the overall structure of the school is still intact. We only need to clean up the weeds, repair the ground and roof, install glass on the windows, and it can basically be used.

In the evening, Huang Zhiqiu called and told Yunmo in detail about the land rented to the school and the internal situation of the school.

"Momo, the school has two floors, with a total of 12 rooms. Your uncle and I made a rough estimate, and the repair cost will be at least 2,000 yuan."

"Mom, don't worry, I took the sample to talk to Mr. Xie today, and I asked him to advance the payment of 10,000 yuan, which is enough to set up the factory."

Hearing this, Huang Zhiqiu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "Are you satisfied with the old sample?"

"Thank you, Boss, for your comments. I will talk to you and grandpa in detail when I come back. Mom, you have accepted the land lease contract."

"Well, don't worry, I carry it close to my body, so I can't lose it."

After talking on the phone with Huang Zhiqiu, Yunmo turned around and went to find Ling Chuan, talking about returning to Anshi.

Originally, the two of them had discussed that they would go back during the winter vacation, but after the third grade in Yunmo's high school finished their exams, they had to take classes for a week before going back to winter vacation.

"The rice dumpling box can't meet Uncle Xie's requirements, and I'm also worried that my mother and elder brother may not be able to handle the school's affairs, so I want to go back and have a look."

After finishing speaking, Yunmo was worried that Lingchuan's business side hadn't had time to make arrangements, so she said, Why don't I go back by myself first, and you can come here after the arrangements are made.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, Ling Chuan vetoed it.

"No, daughter-in-law, I will go back with you, and I will buy tickets tomorrow."

Seeing the man's firm attitude, Yun Mo didn't say anything more.

The journey back from Jiang City to An City is a long way away, and there are all kinds of people mixed up on the train. It is always better for her to be with someone than to be alone.

Thinking, Yunmo told the man aloud, "It is estimated that I will stay for a month when I go back this time. It is cold in the countryside at night, so you should bring two more thick clothes and buy a hard sleeper for the ticket."

The hard seat in Hui'an City is 65 yuan, the hard sleeper ticket is 128 yuan, and the soft sleeper ticket is 200 yuan.

In the past, Yunmo would choose the most comfortable soft sleeper without hesitation.

But now to set up a bamboo weaving factory, money is needed everywhere, so save as much as you can.

Early the next morning, Huang Zhiqiu and Huang Jianjun took Huang Qingning back to Lu'an Town by car.

Having gone out to work for half a year, Huang Qingning also has a lot of luggage. There are several woven bags in the big and small bags, which are particularly conspicuous when walking on the road.

The villagers I met on the road joked that Huang Qingning went home so early for the New Year.

Huang Zhiqiu did not explain much, and responded for his niece with a smile.

Getting closer and closer to Xiacun, Huang Qingning swept away the excitement and excitement when he learned of the resignation, and became nervous and apprehensive.

"Will Mom be angry if she knows that I resigned and didn't get paid?"

Huang Zhiqiu smiled and comforted, "You can continue to study, your mother is too late to be happy."

Huang Qingning was still not at ease, "Auntie, if I get scolded, you have to protect me."

Huang Zhiqiu couldn't laugh or cry, "Okay."

"All of you are back, and it's too late to scold you. Besides, what's wrong with scolding you to save a piece of meat?" Huang Jianjun joked casually.

you do not say.

Thinking about this, Huang Qingning immediately felt relieved, and her mood became excited again.

When he was about to reach the entrance of the village, Huang Qingning suddenly pointed to the middle-aged woman who was bending over and pushing a scooter not far in front, "Look, isn't that mom and grandpa?"

Huang Zhiqiu and Huang Jianjun took a closer look, they were not Huang Kailin and Liu Zhi!

"Mom! Grandpa!"

Huang Qingning put the woven bag in his hand on his shoulder, and ran forward happily.

Liu Zhi thought he heard it wrong, but when he turned around and realized it was really his daughter, his face was filled with surprise and joy.

"Dad, Zhiqiu and the others are back!"

Hearing what the eldest daughter-in-law said, Huang Kailin subconsciously looked back, and when he saw his granddaughter, he quickly stopped pulling the cart.

"Qingning, why did you come back with me?" Looking at her daughter who seemed to have grown a little taller, Liu Zhi couldn't stop the smile on his face.

Huang Zhiqiu and Huang Jianjun walked to the cart one after the other, "Dad, where did you and sister-in-law go to pull so many bricks?"

Huang Kailin wiped his face with a sweat towel, "I bought it from the Brick Cellar Factory."

"Dad wanted to repair the front door of the house. He asked me to go to the brick cellar factory to order a thousand bricks. I already pulled one truck this morning. This is the second truck. There is still one truck that has not been pulled."

Hearing this, Huang Jianjun immediately handed the things in his hand to his wife.

"Dad, I will pull the cart, and you will push it behind."


Huang Zhiqiu, Liu Zhi, and Huang Qingning followed behind the cart carrying things.

Looking at Huang Kailin's hunched back, Huang Zhiqiu couldn't help but stepped forward to push him with his hands.

Huang Zhiqiu couldn't help but said: "Dad, my eldest brother and I are not at home, why didn't you call your second brother and sister-in-law to help?"

"Why didn't you shout, your second brother said he twisted his waist and couldn't do heavy work." Liu Zhi scoffed.

Hearing this, Huang Zhiqiu didn't say anything.

Yang Xinghua sat on the small bamboo chair at the door, making cloth shoes while guarding the bricks outside the door.

When she saw that her daughter, son, and granddaughter had returned together, she hurriedly put down the work she was doing and stood up with a bamboo crutch to meet her.

"Qing Ning, are you back?"


Huang Qingning happily ran to Yang Xinghua, "Grandma, do you miss me?"

Yang Xinghua couldn't close her mouth with joy, "I think, why don't I think so?"

While talking, he sized up Huang Qingning, the granddaughter, "Qingning, have you grown taller?"

Huang Qingning shook his head, "Maybe, anyway, last year's pants were a bit short."

Liu Zhi at the back listened, and took the words casually, "Some time ago your cousin sent a lot of cloth back, and I made you two new pairs of trousers, you can try it later to see if it fits, and if it doesn't fit, you can take it to a tailor's shop to have it changed." .

Hearing that there were new pants to wear, Huang Qingning smiled so high that her face turned into a flower.

After watching her granddaughter, Yang Xinghua couldn't help asking Huang Yu, "Why are you alone, Qingning, your elder brother hasn't come back?"

"Brother is still at work and won't come back until the Chinese New Year."

"What about you, you are on vacation so early?"

Liu Zhi also looked at his daughter curiously.

Huang Qingning didn't know how to answer, Huang Zhiqiu opened her mouth to help her out, "Mom, let's go in and talk. After walking for a long time, I'm tired and thirsty. Let's make some sweet wine soup to drink."

Yang Xinghua immediately dragged her granddaughter home, "Qingning, let's go, I'll make sweet wine for you."


Huang Zhiqiu and Liu Zhi carried Huang Qingning's luggage back to Huang Qingning's room.

(end of this chapter)