On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 369

Chapter 369

Chapter 369 Once an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one

Huang Zhiqiu and the others waited in the reception room until around two o'clock in the afternoon, when Lu Xiangzhang came back reeking of alcohol.

After listening to Officer He's report, Township Chief Lu's attitude towards Huang Zhiqiu suddenly changed 180 degrees.

"Oh, Sister Huang, I've kept you waiting for a long time, please take a seat. Xiao He, make a few cups of tea and come in."

"Okay, Chief Lu."

Headman Lu handed the drafted contract to Huang Zhiqiu, "Sister Huang, take a look at this contract. If there is no problem, I will ask Officer He to print it out, and we will officially sign the contract?"

Huang Zhiqiu took the contract, read it word by word, and passed it to Lawyer Ma.

"Lawyer Ma, take a look."

"it is good."

Before this, Lawyer Ma had been silent, and Township Chief Lu thought that Lawyer Ma, like Huang Jianjun, belonged to the Huang family.

Hearing Huang Zhiqiu's name, his face changed slightly.

"Sister Huang, this is..."

In order not to disturb Lawyer Ma, Huang Zhiqiu deliberately lowered his volume, "Major Lu, my eldest brother and I set up a factory for the first time, and we have no experience, so we invited Lawyer Ma to help us check it out."

"Hehe, so it is like this."

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move.

Lawyer Ma pointed out several disputes or unclear responsibilities in the contract. Lawyer Ma threw out a series of legal provisions with sharp words, and the head of Lu Township had to take a pen to make amendments and changes.

After an hour of discussion, the terms of the contract were finally agreed upon.

Huang Zhiqiu got the school and the land on the mountain at the price negotiated before, plus the condition of helping the village to build roads for free.

The lease term is 20 years, the deposit is 5,000 yuan, and the rent for this year is 10,000 yuan in half a month after signing the contract.

Seeing with his own eyes that the township chief Lv stamped the bright red township government seal on the contract, Huang Zhiqiu's longing heart finally came to fruition.

After leaving the township government, Huang Zhiqiu immediately paid 50 yuan labor fee to lawyer Ma.

"Lawyer Ma, thank you so much today. I have delayed you for so long. Let's treat you to a light meal tonight."

Lawyer Ma collected the money, smiled and said, "You don't need to eat. This is my duty. However, you are right to invite me today. There are several places in the land lease contract written by the head of Lu Township. They are all extremely detrimental to you, if you sign directly, you will definitely suffer a lot in the future."

Hearing what Lawyer Ma said, the three of Huang Zhiqiu couldn't help but feel lingering fear.

"But you don't have to worry, I have pointed out the terms that are harmful to the interests of your party B. Now this land lease contract is beneficial to you."

After hearing this, Huang Zhiqiu heaved a sigh of relief, and thanked Lawyer Ma again.

After sending lawyer Ma away, Huang Zhiqiu took the key to the school gate given by Director He, and went to the school excitedly.

After being exposed to the sun and rain for a long time, the surface of the lock head was stained with rust, and the lock cylinder was probably stuck by the rust. The three of Huang Zhiqiu tried hard but failed to open the lock.

In this case, oil must be poured into the lock cylinder for lubrication.

Fortunately, there are two farm houses not far from the school, Huang Qingning suggested to borrow some oil.

An old woman lived in the first farm house. When she heard that they wanted to borrow oil, she drove them away with a cold face without saying a word.

"No, no, my family doesn't eat oil, so go elsewhere!"

Huang Zhiqiu and the three had no choice but to turn around and go to the second house.

While walking, Huang Qingning looked back at the old woman standing at the door staring at the three of them, and muttered in a low voice: "This old woman is so stingy, she won't even ask me to borrow money."

"The elderly are used to suffering, and they are relatively frugal. Let's go to the front and ask."

The second house seems to be in better condition, a brick house with red tiles, surrounded by a 2-meter-high fence.

It was a young man who opened the door. Thinking that young people should be more talkative, Huang Qingning took the initiative to explain the purpose of borrowing oil.

"Just a little bit, we'll lubricate the lock cylinder."

The young man sized up the three of them for a long time, but neither agreed nor refused. Instead, he turned his head and called "Mom" home.

After a while, a woman about Huang Zhiqiu's age came out from inside.

"What do you guys do?"

Huang Zhiqiu politely repeated his request to borrow oil.

After listening, the woman said nothing, and then closed the door with a bang.

Huang Zhiqiu and the three looked at each other.

Although the countryside in this era is not very rich, it is not too difficult to borrow half a spoonful of oil, and most people will borrow it.

"Could it be that we are foreigners, that's why we refuse to borrow?"

"It's possible."

Since you can't borrow it, you can spend money to buy it.

Huang Zhiqiu knocked on the other party's door again, and expressed his willingness to spend money to buy some oil.

Hearing that Huang Zhiqiu was willing to pay, the women's attitude became better.

"How much oil do you want?"

"A little bit is enough, about half a spoonful, enough to moisten the lock cylinder."

"Fifty cents."

Hearing the price offered by the other party, Huang Jianjun's eyes almost popped out.

"Half a spoonful of oil costs 50 cents, you don't know what to do!?"

The woman put her hips on her hips, with a posture of "do you want to buy it or not", "Do you want it? If you want it, I will ask my baby to pour it for you."

Thinking that there were no other houses nearby, Huang Zhiqiu could only nod in agreement.


Maybe because she felt that she had made a profit, the woman finally showed a little smile on her face, and her tone became brisk, "Okay, wait a minute."

Looking at half a spoonful of bright yellow rapeseed oil in half a broken bowl, Huang Jianjun muttered in dissatisfaction: "This is too black-hearted, and you charge us fifty cents for just such a little oil."

The market price of rapeseed oil is one yuan per catty, and fifty cents can make half a catty of oil, and there is not even half a catty of oil in the bowl.

Huang Zhiqiu was also a little depressed, but he couldn't take care of so much right now.

"I've given you all the money, and it's useless to say these things. First, open the door to see what needs to be repaired in the school. When you go back, make a total calculation."

After being persuaded by Huang Zhiqiu, Huang Jianjun also stopped complaining.

With oil lubrication, the lock was quickly opened, but because there were too many weeds on the playground, the gate was blocked and could not be pushed open. Huang Jianjun barely pushed the gate open after a lot of effort. Just enough for one person to pass through the gap.

"If I knew it earlier, I would bring a sickle and clear the grass at the door."

"The next time you come to clean up, it will be the same."

Huang Zhiqiu looked at the school while talking.

Weeds are overgrown everywhere, as tall as an adult, and the view is basically blocked, only the second floor and the roof can be seen.

It took a lot of effort for the three of them to walk from the playground to the door of the classroom.

There is an L-shaped corridor at the entrance of the classroom. The floor of the corridor is made of slate bricks. Although there are no weeds growing, due to the age, the ground is uneven, and many places are cracked and thicker than fingers. In the gaps, unknown weeds grow in the gaps.

Huang Zhiqiu pushed open the door of one of the classrooms.

(end of this chapter)