On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Husband and wife return home

"Let's go."

It wasn't until Ling Chuan picked up the bamboo cage in his hand that Yun Mo came back to his senses.

"Why are you here?"

"Brother asked me to pick you up."

If you are told to come, you will come, are you so obedient? Then I will call you, will you agree?

Looking at Ling Chuan's tall back without turning his head, Yunmo silently cursed in her heart, although it's okay, it feels good to be picked up by someone.

Yun Mo followed Ling Chuan briskly and asked, "How do we go back?"

"I came by bike."

Ling's family has a semi-old 28th truck. Could it be that he came here on that?

Thinking of herself sitting on the back seat of a bicycle, carrying two big white geese, and returning to the old street through most of the city, Yunmo resisted from the strands of her hair to the tips of her toes.

She would rather squeeze the bus.


Yunmo just wanted to say that I don't want to ride a bicycle, when she saw Ling Chuan put the bamboo cage on the back seat of a blue motorcycle.

Yunmo swallowed the words, pointed to the motorcycle, "This bike you are riding?"


Ling Chuan tied the bamboo cage to the tail of the back seat with a rope, and then looked at the bag Yunmo was carrying on her back.

"I can carry the bag by myself, it's not heavy."

Ling Chuan didn't say anything, and stepped on the motorcycle with his long legs stretched out. While inserting the key into the lock, he glanced at her.

What are you doing in a daze, get in the car.

Although he didn't speak, Yunmo inexplicably understood the meaning in his eyes.

Saying one more sentence will kill you.

Yunmo puffed her face and walked to the back seat of the motorcycle, and found that she might not be able to get on it given the height of the motorcycle and her height and long legs?

After spending a long time, Yunmo's face turned red, but she still couldn't get on the motorcycle.

"You lower the car body a little, I can't get on it."

Ling Chuan turned his face to look at her. There was no expression on his stern face, but Yunmo could feel that he was silently laughing at her.

Waste, can't even ride a motorcycle.

But she really couldn't get in, so angry.

While Yunmo was doing various things in his heart, Ling Chuan lifted his foot and kicked off the motorcycle's kickstand, and stepped off with his long legs stretched out.

The legs are so long!

Yunmo just slandered, her body suddenly flew into the air, and before she could recover, Ling Chuan carried her to the back seat of the motorcycle like a child.

Yunmo: "..."

The blue Xingfu brand motorcycle, carrying the two of them, chugs into the street.

It was dusk at this time, the setting sun gradually sank into the horizon, and the rays of the sun blurred from the horizon, making the whole sky red.

The evening wind mixed with the unique hormonal breath of a man, blowing on Yunmo's face, an inexplicable feeling slowly brewed in his heart.

Actually, this cheap husband is not that bad.

After an unknown amount of time, the motorcycle suddenly braked suddenly, and Yunmo hugged the man's waist with both hands under the action of inertia.

It was a stray dog that suddenly jumped out of the grass. If Ling Chuan hadn't braked quickly, the little dog's life would have been lost on the spot.

After the stray dogs run away, the motorcycle continues to drive forward.

Yunmo belatedly realized that her arms were still tightly wrapped around the man's waist.

There is one thing to say, the man's waist is quite strong and thin, her hands can just wrap around it, and she can even touch her hard-bound abdominal muscles.

After taking the train for two days and one night, Yunmo was already extremely tired, but now she feels a little comfortable in her hug, so she doesn't want to let go.

Anyway, he is her husband in name now, what's wrong with her hugging him?

Yun Mo not only continued to hug with peace of mind, but also leaned her head on the man's broad back.

Well, the human flesh cushion is comfortable to lean on.

Xia Tian's clothes are thin, Ling Chuan can clearly feel the woman's soft body structure, every nerve in the body is tense, even the heartbeat seems to be out of his control.

Obviously such a petite and thin body, it seems that there is no flesh, why is the body so soft?

Like a freshly stretched cotton quilt, soft, warm, clean and comfortable.

When Yunmo woke up, she found that the motorcycle had parked in front of Ling's house.

The road in the old streets and alleys is not smooth, and there will definitely be bumps when riding a bicycle, but she doesn't feel it at all.

She doesn't think it's because she slept too hard, there is only one reason, Ling Chuan's riding skills are quite good.

Yun Mo couldn't help fantasizing, if Ling Chuan wore a racing suit, a dark helmet, and rode a super motorcycle on the road, he would be very handsome!

It was still dark, and Li Li was having dinner with her two children in the courtyard. She was a little surprised to see them enter the door.

"Chuanzi, why didn't you say hello in advance when you came back, and didn't cook for you and your siblings. How about I cook some noodles for you?"

"No, sister-in-law, you can eat, I will cook."

"That's fine."

Ling Chuan untied the bamboo cage, carried it to Yunmo's feet, looked down at her and said, "You go back to the house first, I'll return the car."


When Yunmo opened the door, the good mood of the whole day disappeared instantly.

The quilt that was originally spread flat on the bed was wrapped in a pile at the end of the bed, the quilt and pillows were also wrinkled, and the items placed in the room also showed signs of being used by someone. More importantly, the pickle jar she put under the bed was gone!

"Sister-in-law, who has entered my house?"

"A few days ago, my mother came to stay for a few days. My room is not easy to sleep, so I let her sleep in your room."

When Yunmo heard this, her lungs were about to explode. She hated people touching her things without her permission. Li Li not only let outsiders enter her room casually, but also slept on her bed for several days! ?

Yunmo was so disgusted, let alone the bed cover and bed sheet, she didn't even want that bed anymore!

Changing the bed is a trivial matter.

Yunmo took a deep breath, suppressed her anger and asked, "Where's my kimchi jar?"

Li Li was very disapproving, "Sister and sister, you still said that your sauerkraut will go bad if you don't eat it again. I tasted some and it tasted good. My mother took the rest back."

Fart your M, can sauerkraut change its taste?

Yunmo still held back her anger, a jar of sauerkraut is like feeding the dog!

"Where is the jar where I pickled sauerkraut?"

"Oh, it's at my natal house, just bring it for you when my mother comes over next time."

It seemed that Yunmo's reaction was too big, Li Li couldn't help but choked, "Don't talk about a sauerkraut jar, you need it urgently, I'll go outside and buy another one for you tomorrow."

Hearing this, Yunmo could no longer suppress her anger, "Sister-in-law, I don't care what method you use, I will see my sauerkraut jar before 12:00 noon tomorrow, and if it is a minute late, I will immediately go to the police station to call the police.

Sister-in-law, don't blame me for not reminding you, if you don't ask yourself, it's stealing, and you will be jailed! "

Li Liren was dumbfounded.

Probably never dreamed that he would report to the police after eating a jar of sauerkraut.

(end of this chapter)