On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Dabai Erbai Two Geese

In the dead of night, while the Huang family members were asleep, Yunmo quietly went out of the room, ready to pour some spiritual spring water into the well in the yard.

Lingquan water has the effect of prolonging life and eliminating all kinds of diseases. Although the effect is greatly reduced after being diluted in the well, there is no harm in the end.

"Quack quack quack!"

Before reaching the well, the geese in the shed were awakened with a start, stretching their necks and screaming at her.

Yun Mo was taken aback, quickly raised her finger to her mouth, and whispered to the big geese: "Shhhhhh, don't bark, or I'll kill you all and eat stewed meat."

"Quack quack quack!"

The big geese were not threatened by her, but they cried more cheerfully.

In the silent late night, the geese were hooting, and the lights in each house were turned on.

The Huang family thought that a thief had broken into the house, but when they came out and saw Yunmo standing in the yard, they were all very surprised.

"Momo, what are you doing in the goose shed when you're not sleeping?"

Facing the doubtful eyes of Huang's family, Yunmo only explained that she couldn't sleep, so she got up and wandered casually in the yard.

Huang's family didn't doubt it, they thought it was because Yunmo was leaving tomorrow, so they couldn't sleep because of their reluctance, and they were quite relieved in their hearts.

It's just that Yunmo didn't expect that when she left the next day, the Huang family actually put two big white geese in bamboo cages for her, and asked her to take them back to Jiangshi together.

"It's not easy for you to come back from a long distance, and the family can't bring out other good things, so I'll give you two big geese. It's hot, so it's not easy to kill the geese and take them away for you. I'm afraid they will be damaged on the road." , you just take two live ones back, you can kill them and eat meat, or you can keep them and eat goose eggs."

Looking at the two big white geese who could only nest quietly because their feet were bound, Yunmo did not refuse this special gift.

Parting is always reluctant.

Amid Huang Zhiqiu's exhortations, Yunmo got on the car bound for the city with a melancholy mood.

Arriving at the train station, Yunmo only bought a ticket to return to Jiang City the next morning, then turned around and went to the guest house where she stayed before.

Once inside, the receptionist recognized her.

"Girl, a man surnamed Ling called a few days ago."

Ling Chuan called her?

Yunmo held doubts and subconsciously asked, "Did he leave any message?"

"No, just ask me if you are still there, I said you left long ago, and he hung up."

After completing the housing procedures, Yunmo couldn't help but make a phone call to the grocery store.

When the phone rang, Ling Chuan and Ling Jiang just came in to buy cigarettes.

The boss picked up the phone and brought cigarettes to Ling Jiang, "Hey, who are you looking for? Ling Chuan, he is just here, just wait."

"Chuanzi, you called! It must be from your younger siblings."

It wasn't until Ling Jiang bumped his shoulder that Ling Chuan calmly took the microphone from the boss.

"Hello, Ling Chuan?"


Hearing the familiar and deep voice from the microphone, Yunmo felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy and relaxed a little.

"Did you call me for something?"

"How is your grandma's leg injury?"

After a moment of silence, the two asked each other almost unanimously.

Hearing that Ling Chuan cared about her grandmother, Yun Mo was a little surprised, and at the same time, there was a trace of inexplicable emotion in her heart.

"I'm fine now. After resting at home for a period of time, I can walk like a normal person, but I can't do heavy work."


Yunmo hesitated, and told the other party her train schedule.

Ling Chuan didn't say anything, just reminded her to be safe on the road and hung up the phone.

Yunmo made a face into the microphone, paid the phone bill and went out to eat.

When I returned to the guest house after dinner, the receptionist greeted me anxiously as soon as I entered the gate, "Girl, there is something in your room that can be heard from the whole floor. The guests scolded me, please deal with it quickly." Bar."

Yun Mo hurried back to the room, and found that the door of the bamboo cage was knocked open by two geese for some reason, and the two geese jumped out of the bamboo cage, but because their feet were tied up, they couldn't move around, so they stretched out " Quack quack" yelled.

In order to prevent the two geese from disturbing others, Yunmo fed the two geese with spiritual spring water respectively, and then tied the beaks of the geese with cloth strips.

I don't know if they were silenced, or if they drank the water from the spiritual spring and felt comfortable. The two big geese nestled in the bamboo cage, buried their heads under their wings, and were extremely quiet all night.

Woke up in the morning, in order to reward the good performance of the two big geese, Yunmo fed them some spiritual spring water.

"As long as you are obedient and return to Jiang City, I will consider letting you live, understand?"

"Quack quack."

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but Yunmo always feels that the two big geese who drank the water from the spiritual spring seem to be more spiritual, and when the small black eyes with gold rims look at her, they are also a little more docile.

The return trip went smoothly.

Yunmo bought a soft sleeper. It is not an ordinary person who can afford a soft sleeper in this day and age, so there is no need to worry about getting mixed up.

In the same box as Yunmo is a couple with a 7- or 8-year-old daughter.

From the conversation, Yunmo learned that both of them were teachers, one taught high school and the other taught elementary school. This time they took their daughter to visit relatives in Anshi.

The little girl is a native of the city. It was the first time she saw a live big goose. She was so happy that she squatted in front of the bamboo cage and played with the big white goose.

The game was not enjoyable, so the little girl begged the couple when she was fine, and she had to raise big geese when she went back.

At first, the couple refused to agree, thinking that the daughter was just a whim.

"Last month, you said you wanted to raise a puppy, but now you want to raise a big goose. Think about it every time you think about it."

"Mom, I don't want to keep puppies anymore. I want to raise big geese. The other friends keep cats and dogs as pets. I'm the only one who raises big geese. How interesting it is."

The little girl's words inspired Yunmo.

She hadn't figured out what to do with the two big white geese. Compared with chicken, the meat of goose was a bit fishy. She didn't like to eat it very much, and she didn't dare to kill the geese. Why don't you just keep them and treat them as two pets? The goose is ready.

When pets are raised, it is natural to give them a name.

Yunmo stared at the pure white feathers of the two geese for a while, and soon had an idea in her heart.

"Dabai Erbai, drink water."

While the couple was taking their children to the dining car for dinner, Yunmo untied the goose's beaks, fed them with spiritual spring water, and whispered to the two big geese: "I will call you Dabai and Erbai from now on. You have a big head, so you can eat it." I will call you Dabai, you have a small head, so I will call you Erbai, you must remember your names, understand?"

At this time, Yunmo didn't know that geese were divided into male and female, the one with the big head was only the male goose, and the one with the smaller head and delicate body was only the female goose.

After two days and one night's journey, the train finally arrived in Jiang City smoothly.

Yun Mo walked out of the station with a backpack and a bamboo cage in her hand. Just as she was about to hail a taxi, there was another person in front of her.

Today's update is complete, Erbai is online~

(end of this chapter)