On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 The bracelet is mine, not stolen

"I'll keep the bracelet first, and we'll return it to Mrs. Yan after the wedding is over, and apologize to her by the way. Mrs. Yan has a generous personality. As long as you sincerely admit your mistakes and apologize, she will forgive you."

Yun Yao said, bending down to pick up the bracelet on the ground.

Yunmo picked up the gold bracelet on the ground before the other party moved, and admired it in the sunlight, and let the surrounding crowd see the whole picture of the gold bracelet clearly.

The chopstick-thin bracelet body is intricately and exquisitely crafted. Several pesized pigeon blood rubies are inlaid on the bracelet body.

After admiring the bracelet, Yunmo asked the few daughters who pointed out the origin of the bracelet just now, "You said just now that you saw the bracelet fall from me with your own eyes, right?"

"Yes, I can see clearly!"

"I saw it too."

Hearing affirmative answers from several people, Yunmo nodded in satisfaction, "Then I say this bracelet is mine, and everyone has no objection? After all, money touches people's hearts, who knows if someone will jump out and say that the bracelet is hers later?" Woolen cloth."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

This Miss Yun family is probably not a fool. At this time, she doesn't want to find a way to clear up the charge of being a thief, but she is still greedy for money to claim the dirty things?

The guests had the mentality of watching a show and eating melons, but Ling Jiang, the host, couldn't sit still.

This wedding is just short of the last step, so why did it happen?

These younger siblings are also real, they don't know how to do it secretly when stealing things, and now they are exposed in public, and they don't know how many arrangements and jokes they will suffer from neighbors in the future.

Although Ling Jiang is the eldest brother, the person who makes decisions in the family has always been his younger brother Ling Chuan.

He pulled Ling Chuan and signaled his younger brother to find a way to solve the farce in front of him so that he could continue to finish the wedding.

But Ling Chuan turned a deaf ear to his elder brother's reminder, his dark eyes fixed on the bride who was two steps away.

It is said that the fake daughter of the Yun family is stupid and cunning, but in his opinion, the woman in front of him is not only not stupid at all, but has a calmness and intelligence beyond ordinary people.

He was very curious about how she could break the current predicament.

Yun Yao almost laughed when she heard that Yun Mo recognized the bracelet.

She hasn't done anything yet, this idiot actually didn't call himself out!

"Xiao Mo, you admit that you stole the bracelet?"

Yunmo picked out her ears, and her beautiful almond eyes looked at the other person in surprise, "You look young, only in your 30s, and your ears are receding?"

Yun Yao's complexion suddenly became ugly.

She is the same age as Yunmo, both of whom have just turned 18. Why do you say she looks like 30? Is she that old! ?

If Yunmo knew Yunyao's inner thoughts, she would definitely yell that she was wronged, she was clearly telling the truth.

It may be because she grew up in the countryside and lacked maintenance. Yunyao's skin is a little dark yellow and rough, and her face is dry and dry. With her hair and makeup, she looks very old-fashioned.

Yunmo said that she looks like 30 years old is really no exaggeration.

Yun Yao held back her anger and pretended to be aggrieved, "Xiao Mo, just now you said that this bracelet is yours."

Yunmo nodded, "Yes, I said the bracelet is mine, but I didn't say I stole it."

Yun Yao pointed to the bracelet that Yun Mo held in her hand, "But this bracelet belongs to Mrs. Yan, half a month ago she held a banquet at home, you and I both went, and Mrs. Yan wore this bracelet at that time. At the end of the day, Mrs. Yan's bracelet was lost, and they could all testify."

Several daughters who were cueed by Yunyao nodded their heads one after another.

Yunmo looked at the other party curiously, "You say this bracelet belongs to Mrs. Yan, what evidence do you have?"

"The bracelet is inlaid with six prismatic rubies, and the inner side of the bracelet is engraved with Mrs. Yan's surname, in seal characters of Song."

Yunmo praised in an unclear manner, "It seems that it took a lot of effort to understand so much."

Yun Yao explained: "When the lady at the banquet talked to us about the origin of the bracelet, this bracelet was a token of love given to her by Mr. Yan during the engagement, and many people at the banquet knew about it. You said you were not feeling well that night , left the banquet early, not long after you left, Mrs. Yan's bracelet was lost..."

Yun Yao wanted to stop talking, but she almost pointed out that Yun Mo stole the bracelet because she was afraid of being found out, so she left early.

"I see." Yunmo smiled, "However, this bracelet of mine is not the one that Mrs. Yan lost."

Yunyao showed heartache and helplessness, "Xiaomo, everyone has a time when they are confused and do something wrong. If you know your mistakes, you can make a big difference. There are witnesses and material evidences, so don't be obsessed with it."

"It is indeed a good moral character to correct a mistake, but the problem is, I didn't steal anything, why should I admit it?"

Speaking, Yunmo spread out her palms, the golden bracelet looked extraordinarily beautiful and dazzling in the snow-white palms.

"Ah, this bracelet really doesn't belong to Mrs. Yan."

"how do you know?"

"Didn't Yun Yao just say that there are six rubies on Mrs. Yan's bracelet, but there are seven rubies on this bracelet!"


Hearing a daughter's reminder, Yun Yao quickly took the gold bracelet in Yun Mo's hand, counted it, and there were indeed seven rubies on it.


Yun Yao counted twice and rubbed her eyes, but there were still seven rubies on the bracelet.

It shouldn't be, how could this happen? This bracelet was obviously stuffed on Yunmo's body by her own hands, why is there an extra ruby?

"Have you seen it clearly? Do you want someone else to look at it for you?"

Yun Yao raised her head, met Yun Mo's smiling and vivid face, and said in a broken voice, "What did you do!?"

Yunmo showed a surprised expression, "Your words are puzzling. In the public, with so many pairs of eyes watching, isn't it clear what I did? My bracelet fell off, and I picked it up. It's that simple."

Yun Yao raised the bracelet, "There should be six rubies on it!"

Tsk tsk, are you in a hurry? The heroine in the book is nothing more than that.

Yun Mo took a light breath, meeting Yun Yao's aggressive aura, her eye circles suddenly turned red, and crystal tears fell down.

Yunmo's eyebrows and eyes were already well-developed, but now she was crying silently, not only did she not look embarrassed, but on the contrary she looked more beautiful and weak, which made me feel pity.

"On the day Mrs. Yan hosted the banquet, I left early because I was pushed into the lake and I was completely soaked.

I don't have Mrs. Stealing Yan's bracelet. I bought this bracelet secretly with the pocket money I've accumulated over the years. It was originally intended to be a birthday present for my mother, as a repayment for the 18 years of nurturing.

Yunyao, I know you hate me for occupying 18 years of your life and causing you to suffer for 18 years, but I am also a victim.

In order to make up for what I owe you, I usually try my best to tolerate you at home, and obey my parents' arrangement to get married. I won't compete with you for anything in the future, but why don't you let me go? "

(end of this chapter)