On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The wedding scene is slandered as a thief

The Crown sedan soon stopped in front of a dilapidated and narrow alley.

The alley was too small for a car to drive in. Yunmo was covered with a red hijab again, got out of the car and walked into the alley with the support of two women.

The alley is not only small, but the road surface is also very broken. If you accidentally step on a loose floor tile, you will be splashed with mud and water.

Yunmo before wearing the book is a young lady from a top-notch family. She has a prominent family background and a delicate body.

If it wasn't for being supported by two women, I don't know how many times I fell.

The young ladies who followed behind complained incessantly, while covering their noses with handkerchiefs in disgust.

"My God, can people live in this kind of place? It's dilapidated and smells so bad that I'm about to vomit."

"Be patient, anyway, we only come here once in this life, and Yunmo will live here for the rest of his life."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being excited again, and even the smell didn't feel so bad.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, I finally stopped.

Amidst the deafening sound of firecrackers, the red hijab on Yunmo's head was lifted off. With a clear view, a tall man in a dark blue tunic suit came into view.

The opponent is very tall, Yunmo had to look up to see his face clearly.

With a darker complexion, thick eyebrows and black eyes, a high and straight nose bridge, a cold and clear facial contour, coupled with a strong and tall figure, Yunmo blushed instinctively due to the pressure brought by a male hormone heartbeat.

Yunmo couldn't understand that the original owner would dislike her husband with such a perfect appearance.

While Yun Mo was looking at Ling Chuan, Ling Chuan was also looking at her.

He had heard about the notorious reputation of his new wife, and he was ready to marry a **** back home. After all, this marriage was just a transaction.

But out of his expectations, the bride is not only not ugly, but beautiful as a fairy, especially a pair of eyes, which are big and round, with slightly raised eye tails, and moist and clear pupils, as if they can reflect his shadow.

Even the mature and steady Ling Chuan couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

"Chuanzi, don't be dazed, the time is almost up, it's time to pray to heaven and earth."

Reminded by his elder brother Ling Jiang, Ling Chuan shyly withdrew his gaze, turned around and walked towards the gate without saying hello to Yunmo.

Yun Mo froze in place at a loss, until she was pushed by someone, and then staggered to catch up with the bridegroom in front.

"This kind of dilapidated house is not even as good as my servant's."

"Why don't you ask Yunmo another day, would you like to be a servant in your house?"

"She is also worthy. My family also has requirements for finding a servant, okay? At least she is down-to-earth and quick-witted. With her lazy and work-like virtue, I don't even want to be my nanny for free."

Hearing the belittling and bullying of Yunmo by the young ladies, Yun Yao was extremely happy in her heart, but she didn't show the slightest bit on her face.

"Since you're all here, let's go in and attend the wedding together. You'll be happy."

Everyone came here to watch Yunmo's joke, so they were naturally very happy to hear it.

Across the knee-high threshold is a small courtyard. At this time, there is a square table in the middle of the small courtyard. On the square table are lit candles, sweets and cakes, and memorial tablets.

Ling Chuan's parents have both passed away, and there are no other close relatives and elders in the family, so he can only use the tablets of his parents instead.

"Worship heaven and earth, parents, and husband and wife."

Yunmo ignorantly followed the bridegroom's movements, feeling dizzy in her head, feeling like she was dreaming.

She who has never been in love in two lifetimes is getting married now?

"Courtesy, the couple toasts to the guests."

With the sound of singing, a ceramic bowl was stuffed in Yunmo's hand. Looking at the clear wine swaying in the ceramic bowl, something flashed in Yunmo's mind, but before she could think about it, she was caught by the "bang" at her feet. The sound of gold and stone hitting attracts attention.

Looking down, there was a gold bracelet inlaid with rubies lying on the ground.

The weather is good today. Under the sunlight, the bracelet is shining golden, which is particularly eye-catching.

"My God, such a big gold bracelet is estimated to cost two to three thousand yuan?"

"More than that, you didn't see that there are several rubies on the bracelet, which cost at least four to five thousand yuan!"


The guests in the small courtyard all gasped.

In these years, the monthly salary of ordinary people is only 20 to 30. It takes eight years of work without food or drink to be able to buy such a gold bracelet.

At this time, one of the young ladies who watched the excitement shouted in surprise: "I remembered, isn't this bracelet the one that Mrs. Yan Jia lost some time ago?"

"Yes, it's Mrs. Yan's one! I remember it very clearly." Another young lady echoed.

"Who is Mrs. Yan Jia?"

Another Qianjin lady explained: "I moved here from other places some time ago. I was abroad before. I heard that the family is specialized in import and export trade. It has a lot of background."

"Oh, so that's the case, no wonder I haven't heard of it before."

"Since this is Mrs. Yan's lost bracelet? Why is it here?"

A young lady pointed at Yunmo, "I just saw that it fell from Yunmo's body!"

"Yes, I saw it too!"

"Why is the bracelet that Mrs. Yan lost on Yunmo's body?"

"I don't need to ask, she must have stolen it!"

Before Yunmo could speak, everyone accused her of being a thief.

Yun Yao stood on the sidelines and looked at the scene she had carefully designed, feeling extremely happy.

Looking at the young ladies and guests with disdainful eyes, and looking at Yun Yao's surprised but malicious face, Yun Mo understood.

This is a bureau specially set up for her. The purpose, of course, is to make her infamous reputation even more stinky.

If she can't clean up her innocence today, her reputation as a thief will resound throughout Jiangcheng as soon as the wedding is over.

Yunmo is not the original owner's kind of idiot who has nothing but beauty and no brains, and only makes noise when encountering things.

She gave the group of young ladies a cold look, "Now is a society ruled by law, and you can't convict others with your mouth. If you can't produce evidence, shut up, or believe it or not, I will sue you for slander and rumors. Immediately arrest all of you and send them to prison for reform through labor!"

Probably frightened by Yunmo's words, several young ladies fell silent.

Yunyao naturally can't just sit back and watch Yunmo break the situation so easily, "Xiaomo, you can tell your parents if you need money, or else I can lend you pocket money for emergency. How can you do such a foolish thing?"

After admiring the tea performance in Yunyao's tea, Yunmo asked amusedly, "What did I do? Why don't I know?"

Yunyao looked at the surrounding crowd in embarrassment, and made a look of helplessness, "Forget it, let's talk about the bracelet in private, there are so many people here, it will be bad for your reputation if you make a big fuss."

Yunmo almost didn't laugh out loud, does she still have a reputation?

(end of this chapter)